
Trump’s Witness BACKFIRES on Stand, Co-Defendant Lawyer FORGETS PANTS


Trump’s Witness BACKFIRES on Stand, Co-Defendant Lawyer FORGETS PANTS

#Trumps #Witness #BACKFIRES #Stand #CoDefendant #Lawyer #FORGETS #PANTS

MeidasTouch host Ben Meiselas reports on how Donald Trump’s key witness against Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis did not provide the testimony Trump and his co-defendants hoped for in the Georgia criminal RICO case.

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criminal lawyer , Trump’s Witness BACKFIRES on Stand, Co-Defendant Lawyer FORGETS PANTS, meidastouch,meidas touch,politics,political videos,political advertising,breaking news,ben meiselas,midas touch,midastouch,donald trump,trump,joe biden,biden,president,elections,republicans,democrats,democratic party,republican party,trump indictments,legal news,michael popok,gop,current events,department of justice,justice department,political news,msnbc,cnn,cable news,independent media,united states,us news

27 thoughts on “Trump’s Witness BACKFIRES on Stand, Co-Defendant Lawyer FORGETS PANTS”

  1. Scott McAfee turned out to be a clown, running a clown show! I'm sure the Orange top clown is thrilled!

  2. Disgusting how the GOP brings false accusations just so Fox can manipulate the flock. They don't care if they are real, they just want propaganda for Fox. See MAGA folk won't watch anything but Fox. They to nobody's suprise only know what's aired on Fox

  3. What do you expect Trump hasn’t drained the swamp, he drained all the money from donors and RNC. leaving just 8 million dollars for down ballot candidates who need that money and even more due to all the candidates that the Republicans run will not have even a fraction what the Democrats have for Advertisements. This will be such a mess you Republicans need to fix themselves before our Country, you can’t keep your own home clean why should we trust you especially after the last time you were in office you did nothing never even completed that Mexican Border Wall that Mexico was supposed to pay for instead all that money was waisted on a few miles of fence, my god we need to wake up as a Country, and help those who want freedom and Democracy the more that spreads all over the World will be done when we all can work together for the better of our planet and fellow humans…

  4. Trump, an adjudicated rapist, says it all! His followers keep saying he is a Christian, well the Bible clearly states to make sure you are not doing the things you are trying to judge someone else as having done.

  5. The Judges on the Trump Cases have ALL (Yes, ALL of them) shown that our Justice System is TIERED….that is what soooooo many Legal Analysis Pundits really fail to ADMIT.

    I see them here and on news networks…you ALL say at times how "if this weren't Trump" but then act like the Legal System is doing its job as he CONTINUES TO RECEIVE SPECIAL AND PREFERENCIAL TREATMENT….and saying to word "Corruption" or maybe "Hypocrisy" is never mentioned…

    I have legit gotten tired of seeing Legal Talking Heads continue to SHOW EVIDENCE of Hypocrisy and Corruption…and then simply go onto the next story to explain why this THAT particular instance is weird, but then don't treat it as another step down the Corruption Pathway that Judge Cannon and the Supreme Court itself have all helped to create….

    The Courts are at the point that they are Openly Harming The Citizens to Protect the Rich & Powerful….

  6. Watching this Carnival of Chaos, I felt this was a lynching of Fani Willis!
    Despicable, Trump’s attorneys unprofessional, hostile questioning , at times. Double standards = Trump has been convicted of rape. He hates strong woman, especially a highly educated black woman!

  7. That is exactly what I thought when I listen to the hearing today. That blonde lawyer bombed big time by not getting an affidavit😅😂😂

  8. lol the judge seems to me to be into daytime adult dramas …, seriously letting those questions in rotflmao he comes across as just salivating for saucy details – someone should just send him an old playboy magazine to satiate him

    The usa judiciary like this explains why habba is a lawyer imo

  9. I thought the title "lawyer forgets pants" was a metaphor and I was trying to figure out what you might be referring to–but he literally forgot to wear pants! OMG! too funny.

  10. The Problem is; is that Trump can’t be Held accountable for his actions or words by a Strong Black woman! Trump looks down on Black people because he can’t stand People who are Stronger, more Successful and more Powerful than Trump! As his Niece says Donald Trump is a scared 7 year old boy; trapped in an adult man! Pathetic! Just vote 🗳️💙Blue!

  11. This is just ridiculous!! This has literally nothing to do with the guilt or innocence of Trump & his co-defendants

  12. Top stream? Really? Jerry Springer lives again! Sorry, that was not a slam against MTN. I appreciated Karen Agnifilo’ and Dina Doll’s commentary. They kind of drowned poor Michael Popok out, though. 😁

  13. This is absolutely disgraceful. Trump raped someone. And had sex with porn stars. What a pack of hypocrites.

  14. So much for all the early accolades for Judge McAfee's maturity, judgment, knowledge of the law, etc. etc. Turns out he's just a schlub who allows salacious courtroom dramas.

  15. If I were a Member of the Grand Jury that voted to Indict…I would be submitting letters to Judge McAffie that he has Directly made me feel attacked for doing My Legal Duty by his actions here…but that is just me.

  16. The judge has turned a serious criminal trial into an episode of Judge Judy. A male DA would never have been treated with such contempt.

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