




This is the first video in a series I am making about the UK’s criminal justice system. This video outlines the stages of the system from start to the moment people enter custody. If you’re interested in what happens after what is covered in this video, watch the other videos in this playlist as they come weekly.

I believe that in these times of political unrest we are all striving for justice, putting a spotlight on our criminal justice system raises ethical questions which are important to explore if we want to live in a more just world. Times are changing and I believe it’s time for the criminal justice system to change too. This video is really just to outline the stages of the system and I will be exploring the ethics and many other aspects in coming videos.

Comment and let me know what your thoughts are, if you found this educational or boring, let me know!

MUSIC BY GUYDABORED – (@guydabored on Instagram and all other streaming platforms)
criminal law , UK CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEM, criminal justice system,criminal,justice,system,prison,criminal justice system uk,uk prisons,prisons,poor conditions,punishment,ethics,philosophy,court,law,law and order,laws,jury,britain,england,english criminal justice system,prisons in England,prions in the uk,bad,jail,penitentiary,lockup,bad conditions in prison,human rights,amnesty,crime,accused,rehabilitation,education,penology,committed,caught,police,warning,caution,detained,evidence,crown prosecution,society,guilty


  1. The probation service turn the truth in to a lie and a lie in to the truth when you live in reverse l.i.v.e it becomes evil
    their workforce is abolutely being sucked into the energy of darkness and they dont even realize it but they work for darkness.

  2. I was assaulted several times over the weekend of July 23-26. July 26, I keeping to myself. My wife started an argument resulting in a glass of whiskey being thrown over me. She denied throwing it in court. My wife has a burn on the outside of her upper left arm. It is alleged that I hit a pan on the stove while she was cooking causing the burn. It is not true, and there is no evidence to suggest otherwise. Her story changed 3 times in court. My statement never changed. The judge found me guilty…I do not understand how a court can decide I am guilty when there is no actual evidence (I didn't do it). I have been assaulted for 2 years (following an affair which I had), i have even shown police video evidence. They always arrest me on her accusations. Do you know of anyone who would like to try and fix the system? Surely it can be done? Any further channel recommendations? I am considering an appeal to the crown court.

  3. This video has helped me so much with understanding my induction work for a criminology degree, your explanations have made it so much clearer! x

  4. Brave lady to take on this problem within our society. I did three years as a volunteer in a UK prison and was disgusted to see what is really happening as a result of no reform. Some corrupt barristers and solicitors and how they simply steer or agree case outcomes. I met many in prison who were totally framed by the free legal aid system and one lady is currently doing 24 years and was not even at the murder…she was at home sleeping at the time yet they managed to frame her. The level of corruption in the UK is phenomenal….in actual fact if the general public knew how unsafe it is to live here they would either insist on change or move to another country. Magistrates are ordinary people in society who volunteer to be judges and is usually ego driven. Magistrates with no legal training and these days they have been given additional powers. You can be locked up by them for very little. Evidence is hard work so these days evidence is just not being validated correctly so people are being put away due to incriminating evidence, circumstantial evidence and anything else they can invent. Juries go with the newspaper story so you better hope your story was not covered by any of the rags if you are facing a pantomime court case. No reform whatsoever in prisons and the goal seems to be to break the first timer offenders and teach them how to use harder drugs/methadone and they will now be a repeat offender which will make outsourced prison companies like Sodexo a lot of money….they run so many of our prisons now. Tax payers money is being really wasted and our jails are a disgrace. Prison should be focussed on reform not punishment…remember one day they will be back out so would you like them to be reformed or hold hatred in their hearts for us due to the punishment they have been subject to?

  5. when it comes to criminal justice system workers your dealing with disordered damaged children in adults bodies the vast majority of the time offenders reaction feeds them what should be a person centred approach with offenders is normally a reaction focus interaction
    they inverted everything in to something it isnt =gaslighting its all reactional response behavior when advertising on indeed for the recruitment process they may as well say calling all narcissist and psychopaths because essentially that what the vast minority of them are narcissist and psychopaths are running the show

  6. Thank you for making this, cleared up some confusion.
    Can I without a solicitor take my ex employer to court due to a failure to discharge a duty of care?

  7. The justice system is a farce the courts are to Soft there is no deterent anymore everyone practically gets a suspended prison sentence and the police don't care

  8. Lets be honest the UK Justice System is now a pile of shite with leftwing Judges CPS no thought or interest is put towards the VICTIMS let's all feel sorry for the dead leg scum that's both MEN and Women, and there are homeless who have paid taxes and worked society I Like your explanation but not our system

  9. Currently doing an essay on the Criminal Justice Process and your video has been really helpful so thank you! Totally agree on how prisons are the opposite of helpful for rehabilitation. Something must be done! <3

  10. I'm from England, our "justice" system is one of the most pathetic and weak in the world. This is why people have lost faith in the police and laugh at them when they try to stop a crime. They practically have no powers. The uk justice system is disgusting from judges to the police. Its time to change that.

  11. Very interesting and informative videos. 👏. I look forward to watch more videos about prisons and Youth Justice ⚖

  12. I have just started studying professional policing at University and this video was soooo useful. Thank you!

  13. That video was perfect and not confusing at all! I've just stared studding criminology at University and this really helped!

  14. This is very informative, this level of explicitly needs to be taught to all especially from a young a age.

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