
Ultra-Orthodox Israelis resist push for military service โ€ข FRANCE 24 English


Ultra-Orthodox Israelis resist push for military service โ€ข FRANCE 24 English

Ultra-Orthodox Jewish parties are resisting pressure to lift exemptions of religious students from military duty, as Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu struggles to preserve his coalition and spread the wartime burden across society.
#Israel #ultraOrthodox #military

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english , Ultra-Orthodox Israelis resist push for military service โ€ข FRANCE 24 English , #UltraOrthodox #Israelis #resist #push #military #service #FRANCE #English
, Benjamin Netanyahu,Gaza,Gaza Strip,Hamas,Israel,Israelis,Jerusalem,Middle East,Netanyahu,Palestine,Palestinian territories,Palestinians,Ultra-Orthodox,army,humanitarian crisis,military,religion,religious,security,violence,war

27 thoughts on “Ultra-Orthodox Israelis resist push for military service โ€ข FRANCE 24 English”

  1. It seems absurd that any group of people is allowed to force others to fight for them.

    I would like to hear more about why this community believes they should not be required to enlist like everyone else in their nation.

  2. 2nd: Q1 – What's wrong w/ my unpopular view? Israel ๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ฑ is a hero and is freeing Palestine ๐Ÿ‡ต๐Ÿ‡ธ from Hamas by doing the exact opposite of the g word everyone accused Israel of – Israel is actually the saviour of the Palestinians.

    Q2 – Where can I find someone else who's actually said this before? Many pro-Israel agree with me, but they haven't seen anyone before me.

    Matthew 5:11

    People argue if Israel is or isn't committing genocide, but I've never seen anyone argue that Israel is doing the exact OPPOSITE of genocide. So, well, I could be wrong.

    Israel won the 3rd arab war in 6 days, yet Hamas hasn't been beaten after months. I read if Israel didn't care about civilian casualties, even if they didn't nuke, then this war would've been over in weeks with hundreds of thousands in casualties.

    In the 1st Arab war, the Arabs were supposed to be the saviour of the (Arab) Palestinians from the evil UN partition plan. Now Israel is saving the Palestinians from the evil UN that votes for a ceasefire. Looks like Israel has done a better job of saving Palestinians in the last few months than the Arabs did in the last 75 years.

    Israel saves the Palestinians
    – politically from a dictatorial regime that steals from them and
    – morally by dropping leaflets & providing aid & corridors which the ww2 allies never did in Dresden.

    Despite all the baseless accusations, the deaths incurred that they see on a daily basis and the ceasefire calls, Israel still perseveres in the prosecution of this war to defend not just Jews but Arabs and still provides aid instead of being spiteful like 'Oh you think we're evil after all the aid we've provided? Ok let's see how you like it when we turn off the aid.'

    – Israel is condemned despite giving aid to the FOREIGN Palestinians.
    – No one cares when Hamas steals aid from its OWN people!

    I wonder if this magnanimity goes beyond Judaism. I don't recall anything as explicit as this in the old testament. Like Jesus takes a step further to say 'love your enemies.' Israel has no obligation to save the Palestinians who voted Hamas into power. Yet Israel does!

    I think this view might be unpopular because unfortunately Israel doesn't have that many vocal defenders who are non-Israeli & gentile, so Israel is just humbly saying as a matter of fact that they're not committing war crimes. They can't say further because if an Israeli or a Jew says so then it sounds arrogant (maybe like Numbers 12:3 if Numbers was written by Moses) – Israel is actually a SAVIOUR/HERO of the Palestinians – the exact OPPOSITE of a war criminal.

    Israel saves despite being reviled. This is exactly what Jesus did! Jews are more Christian than Christians! I mean look what Pope Francis has said and even HASN'T said about this situation. Disappointing. Tsk tsk.

    You'd think Pope Francis, who's read the new testament a million times while the Jews haven't, would bring this up but nada.

    Or if anyone's already seen a view like this then please tell me where I can read about it.

    Happy Easter, Ramadan and Passover!

  3. "Israel is a settler colonial
    project that is nearing its end,as colonial projects reach their final phase become more brutal and ruthless." – llan Pappe

  4. As an outsider looking in, what I see and have heard is they don't serve, they wont defend the country, most don't work, they complain about everything, they needlessly complicate Israeli politics. What do they contribute? What purpose do they serve?

  5. the torah says that the ruling class must live in and amongst the world. it does not say the ruling class should live in isolation separate from the world in their own land.

  6. From the point of view of a Christian soldier, ultra-Orthodox Jews' resistance to fight for God is acting like devils.

  7. Ultra Orthodox appear to be the only true believers in the tenets of their religion. Bravo for them. THOU SHALL NOT KILL. They are embarrassing the rest of the so-called Jewish Society, who are only religious in name, not in deed.

  8. I don't understand it. Why force the religious people to fight in the army where they may be put in a position that they may have to kill someone(against their religion) essentially if you force them they 'won't take the shot' which acts as a deficiency in the military and not a boost to military.

  9. Judaism and Judaism are at quarrel…the prophecy does not say anything like that. It's a mess

  10. Why fighting orthodox when you can actually be fights on the battle ground . You ask others to do what you can't do

  11. Height of hypocrisy that ultra orthodox aren't required to serve in the military of the conflicts they push.

  12. they shouldn't be forced to serve. we have sects here in America who are pacifists and refuse to engage in war. i believe they're allowed to do other tasks and are called conscientious objectors?

  13. "Let others bear my burden, others above whom I hold myself. It is their lowly duty!" Truly deplorable.

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