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criminal law , TYRANT ESCALATES TRAFFIC STOP!, 1st amendment audit,first amendment audit,deletelawz,delete,lawz,1st amendment audit fail,first amendment audit fail,back the blue,audit,transparency,ID Refusal,Cop Owned,Dirty Cops,Rights,Justice,Know Your Rights,America,Freedom,USA,American,Honor Your Oath,Rule Of Law,Facts,4th Amendment,5th Amendment,2nd Amendment,2A,6th Amendment,14th Amendment,8th Amendment,SCOTUS,Supreme Court,Case Precedent,Law Boy,Jurisprudence,Bill of Rights,Court,Jury,Liberty


  1. The cops have an incentive to make arrest and quota in tickets. Then the city makes money then the judge the jails etc. they make money it’s a money game. Who would’ve thought hmmmm maybe that’s why the United States has the one of the highest incarceration rate.

  2. What a dumbass he didn't pull him over he parked in a no parking zone so the driver is a dumbass doing that

  3. I dont get it. Hes in a no parking zone infront of a hydrant. Got caught being dumb breaking the law red handed 😅 why wouldnt he have to ID? Not typical for deletelawz video but i have to say with the info given the cop is chill doing his job the non law abiding citizen being difficult. Just saying 😅

  4. ITSA SHAME the law enforcement has degraded to rhe point that citizens must turn to study of the Constitution…..AND THAT DON'T WORK IN FREDERICK COUNTY MARYLAND…where rhe judges are all uncaught, uncatchable felons…

  5. Instead of being a wise ass to the cops and being argumentative, you can just appease his instruction and be done with it!! especially when you are in the wrong and know it. Has nothing to do with race, but being an idiot.

  6. Yes your parked infront of hydrant. Yes your violating a traffic law. Cop should of told you to move. Everyone goes there own way. Cop probably like the attitude

  7. Better not yell his wifes boyfriend he has this account, he might make a video about him 🤡 what a clown

  8. This guy is delusional and y’all follow what he says, it’s sad. He was clearly hurt by the system and has a strong bias against police. But saying we don’t need police is preposterous. Look at what’s happening in California when cops won’t enforce theft under $1000, businesses are leaving or shutting down because they got robbed daily. Wait until it’s your lively hood at stake and I guarantee you won’t have the same opinion.

  9. This is not an arrestable offense it's a parking ticket at most to the cop in this interaction is also an idiot in the wrong he's on a power trip

  10. This idiot poscaster is trying to exploit you silly sheeple he's trying to pander to the ignorant so he can sale you guys his useless pamphlet and opinions 🤷🏾‍♂️ he's the one that's trying to steal your money

  11. This one is really simple. You are not allowed to park near certain fire hydrants, because in case of emergency you might block first responders.

  12. The guy is infront of a fire hydrant in a no parking zone so yea it’s a small crime and he’s getting a ticket because of it the cop isent a pig thug he’s a guy doing his job and all your doing is accusing every cop of every crime because of another cop who did do something wrong just because there’s a bad cookie don’t associate every other good cookie

  13. Can you please put out some videos with Canadian laws. I'm in Toronto Canada and I respect what you doin 💯

  14. U americans make me sick u became so soft, how about u just respect police and listen to what they say, if you acted this disrespectfull to police anywere outside usa and their little proxy countries u would get ur ass beat and rightfully so

  15. Wow. And how many times do we see cruisers standing for extended periods in a FIRE LANE !?
    The audacity is obnoxious !

  16. The demonization of police is unreal. No, our job is not to cause harm, impound your car and arrest you out of spite. Not every police officer is like this. I have a disabled Christian mom I come home to everyday to take care of her. I have done everything in my power to make peoples lives better. I am a Godfearing man who fears retribution from God for wrongdoing and take accountability seriously. I use my powers of public safety to help people bro. I have NEVER mistreated anyone on the job. It doesn't do us good officers any justice when bad officers commit atrocities and most citizen believe that we are all demons in the flesh. Where does the good cops fit in?!? Where's the thank you and gratitude for the selflessness of the few?!

  17. So….the guy in the car was parked Illegally….in a no parking zone, in front of a hydrant….so tell me what is wrong with the police coming up to you and asking for ID?, since the man is ILLEGALLY parked, their asking for ID is not out of the ordinary nor is it unreasonable. And as for the whole.."what crime have i committed" folks out there, it is a traffic violation to be parked in a no parking zone, in front of a hydrant and as part of protocol, asking for ID is not beyond reason on the part of the officer.

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