
Uh-Oh! Trump RAGES About His ‘Insufficiently Aggressive” Criminal Defense Lawyer


Uh-Oh! Trump RAGES About His ‘Insufficiently Aggressive” Criminal Defense Lawyer

#UhOh #Trump #RAGES #Insufficiently #Aggressive #Criminal #Defense #Lawyer

four Trumpworld sources said that Blanche isn’t being “aggressive” enough for Trump and he’s not too happy about the legal team’s pricetag:

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criminal lawyer , Uh-Oh! Trump RAGES About His ‘Insufficiently Aggressive” Criminal Defense Lawyer, News,Politics,Democratic Party,Republican Party,Liberalism,Right-Wing Politics,TYT Nation,Waldorf Nation,The Young Turks,Trump’s America

48 thoughts on “Uh-Oh! Trump RAGES About His ‘Insufficiently Aggressive” Criminal Defense Lawyer”

  1. Trump repeated attack on judges are pulling him toward the bottom and now his lawyers are not aggressive enough…Trump would like more weighty lawyer to help him sink faster. Way to go Sleepy Don!

  2. With his early dementia Trump is unable to be reasoned with and has a very limited and infantile understanding of strategy .

  3. In all fairness to the "Poor man," it's hard to mount an aggressive defense, when the client so frequently confesses.

  4. trump's lawyers add a premium because there's a high chance you're gonna lose your reputation and/or licence.

  5. My thought is that Trump’s usual playbook, while it can work on people outside a courtroom, it doesn’t work IN a courtroom and his brain just can’t handle that reality.

  6. Orange asshole wants a mistrial. He doesn't care if it costs a law license. Thefatfuck goes through law licenses like they're McDonald's napkins.

  7. With any luck, he'll fire his good attorneys and hire his shite ones and face maximum sentencing.

  8. At least someone will work for him otherwise tRump would get a public defender paid for by us.

  9. And, Todd Blanched watching his credibility and reputation erode before his eyes by following the demands of his delinquent client.

  10. “Not a lawyer” Trump has been playing quarterback with his lawyers, with predictable results.
    Trump also gets his “legal ideas” watching the pundits on Fox News, with predictable results.
    Trump is an idiot, with predictable results.

  11. Here we go, Trump wants to fire his lawyer so he can try and stall the trial. Boo, Hoo, Donnie.

  12. His lawyer should give the customer what he wants. Be a raging asshat to the judge and get your client convicted quicker.

  13. The translation of "😢his lawyer isn't sufficiently aggressive" is I am getting my ass whipped and I don't like it.

  14. Trumps a filthy animal that needs a vet more than a lawyer, you cant solve his guilt other than guilty but a vet could probably solve the stinky animal smells, thats got to be a winner, since the wins a few and far between, best he goes for a vet.

  15. If u r his lawyer u don't get payed if u defend garbage why r u surprised when u are treated like garbage get what u deserve

  16. You forget 45 has paid his lawyers from donated funds to his campaign. He hasn't paid a penny from his own funds. This has been his MO all of his life.

  17. I have told people 45 is not paying Blanche/Habba and probably most other lawyers. I am sure he stopped paying Blanche because the NY criminal case went to trial. Habba has lost him $5.5 million-E Jean Carroll No. 1, $91 million-E Jean Carroll No. 2, between $175 and $565 million-NY fraud case. I guarantee you 45 isn't paying them right now!!

  18. We live in a clown world. I've never seen such a victim mentality as I've seen on Trump- the leader of the people who decry the victim mentality of every progressive and woman and black person, etc lulz

    Make Antisocial Gross Again. Biden/Harris 2024💙🌊

  19. I can’t believe any lawyer would agree to represent the former president without getting the money up front! You’d have to be too stupid to pass the bar.

  20. Gangster John gotti even knew how to act in court. Trump may be the second coming of Lucifer 👺💩👻

  21. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. How did a lawyer think that being anywhere near DJT was a good, profitable idea?

  22. Donnie, fire this guy and bring back a real MVP like Alina Habba 👍🏼

  23. he's paving the way to fire his team in order to delay the trial.

    I wonder if he violates his other release agreements because of this….

  24. You know what's next, right? Accuse Blanche of being a Dem plant. Because Dumpy couldn't possibly be a criminal.

  25. Jestem wdzięczna za możliwość nawiązania kontaktu z niesamowitymi kobietami w tej społeczności i zainspirowania się nimi. Wspólna nauka i rozwój to zaszczyt.🍓

  26. if his lawyer doesnt get paid, no sympathy for him, he knew is was a snake when he took it in.

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