
Uber Driver Murder Case: Defendant’s Attorney Blames Shooting Victim


#Uber #Driver #Murder #Case #Defendants #Attorney #Blames #Shooting #Victim

William Brock’s attorney believes #Uber driver Loletha Hall is at fault for breaking into the defendant’s home. The Uber driver was shot and killed by the 81-year-old Ohio man after both received scam calls.

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41 thoughts on “Uber Driver Murder Case: Defendant’s Attorney Blames Shooting Victim”

  1. I helped a friend clean an elderly client’s home years ago. This woman was a retired attorney so no fool. But I answered her phone for her, then called her to the phone. We had no idea in 2014 about these scams but we felt HORRIBLE after the fact because she sent these criminals $1,000! They told her that her grandson was being held in a Mexican prison🤦🏻‍♀️ Fortunately she had family to look after her safety thereafter.

  2. Feels so threatened he has to chase down and shoot an unarmed old woman but doesn’t call the police or even lock his front door?!? Sure buddy!

  3. There really are some just TERRIBLE HORRIBLE people in this world. How can this attorney say the crap he just rambled.

  4. This is so sad, I don't think he should b in jail there's proof they was both involved in some kinda setup scam..

  5. Per the video she surely didn’t look like she was going to kill him while she was trying to get away from him! What a crock of crap! He’s guilty and he knows it!

  6. But the woman was pleading that she is an uber driver, I bet racism is involved in this case. Would he have shot a white woman. This is BS and ridiculous

  7. This is the type of evil we live in where people see right as wrong and wrong as right 🤦🏽‍♀️

  8. ‘Hmmm what can we say ? we’ll say she broke into your house and even tho there’s no evidence of that it’ll be your word against hers .. oh wait !! .. ‘

  9. That Attourney is victimblameing her… that is SO wrong ! She was no threat ! She was a victim herself and SHE was killed by HIM !!! HE was far to entitled to murder her ! The poor family who have to through hell because of how he acted ! I saw the video where she screamed and pled for her life !! SHE is the biggest victim who lost her life only to him.overreacting in this deadly way… How dare what HE did to her… There was no selfdefence in that drastic way nessesary …. Iam so sorry for her and her family.. my deepest condolences …

  10. The old man was not bleeding when he was in that video chasing the uber driver. Yet he is bleeding when the cops arrived! Did he intentionally cause this to himself to say the uber attacked him?

  11. 🤔
    He was scared, angry, confused-state of mind was questionable up until that trigger was pulled.
    She was scared
    He acted in fear

    She was intimidated
    Falsely Imprisoned
    Murdered in cold blood

    I dont think he realized that the car had a camera. He called the police in hopes to clear himself. He could have shot her tires out or even just hold her at gun point until law enforcement arrived. Shooting her was a retalition because he thought she was apart of a scam… when did money become more important than human life? (Rhetorical) She did not pose a threat physically, verbally or otherwise. Taking the law into your own hands is not self defense.

  12. It will depend on whether he believed he was going to die and can he convince the jury. He has a good chance and no other route to go really. He should plead if there’s a deal on the table.

  13. lol, way to coach your dementia client. Probably no video…they're trying to make it "he said vs he said" since she's dead and cannot defend herself.

  14. This man and his attorney are the epitome of evil.
    Making up a lie, because that part wasn't caught on tape.
    Disgusting people!

  15. I don’t believe this one bit. She was walking with her back to him trying to get to her vehicle. This dude is the reason why so many despise lawyers.

  16. Such a tradgedy going both ways… but between whoever this man spoke to on the phone and the victim allegedly over-stepping her boundaries on his property… it sounfs like enough to get just about anybody to quite timidly be on their toes. This 81 year old (as vulnerable as he is) could've perhaps even thought it wise ahead of time… to shoot this woman (as a "better safe than sorry" concept) on any first occasion that she displays or successfully becomes aggressive. That said, a car door could techincally be considered a weapon (it obviously could deal clearly notable damage) and is enoufh to stun somebody long enough for the attacker to seek another means of physical offensiveness (perhaps even fstally). And although shooting the victim while she's on the ground can also seem to be something of unecesary from a perspective… however, once again… the "better safe than sorry" concept when your a puzzled 81 year old (and perhaps something of heart stricken too) handling what appears to possibly be such a dangerous situation on your own… could've been a considerable concept for him.

  17. Both guests made good points.
    The first guest to speak was spot on with the victim not given the chance to get in her car and leave seeing she wasn't being aggressive and she seemed to have been getting ready to get in her car. That's the part that no longer makes the shooting self defense.
    The second guest made good points on where to begin with evidence. If the victim was an Uber driver, then investigators need to dig into both parties' phones to find Uber history. And if the victim was an Uber driver, why the hell would she break into the suspect's house.
    There are numerous misconceptions on both sides, but I feel the shooter should be found guilty.

  18. Definitely not self defense! They need to find those scammers too!! Who ever ordered her “the Uber” needs to be charged as well.

  19. Did he say with a straight face that he doesn't even know if she worked for Uber?! 😡😡😡

  20. She BROKE into his house. A uber driver DOESN'T break into his house. Why's she really there?
    Elderly people are SCAMMED AND ABUSED and fighting back. I don't blame him being scared. YOU DON'T BREAK INTO HIS HOUSE IF A UBER DRIVER. Prayers for him. He may have mental health issues.
    RIP sad all the way around.

  21. I’m a black man from Chicago so I know about white racist stuff but this isn’t about race, it’s about a old man being scammed and scared and I have seen a lot of scam stuff on YouTube so I know these old people be scared, but he still shouldn’t. Of shot her and I’m pretty sure she didn’t just walk in the house, he was basically waiting for whoever was coming to pick up the package and it happened to be a black woman

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