
Trump’s Lawyers Plan Legal Defense That’s Nothing But Lies And Conspiracies


Trump’s Lawyers Plan Legal Defense That’s Nothing But Lies And Conspiracies

#Trumps #Lawyers #Plan #Legal #Defense #Lies #Conspiracies

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Donald Trump’s legal team is working on a new defense strategy that legal experts are already ripping apart. According to reports, Trump’s lawyers are going to try to use a “political bias” defense by claiming that members of Trump’s own administration were somehow biased against him. Not only is this not true, but even if it were true, that still isn’t an actual legal defense for the things that Trump has been charged with. Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins discusses this.

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*This transcript was generated by a third-party transcription software company, so please excuse any typos.

According to new reports, Donald Trump’s legal team is apparently going to try out a new legal defense strategy in the January 6th slash election overturning case against Donald Trump. The one in front of Judge Tatkin, this new legal defense, according to the reports, is that Trump’s lawyers are gonna claim there was some sort of quote, political bias in his own administration that, uh, somehow resulted in all the people he picked for their positions to tell him the election was not stolen. Now, you, you, you heard that correctly. Like, let me, let me read you this. Uh, one of the strategies will reportedly involve accusing officials in the intelligence community of political bias against Trump, which they hope could convince jurors that he had legitimate reason to distrust their claims, that the 2020 election results were accurate. Now, we’re talking about people like William Barr, Donald Trump’s handpicked, attorney general, people like Mike Pence, the guy that Donald Trump chose as his running mate, who by the way, had just as much to lose from losing the election as Donald Trump did. Like, same thing with William Barr. Like, why would these people tell Trump like, no, no, no, you didn’t win. What an idiot. Now we all lose our jobs.

Please, please go to court and make this argument. Trump lawyers like I, I genuinely hope you guys walk into that courtroom whenever the trial is gonna be held. ’cause God knows you’re gonna postpone it as much as you can. And I want you to say that Bill Barr and Mike Pence and all of these other handpicked Trump cabinet members hated him so much that they lost their own jobs to convince him that he didn’t win the election. I wanna see how that argument plays out. I wanna see how you twist yourself into knots trying to make this claim. Now, we have seen some absolute stinkers from Donald Trump and his lawyers. They have gone to court and said, Hey, you can’t prosecute him because, uh, he was just using his First Amendment rights, therefore, he can’t be prosecuted. Well, the courts have tossed that crap out.

Hey, he was just doing his job. Uh, the courts aren’t buying that either. So now they’re like, you know what? Everybody in the country is biased against Donald Trump, and that’s why they didn’t want him to win. You know what, actually, maybe you have an argument there, not within his cabinet, as you guys are saying, but you could actually make the argument that the public was biased against Trump and that’s why they voted against him, right? I mean, because that is what happened. They didn’t like him. They didn’t want him, so they voted against him. That’s the political bias that you guys

Don’t seem to realize. Not to mention the fact, as I pointed out, all of these people had just as much to lose. Like they would’ve kept their jobs, their wonderful government high paying jobs had Trump won the election. This again, it, it might be the worst argument I have seen so far from Trump’s lawyers, but it also shows us that they don’t have anything. They’re defending the indefensible. And when you have to do something like that, you do come up with these absolutely insane legal defenses. So if these reports are accurate, if this is the new path they’re gonna go down.
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43 thoughts on “Trump’s Lawyers Plan Legal Defense That’s Nothing But Lies And Conspiracies”

  1. Quick try some lies, okay that didn't work, try a different set of lies, and if that doesn't work keep trying different sets of lies until Trump goes to jail or goes away.

  2. My partner is a public defender and he keeps saying the obvious: Why in God’s name would they antagonize judges?

  3. As a malignant narcissist, Trump can't/won't acknowledge the fact that the American electorate at the time, just wanted Trump to GTFO of their WH after four years of utter chaos.

  4. Sadly, the ex-president's horrid legal team seems as delusional as don the con. However, the ex-president says he "only hires the best." Well, if that gaggle is the best . . .LOL.

  5. This isn’t an argument for the judges and juries
    This is an argument to fire up the MAGA mob.
    This argument is pure victimhood by Don-the-Con

  6. I told Mr. Conservative, he reminds me of Rudy Colludy Drunken Fooliani. Mr. Conservative is having a whole litter of kittens….

  7. Hey Yeah Throw Shit UP Against The Wall All The Time Trump Lawyers Yeah Sure We Have To Because They Got Nothing America They Got NOTHING !! 😂😂😂

  8. I believe if trump's harshest sentence will be home detainment in mar a Lago,it will be a travesty to the United States

  9. Either a padded/jail cell is the best place for the septic shyster and throw his lawyers in with him

  10. That argument isn't as bad as you're making it sound, what does he need, one sympathetic pair of ears to believe his own people turned against him because all the amazing and fantastic things he was gonna do in his 2nd term would go against their "deep state" plans? He just needs one person on that jury, or am i confused?

  11. I just received an offer of a ship stance or campaign contribution in the
    Six. Figure range.

    I don’t know what to do

    The campaign is heating up🎉

  12. Well America can’t stand Donald trump for what had done in our country that he was doing lots of lies and corruption but he let this country go down and murdering people !! He had ignored the laws and constitution so he wants to do his own ways without the laws ! And America can’t stand him what he done to America people who had been struggling with money and foods ,jobs lose. Poor decisions from 2020 pandemic, economic was very bad !!! He kill over million of people without not saving Americans lives!!!!! He is real Dictator!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Period !!! People who want trump to be dictator they all will be caught for being under educated ( not very smart ) !!

  13. To believe Trump's claims that the election was stolen, we are then forced to conclude that the Democrats engaged in this huge, complex conspiracy – and pulled it off – right under Trump's nose, and he never had a clue? Answer me that, MAGA morons…

  14. Trump lost Bigly in 2020. Manufactured the Big Rip Off to Grift off his Base. Now wants absolute immunity against his crimes to steal an Election by defrauding We the People. Disqualified!

  15. Too bad Donnie Douchebag didn't have a "First Dog" while in office.
    If he did, he could claim the dog ate all the evidence in Donnie's favor and it would still be a better defense than what we've seen so far😂

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