
Twin Tricks Brother’s Girlfriend Into Sex. Criminal Impersonation.


Twin Tricks Brother’s Girlfriend Into Sex. Criminal Impersonation.

#Twin #Tricks #Brothers #Girlfriend #Sex #Criminal #Impersonation

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36 thoughts on “Twin Tricks Brother’s Girlfriend Into Sex. Criminal Impersonation.”

  1. This case is pretty rare and I can see pretending to be someone’s identical twin to get sex is assault . I think the gold diggers and someone lieing about their wealth or job or whatever is not criminal. Frankly, they are taking advantage of someone (generally a woman) who is willing to whore themselves out for some kind of monetary or status gain.

  2. Passing these laws would be a terrible idea. Jails couldn’t hold all the cheating ladies out there who say they don’t have a boyfriend when a cute guys hits them up. Same for the guys.
    Or the ladies who lie about body counts? Deception for sex happens all the time. Criminalizing it would upend society.

  3. By current law, it seems to be this was SA. She consented. However, to make these acts criminal, consent needs to be defined. And it already feels really vague. I mean, we’re at the place where it can be revoked whenever, even after sex happens.

    It’s a big mess. I think criminally, it’s not SA until laws are changed. Morally, it’s deplorable.

  4. Women lie all the time. It's called makeup. That's lying about their looks because they're putting a false front out there

  5. Ok, so make-up and filters constitute as fraud ? If I meet a "beautiful" woman on social media, we arrange a meeting to hook up and in the morning I can't even recognize her, will that count as C.I. ?

  6. My wife is a twin. There is absolutely no way the girlfriend didn’t know it wasn’t her boyfriend.

  7. I'm completely in limbo on this one. While I think what he did was completely wrong in every way, including criminal. I am really wondering if she truly did not know. I have never met a set of twins that you could not tell the difference and you would think she would know. IDK I'm not laying blame at her feet, but I just wonder. For me this falls along the same lines as a Trans person lying about their identity, only for the person to find out after getting intimate. It's a betrayal of the highest order and fall under criminality in my mind. idk that's just my opinion though.

  8. I think it has to be on a case by case basis. Like with the woman, being honest she wanted a rich man, turning the guy down, then going with him when he got in his flash car. She asked if it was a rental. She had ample time to find out, who he really was before, by getting to know him, before sleeping with him. The twin case completely different, she thinks it's her boyfriend, who she's already had sex with, because they are in a relationship. He not only deceived her, but his brother. She wouldn't assume a twin, could do that to his own brother, and there's only a certain point, she'd realise he's not her boyfriend, because their twins, plus he will be playing his brother's character, who better to know that, than an identical twin. The fact that he was an officer of the law, to do this, makes it doubly worse, that is not the kind of person you want turning up to a sexual assault incident.

  9. I find it hard to believe she couldn't see or FEEL the difference. from touch to smooch to doing it

  10. Did the guy lie – YES – Fraud
    Was it rape – NO – Consent was given.

    So here is where it SHOULD be a crime per other precedence.

    So lets change it up. Lets say Jared claimed to be a contractor for Ink Supplies Global, the regular supplier, and sent an invoice to Company A along with a package of assorted ink cartridges to the company. Company A, not doing the due diligence to verify that the contractor is legitimate and/or the invoice is correct, pays out the invoice. Did Jared commit a FEDERAL crime, Yes. mail fraud.

    Gilbert Michaels, 79, sentenced by US Distract Judge James V Selna to 4 years in federal prison in 12/2019.

    Did the guy lie – YES – Fraud
    Was it theft – NO – He mailed them actual printer toner.
    Yet its still a federal crime to scam using the federal mail system.

  11. If a woman removes her makeup after sex and she turns out to be hideous would that be assault by deception?

  12. Women lie about everything about them, like their hieght, the color of their hair, the thickness of their eye lashes, the complexion of their skin, the fullness of their breast.

  13. No this is not the same as the gold digger video. Regardless of the whore’s reason for consenting, money, she was aware that she was consenting to a stranger. Without taking the time to actually investigate the guy to see if he was being honest. The woman with the twin brother on the other hand thought she was consenting to someone she’s actually knows. Someone she’s been in a relationship with.

  14. Nah! It’s embarrassing and upsetting but laws like this are criminalizing things that are ethically wrong but not harmful to society in general.

  15. It would be so terrible though seeing what’s essentially your rapists face every time you look at your boyfriend. Not ever really being sure if it’s him that walked into your house or his crazy brother.

  16. There's a special place in hell for this kind of betrayal.

    Hasn't there been cases where people have been sued for fraud and misrepresentation for lies they told to get laid (how much money they have, their jobs, their natural gender, etc etc)

  17. It's interesting… I don't think a law around this would be bad, but it needs to be narrowly tailored. The way I see it written (as a non-lawyer) would be that if you impersonate another real person to have sex with someone, it should be rape/sexual assault. If you say you have money you don't have, you are simply lying about yourself and what you have, then due diligence is necessary on the part of the other party. There is the "gold digger" element in there as well, it's hard to feel bad for someone who only has sex with someone because they think they are rich. But if someone successfully impersonates their brother and has sex with someone under the guise that is the other person, I don't see how that wouldn't be rape/sexual assault. As a NJ resident, I don't trust a single one of these politicians to come up with a law that is that narrow.

  18. I say it's fraud because it's obvious trickery for a benefit, but I don't think it rises to the level of assault because it was consensual. It wasn't forced. She was an adult, and not reportedly intoxicated. And she didn't make any effort to mitigate damages. She walked right into it with open arms. That she has regrets afterward means lesson learned, but not liability for R.

  19. Man… Sad little pos of a human being. Hitting on your own twin brother's so. But how the fck did she miss the absence of the tattoo tho i don't get it

  20. Nothing to with him been a cop he just "fill in work" now this happen women do to men and men do to woman I know a of I warn in 20's about women who made out she rich dress to 9's to pull and night out I top end food & drink etc then she vanished to bathroon and man was left with bill

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