
Trump’s Lawyers Terrified He’ll Dig His Own Grave During Criminal Trial


Trump’s Lawyers Terrified He’ll Dig His Own Grave During Criminal Trial

#Trumps #Lawyers #Terrified #Hell #Dig #Grave #Criminal #Trial

According to new reports, Donald Trump’s legal team is terrified that the former president is going to talk himself into a mess during the upcoming criminal trial in Manhattan, and they really want him to just sit down and keep quiet. But that’s not what Trump does, and he has repeatedly, in past trials, taken the stand and managed to not help his case one bit during any of those instances. Farron Cousins explains what might happen.

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31 thoughts on “Trump’s Lawyers Terrified He’ll Dig His Own Grave During Criminal Trial”

  1. Trump is going to talk his way into a prison cell if he’s allowed to take the stand and testify. He can’t help it and I’m here for it! 😂

  2. Telling Trump not to run his mouth is like telling a dog not to bark. It's pointless and they'll eventually do it sooner or later.

  3. It'll get delayed somehow. Quite the unfunny joke that he is still walking around free, despite the MOUNTAIN of evidence against this asshole. Any normal person would have been remanded to prison pending trial SEVERAL TIMES OVER.

  4. Keep talking Donnie Boy! You can't help yourself. Every time you open your mouth you spew lies. Juries see right thru your BS

  5. When Trump has a chance to be talk to news cameras, he always does the following:

    1) Goes into campaign mode.
    2) Attacks others involved in court.
    3) Demands for a dismissal.
    4) Attacks Biden.

    The only way that Trump's lawyers can keep Trump quiet is if they bring Melania along. I would think that Melania just has to give the evil eye to Trump to shut him up.

  6. Trump's people haven't got a chance in hell of controlling him unless they're going either to narcotize or concuss him between court appearances.

  7. If they KNOW he's got mental problems, why are they working so hard to get him off and back in the WH?

  8. SCOTUS are just getting ready to give Trump Absolute Immunity For Everything, Any Time Any Place. And it’ll all go away at a stroke. And you’ll all grumble. Biden will assert his own immunity and be told ‘Oh no, not YOU mate, HIM! And only him’. And you’ll all grumble. But you won’t raise a finger to stop it.

  9. They might have conflicting goals. I could easily see Trump's lawyers wanting to argue he's not mentally competent to stand trial, but then he couldn't run for president.

  10. But what you are missing is that MAGA is steeped in fundamentalist persecution complex. If you put him in jail, they will see this as proof that their delusional ideas of justice and democracy have been proven correct. This isn't a problem for Trump's base.

  11. Let Trump do the talking & he'll make the case for his imprisonment fairly easily, I'd hate to be his lawyer having to argue against proven facts

  12. My money is on 15 seconds – the time between the start of the trial and when we see a tweet with the phase “liberal socialist Trump hating judge.”

  13. Donald von Schitzenpants turned a 5 million dollar award into an additional 83 million award by opening his big mouth… I don't see how this ends well at all for Mr. Schitzenpants…

  14. Just add Trump to the prosecution team, he’s going to win the case for them!!!! The BIG BRAIN, STABLE GENIUS that doesn’t know when to SHUT UP!!!!

  15. Mike Johnson has no control, of the children in the house of reps. Trump lawyers have no control over t-Rrump. Seems the MAGA republicans have serious behavior issues, and never learned how to be adults. Vote blue, and send these kids home.

  16. The maga voters would be even more rabidly pro trump if he gets jailed for contempt. Sane people wouldn’t.

  17. Oh please. We all know trump will not be put in jail for contempt. He always gets special treatment. That is why he is such an immature mess. He has never been held accountable in any memorable way

  18. And where is Meek Garland? During the SCROTUS crime wave? Where's Garland?
    Oh right, he's under his desk playing with his toes, while his Trump supporting staff chase Hunter down for paying taxes late, and having his latest James Comey-esq Failure right a medical hit piece on Joe Biden.

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