
Truth About Violent Crime in America, and Ignorant Campus Protesters, with Heather Mac Donald


Truth About Violent Crime in America, and Ignorant Campus Protesters, with Heather Mac Donald

#Truth #Violent #Crime #America #Ignorant #Campus #Protesters #Heather #Mac #Donald

Megyn Kelly is joined by Heather Mac Donald, author of “When Race Trumps Merit,” to discuss the whiny anti-Israel protests on college campuses growing, why this is all an outgrowth of the indoctrination of the left, the silencing of conservative students at universities and the need to allow speech of all kinds, decline of merit on college campuses in America, uneducated students unsure of what they’re even protesting, the ignorance of our next generation, MSNBC host Joy Reid’s praising “my DEIs” including Trump prosecutor Alvin Bragg, the lowering standards of lawyers and law students, the leftist lie that “violent crime is at its lowest point in 50 years,” the truth about the stats, what’s really behind the rise in crime in American cities, the truth about policing and the black community, and more.

Mac Donald-

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45 thoughts on “Truth About Violent Crime in America, and Ignorant Campus Protesters, with Heather Mac Donald”

  1. If there was any spine left in the country.
    These children would've been too scared to bring shame on their families name.

  2. As a conservative, I believe that if any student cannot move about campus freely, that is a direct threat to their safety. Getting in someone's personal space and yelling for them to be killed, is something no student should have to endure in a learning environment. While the best thing to do would be to find another school, it's not fair that the school's administration would allow this conduct to continue. Plan "B" would be for the Jewish community to form their own counter protest, but we've already seen that these crazy pro-Palestine protesters get violent and attack Jews.

  3. I am 34 years old and I make the highest salary I've ever earned and I'm STILL PAYCHECK TO PAYCHECK! My generation was told "go to a 4 year college, or you'll live in a trailer your whole life" BS!! We've been swindled by those who have come before us

  4. DOMESTIC ENEMY sounds right!!! WHY am I the only one saying this when we ALL know it is TRUE!! SPEAK THE TRUTH!!! Love always Kelli

  5. Why won't the FBI or the Intelligence community do a background check to these faculties or professors? They do it to the parents and labels them as domestic terrorists. And if America is attack again will they be pointing fingers again who was sleeping on their job?

  6. Yes!!! Go to any school to LEARN what you need to make yourself and the world a better and healthier place. NOT to find yourself and have your 15 min. of shouting fame.

  7. Why are they wearing masks. Stop that for a start so that they can be identified easily. Might not be son brave then.

  8. I don’t have facts but who do you think fought for our rights mostly young poor men women of all colors I bet 20% of college students wouldn’t fight for this country

  9. If you said kill the blacks or kill the Hispanic you would be jailed for hate crimes I’m just a poor old hillbilly but I don’t hate anyone who likes you or I like has nothing to do with color I want to be happy teachers teach this they are way overpaid

  10. Meagyn im with you on these brainwashed woke brats…however….you need to understand that there is hundrefs of thousands suffering innocently on the other side. Mention it!

    Why is it always all or nothing.

  11. When is North America going to wake up? Many many many of us seen this coming 15 years ago. The majority of Muslims want us eradicated. Muslims aren’t having abortions, they are having kids in mass. They aren’t chemically castrating their children! Many are peaceful but don’t be fooled, the peaceful ones might not be active participants in this secret war but they know which team they are cheering for! This lady is 100% . The great replacement theory is absolutely real!

  12. You are wrong. They are calling for the Genocide of the Jewish people and intimidate as well as VIOLENCE against Jewish students. Not allowing Jewish students to move freely about the Universities IS APARTHEID.
    A Jewish student WAS STABBED in the eye with a Palestinian flag.
    Where were you????

  13. Are these students getting incompletes for the semester? Maybe if their parents had to pay for another semester because of this bs, they'd put a stop to their kids doing this crap.

  14. So it's finally happening for real now in the US UK and soon all over the world.
    I think Israel warned all of us a long time ago with the words – You Will Be Next… and the world condemned Israel.
    Now hope we can all enjoy what has now arrived. Terrorist in the form of normal people.
    This world is Doomed.
    Have the world leaders woken up yet or are the still playing their power struggle games???

  15. Universities have ave lost all relevance to American Society. I is past time to shutter them all. This cannot be done by government, but only by the people. How do we do that? We stop hiring anyone based on a degree from a university. That is the only way to to show them their loss of relevance . No parent should be paying tuition.

  16. Finding Nemo was introduced to the sharks when Sammantha Salas was shot in Monrovia. Incidentally, there is a sunken ship called the Monrovian in Thunder Bay Marine Sanctuary. The Monrovian responded by installing a brick pizza oven to celebrate the root of the Newspeak Tree in Monrovia, California.

  17. So will Rachel Goldberg, the mother of the kidnapped son, who writes in the NYT's, now stop supporting the deranged Democrats who hate the "oppressor jews"? Sadly, she, and other American jews will continue to vote Democrat – So, you reap what you sow
    Her comment that "every single person in Gaza has a mother" is stupid and just supports Hamas and the Gazan's who overwhelmingly support Hamas – not too bright

  18. There seems to be a press against the interests of business's profit motive. They think that the fact that there are prices that must be paid for merchandise requires a government suppression of ruthless profiteers who actually charge for their merchandise. The government supports the rights of criminals who protest the prices by means of larceny. The doom against the store is viewed as just by the criminal. Liberals strongly support the Jean Valjean factor against the interests of the store owner. The cop is viewed as Inspector Javert with a stick up his ass.

  19. I wish that I could let it rip half as good as Heather. What a stunning delivery. This tirade ought to be broadcasted from the highest mountain tops.Yes, they should focus on cramming as much knowledge as they can in their empty noggins. Babies, I tell you!

  20. Heather Mac Donald is a national treasure! He latest book, "When Race Trumps Merit" is chock full of goodness, sanity and SMARTS!

  21. Hey !!!! We, america. Is on the way down the toilet. No one can stop it. The beginning of the end. Lee.

  22. Michigan's 10 cents per recyclable says you can't return the thing to a store that does not sell it.

  23. Has anybody noticed yet ANOTHER HUGE IRONY associated to these protestors? The overwhelming majority of them profess themselves as atheists, but they're protesting in favor of a THEOCRACY!!! WTF!!!?


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