
Ukraine warns front ‘worsened’ as Russia claims fresh gains โ€ข FRANCE 24 English


Ukraine warns front ‘worsened’ as Russia claims fresh gains โ€ข FRANCE 24 English

Ukraine’s army leader admitted Sunday that Kyiv’s position on the battlefield has worsened after Russian forces captured another village in the east, pressing their advantage in manpower and ammunition. Russia’s troops are advancing in the eastern Donetsk region as Kyiv awaits the arrival of much-needed US weapons that it hopes will stabilise the fragile front lines. France 24’s correspondent in Kyiv Gulliver Cragg has the latest.
#Ukraine #war #Russia

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english , Ukraine warns front ‘worsened’ as Russia claims fresh gains โ€ข FRANCE 24 English , #Ukraine #warns #front #worsened #Russia #claims #fresh #gains #FRANCE #English
, Russia,Russian militry,Ukraine,Ukrainian military,advances,aid,captured,front,military aid,munitions,villages,war,war in Ukraine,weapons

38 thoughts on “Ukraine warns front ‘worsened’ as Russia claims fresh gains โ€ข FRANCE 24 English”

  1. Great news over my breakfast! Well done Russia – liberating Europe from fascism for the second time ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‡ฌ๐Ÿ‡ง๐Ÿ‡ท๐Ÿ‡บ

  2. "Carrots and stick" tactics to boast Zelensky's impressive defence force. I know the sticks come in the form of sending hardmen to round up people on the streets, and bundled them to the recruitment centres. May I suggest a better way….a nice juice carrot? Here is s sample of the advert …
    "Exciting opportunity for those who are adventurous in spirit. It would a job with changing scenery everyday. You will learn to drive a 44 Tonnes Abrams tank, or to send projectiles 40 Km away, better than the fireworks you played. New recruits will receive an all expenses paid holiday in Spain, but ONLY AFTER you finished serving your motherland."

  3. The worst-case is yet to come prevention is better than cure negotiation before the collapse ukraine can get more money but it can't get more time… time is precious

  4. But i was clearly told that ukraine was winning and russians were down to shovels and washing machine chips. You didnt lie to us did you? ๐Ÿ˜‚

  5. Come on, most of the 61 billion is spent in the United State and it will not result in weapons! Please let us to know at the end which and how many weapons Ukraine will receive!

  6. Go Russia I heard they blew up a train carrying a ton of weapons, in three months the 60 billion will be embezzled by Zelensky an biden.

  7. Ukraine is severely undermanned but refuses to use its young men. They recently lowered the draft age from 27 to 25. Why not lower the age to 18 if they're so desperate for able-bodied men? Instead, they've been forcing fat and out of shape men in their 50s to fight on the front line. Where's the logic in that?

  8. Ukraine has no fighting army anymore. We the people who donโ€™t get news from Western media outlets already know it. Ukraine has lost close to 500 thousand soldiers.

  9. Maybe Ukraine should buy a lot of shovels and washing machine chips instead of over priced western military hardware junks to win this war just like Russian did ๐Ÿ˜‚

  10. Russian army besieged Kyiv a few days after the Feb 2022 invasion. They had a 40 miles convoy sitting outside Kyiv. Zelensky to save Kyiv deceived Russia by pretending that he would accept the Istanbul piece deal and not join NATO. Russia lifted the siege and left Kyiv suburbs. The rest is history. Russia will not be deceived again๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ™

  11. A year on from the massively hyped, "Spring Offensive," and we are seeing a decidedly different tone from western media. "Mobilization efforts" are a euphemism for, "there are no more soldiers available." Also, still no mention of a negotiated settlement by western media; yet that is what western think tanks like RAND Corporation have stated is the inevitable outcome for over a year now. It would be a lot cheaper for bankrupt western nations to freeze the front lines in a ceasefire and negotiated peace settlement, and just pay for deterrence. Russian demographics remain horrible and Putin is aging rapidly; time is not on Russia's side.

  12. Hundreds of Ukraine military men are being killed every day for American Hegemony.
    (Russians & Ukrainians are brothers)

  13. Get sky news Philip Ingram to analyse these situations. His expertise on Ukrainian victory and counting the days of the Special Military Operation is fantastic

  14. Have to keep props to Ukraine soldiers who a lot of these guys have been on the line fighting since the War started and that is a long damn time for any soldier. The most important thing for Ukraine is man power and they are running out of motivated recruits who are willing to sign up for the military and go to the front.

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