
Umar Zameer’s lawyer: ‘We knew the truth’


Umar Zameer’s lawyer: ‘We knew the truth’

#Umar #Zameers #lawyer #knew #truth

On Sunday, jurors found Umar Zameer not guilty of all criminal charges, including first-degree murder, in the death of Toronto police officer Det.-Const. Jeffrey Northrup nearly three years ago.

Metro Morning host David Common spoke with Zameer’s lawyer Nader Hasan about the verdict, and how officials handled the case.

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criminal lawyer , Umar Zameer’s lawyer: ‘We knew the truth’, Umar Zameer,Toronto,Ontario,crime,justice,court case,Jeffrey Northrup,jury,lawyer,news

24 thoughts on “Umar Zameer’s lawyer: ‘We knew the truth’”

  1. Police inquiry / arrest protocols to be improved esp. plainclothes. This incident and trial clarified another incident where saw cops in jeans and t-shirt take down a guy on the street who surprisingly did not resist and was wondering if in the US with carry laws would have been the same ?

  2. Chief of Police needs to immediately resign. If he had said it was an unfortunate tragedy we could let this slide but by saying they wanted a different outcome when it’s clear he was an innocent man, he has to go in addition to all the police that committed perjury.

  3. TPS is gna make this man's life miserable… he's gna get a battery charge for shaking someone's hand.

  4. Imagine the child sitting in the back how traumatised must he be the wife who was pregnant at the time and what happened abt the person who had got stabbed? Where is the culprit??? To target a family for that is unspeakable

  5. Is Mayor Chow gutless and spineless not to order a public inquiry regarding what happened in order to restore the public’s faith in the Toronto Police ??

  6. Toronto police ought to be ashamed of themselves for lying repeatedly!!!! They tried to entrap an innocent family man who was only looking out for his pregnant wife and kids. I hope Omar sues Toronto Police into the STONE AGE !!!! And i hope the widow should also sue Toronto Police for lying to her the entire time. The police keep acting like thugs and then wonder why there's soo much public mistrust.

  7. Glad to hear the truth came out and justice prevails. If only there was a dash cam on Zameer's car, this case may not have drag on for 3 years. If this case teach us anything aside from the obvious is that we all should get a dash cam.

  8. The whole country knew the truth, I've never seen so many people stand up for one guy's acquittal. He was bound to win on appeal anyhow, this case had no motive.

  9. The Toronto Chief of Police should step down for continuing to say that he wished a different outcome. It was a tragedy upon a tragedy, totally caused by the Toronto Police Services poor training and corrupt culture.

  10. Can you imagine how many people are in prison right now because of corrupt policing? From chief down, clean house

  11. He was guilty. However, he is East Indian and he doesn't have to go to jail. If it was me I would spend life behind bars.


  13. Isn’t this beyond evil? Isn’t this beyond disturbing?When Canadian police officers perpetuate a lie; the lie has been caught; and yet the police officers hoped the lie had been accepted? They hoped to put an innocent man behind bars based on their lies. And they get to do that with impunity. And how many Cdn citizens are behind bars bc of Cdn police officers’ lies? “Serve and protect” has been replaced with “Dis-serve and harm”.

  14. Can't believe someone can run over a police officer or anyone and not be held accountable. He may not be guilty of murder but he is guilty of killing someone. I hope the family sue Zameer.

  15. Of course we ALL knew the truth. The only people who didnt was the Toronto police, CBC and the leftstream media.

    Reminds me of the splitscreen when the OJ verdict came out. You had the contrast of the 'white vs black' reactions.
    Same here.
    Most of us in the BIPOC community think this should have never gone to trial since it was a pure accident and we're outraged that cops would commit perjury in describing what happened. Furthermore, how are we supposed to know who's a cop and who's not when you're approached in an underground paring garage by dudes in bermuda shorts and lounge-wear?

    Yet in the white community (including mainstream media) you are all shocked that the verdict is not-guilty.
    WTF is the deal with these huge, dramatic pregnant pauses at 11:00? Gimme a break. How about you all investigate how and why cops are running around in plain clothes (flips flips and bermuda shorts in parking garages late at night and we're supposed to stop if they come yelling at us banging on our windows?
    Breaking News my ass. These people should be outraged of the behaviours of their collegue's disgusting actions… not the verdict.

    The verdict is 100% correct and this trial should never had happened.

  16. Telling the truth always works because it only has one narrative. Lies must always change to maintain any sort of narrative.

  17. Well done very proud of you you should now sue those 3 police Constables for lying to the court of justice also police should open investigations concluded by these 3 cops to see previously they have put innocent people to prison

  18. This prosecution was an embarrassment to the police and attorney general’s office. Talk to your local MP and MPP folks – this could happen to ANY OF US.

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