
TYT DESTROYS Crime Deniers


TYT DESTROYS Crime Deniers

#TYT #DESTROYS #Crime #Deniers

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In this video I discuss a recent segment on TYT where Cenk & Ana respond to a WaPo article that has some unhinged points on crime. I explain not only where I think Ana & Cenk are right but how Cenk brought up a point I almost never see brought up by anyone right or left

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#TYT #Crime #IamSean90

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criminal law , TYT DESTROYS Crime Deniers, Actual,Justice,Iamsean90,Sean,AJWSean,AJW,TYT,The Young Turks,Cenk Uygur,Progressive,TYT Network,Ana Kasparian,political establishment,Breaking News,Washington Post,retail thefts,Maura Judkis,zombie CVS,moral panic,Ana Kasparian Crime,Ana Kasparian Retail Theft,Retail Theft,Shoplifting,Cenk Is Right,Ana Kasparian Is Right,Crime Denial,TYT vs Crime Denial,TYT Vs The Left,Ana Kasparian Shoplifting,Ana,Kasparian,Cenk,Uygur

21 thoughts on “TYT DESTROYS Crime Deniers”

  1. Can we stop simping for left wing idiots just because they come half way towards the truth occasionally?

  2. That moment when TYT actually are somewhat based in a topic. Not often, but worth giving credit when credit is due.

  3. Yo , my country got invaded by the romans a very long time ago , erm I’m thinking how do I demand reparations ? The great pyramids were built by slaves, should we knock them down, and I knew somebody’s great great great great uncle, who was said slave so pass me some dough 🎉

  4. Cenk keeps bringing up unrelated topics because virtue signaling is a tool the left uses to subvert meritocracy. If you can pretend to care more, it doesn't matter if you have the slightest clue what you're talking about (when you're a leftist)

  5. i am the pedegree holder of van den berg…. if you know the cia, you know who i am, the rest is in dutch, it is about 911… the rest is in dutch….. ik ben w.j.j. van den berg, adel, stamboomhouder… (mn opa bekend van opstand in de turf) ben als kind door bijde ouders zwaar mishandeld… mcl leeuwarden stond er bij en keek er na, later via J.Tichelaar (pvda) bij compaz leeuwarden als labrat misbruikt (hoog iq/eq en dyslect) terwijl ze wisten dat ik thuis zwaar mishandeld werd… mn vader was ook in de politiek actief, die kindermishandelaar was voorzitter van de industriebond fnv leeuwarden H.J. van den Berg… hier gaan nog mensen de gevolgen van merken, ben nog niet klaar… heb geen overlijdensverzekering… ben hierdoor activis geworden (Netschaap).. betrokken bij netscape (johan gaastra bij betrokken), 911 (met politie heerenveen, andre uit gorredijk, kale lange peter uit heerenveen/joure, abdullah, jacob uit het leger), wesam, zwarte piet via conda lisa rise usa, assange via the piratebay… na 911 kwam de aivd indo albert via christien van koffieshop downtown leeuwarden in mn leven en wou mij veel geld aanbieden om mn leven na 911 weer op te bouwen (2 weken voor 911 mn werk op pauze gezet, op 911 op staande voet ontslag genomen bij lankhorst sneek, verdiende bruto 10.0000 gulden per 4 weken)… ben na 911 uit heerenveen vertrokken na een aanslag op mn leven via een overdosis in koffieshop start art.. toen ik terug kwam te wonen in heerenveen stond Peter van politie heerenveen daar mij op te wachten en vertelde mij dat hij de mensen heeft verteld dat ik alquida had gehacked.. even later (ongeveer 1 a 2 jaar via johan gaastra van canuppa kwam Bert Dalmolen in mn leven, heeft mij vele jaren gestalkt om aub de politiek in te gaan, hij heeft tevens met dat vrouw van kleur in mn relatie lopen kloten…. 2 jaar geleden in duitsland politie helicopter etc de hele mikmak om me heen in karlsruhe duitsland… aan zwartjes van politie heereneen, krijg de tering

  6. Native Americans are not native to America. They migrated here from Russia. The Altai region to be specific.

  7. I remember when AOC tried to make the excuse that people were looting entire stores and then burning them to the ground because they "needed loafs of bread". 🤣🤣🤣

  8. I like that you said it. Every stretch of land in the world has been conquered at some point. Acting like America as a whole is uniquely guilty is insane.

  9. 12:06 Yes, this is the critical point that the leftards refuse to acknowledge or admit…. When you control The $ threshold Of whether something is illegal or not… Like say anything less than $1,000 is a misdemeanor.. only crimes above that are going to be classified as felonies…


    And only of those woke Soros DAs And prosecutors charge the perpetrator with the crime… And follow through to conviction and sentencing And punishment…

    As it stands now. If the cops even arrest someone suspected of theft.. these das are transmogrifying felonies into misdemeanors and misdemeanors into citations or some lesser bureaucratic penalty… If the perpetrator is charged even for that lesser offense… The current practice now is to release no bail… And if there's a court date… By that time the prosecutor has watered down the charge administratively time served… Jail time is is almost always reduced or eliminated entirely….

    They do this because the crime is out of the public's mind…. The only one that's paying attention to this are the public defender, the prosecutor, and the maybe the judge… So these prosecutors just perform discretionary prosecutorial wizardry and make any consequences disappear..

  10. They were right grifters at one time then went left now they are grifting back right. They are slime that follow the trends and woke is dying.

  11. Biden has unlimited funds to give to other countries. And zero funds to give to the development of Police training and enforcement.
    This is what happened when they defund the police and don't care much about it. When the people in power have the money to protect themselves and pay for private security.
    What the country needs right now is a full martial law for a few years with most of the funds going to police funding, development and training.
    But the current leaders wont do that cause they like the corruption and skimming money from everything they can. Democrats are clearly useleless, corrupt and only care about their pockets and lost all sight about helping the people.

  12. I’ll be the first to tell you….Saint Petersburg shop lifting or misdemeanor theft is drastically down because Saint Petersburg Police is not enforcing crime.

    They’ve been ordered to stand down with proactive policing since the riots.

  13. The New York Govenour Hochul said with a straight face that she is deploying the national guards despite crime being down and only as a response to the perception of the people that crime has gotten worse
    Since when is it ok to deploy the national guard based on how people feel?

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