
Trump’s lawyers file another appeal in hush money case


Trump’s lawyers file another appeal in hush money case

#Trumps #lawyers #file #appeal #hush #money #case

challenge the order by the trial’s judge denying him from arguing he has presidential immunity. CNN’s Kara Scannell reports. #CNN #News
criminal lawyer , Trump’s lawyers file another appeal in hush money case, latest news,Happening now,CNN,Elie Honig,Kara Scannell,Donald Trump,Trump Hush Money Case,Trump Gag Order,Justice Cynthia Kern,Judge Juan Merchan,Stormy Daniels,Michael Cohen,Election 2016,Trump Legal Troubles,Emil Bove,Trump Attorney,Matthew Colangelo,Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg,Wolf Blitzer,Jim Acosta,CNN Newsroom,Karen Friedman Agnifilio

44 thoughts on “Trump’s lawyers file another appeal in hush money case”

  1. If they let this fool get away with his crimes then I don’t want hear anything when other people start breaking the laws more than before

  2. Continue to pray for DJT and all his family🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙌🏼👱🏼‍♀️🔥❤️😍🇺🇸🥰

  3. Trump is appealing and appealing so that when he become president he can throw out these cases against him.

  4. That judge needs to recuse himself, especially after his donation to the Biden 2020 presidential election. Then his daughter receiving millions of dollars in donations from Democrats like Adam Schiff goes to show that judge is biased. Another corrupt Democrat Kangaroo court!

  5. Some of the reimbursements took place while he was president — great so Trump is admitting that it’s under that five-year statute of limitations 😂 what a maroon

  6. What kind of stupid sticky mess is trump really daring America with??? What is he so afraid of that he doesn't want to face justice???Everyone is so sick and tired of this fellow!!! 🤮🤮🤮

  7. There's nothing going on in the world but Trump ?
    😂 He's your only cash cow…
    All these charges and trials , he's playing golf and holding rallies.
    The Justice Department is outstanding..
    "Largest sex trafficking island" busted and there's only a woman doing time..
    Trust ?

  8. MSNBC will not dare to tell you what’s the crime that Trump did, since his personal journals were not “business records” as it wasn’t presented to anyone and no party relied on it. Alvin Bragg goes on that what at best a misdemeanour (which is not), can be elevated to a felony based on covering an unspecified crime, (he claimed he doesn’t have to specify one). Press think it’s a campaign finance law, but Federal government itself doesn’t think he violated any or brought a case to that effect. But a bias judge and a Manhattan jury that watches stupidity on MSNBC may fall for it. He needs educated people on the jury. Preferably those who are lawyers, or financial sector employees to grasp reality and call out Alvin Bragg for his idiocy.

  9. Is Donald Trump is convicted his polls going down he won't be president you get it now that's why you trying to stop t trail he's going to jail.

  10. WOW….It shows how broken the court and law system in America is, can't believe that they don't have the power to convict and jail this obvious criminal guy for such a long time.

  11. If the Supreme court steps in to this case it will mean they are in the box for trump futher more bidin will need to exspand the court or use congress to impeach some of them

  12. If you think this judge has a conflict of intrest, then lets talk about judge cannon in Florida she was put on the bench by trump seems like a bigger conflict there

  13. As a Canadian my friends and I look forward to Trump getting re-elected. Because then, every day, you can just tune into CNN — to see what ridiculous thing Uncle Donny has done today. Its ridiculous that Americans only have two choices. Neither one is great, but I think that what happens with a Trump Victory 'is that Americas worldwide reputation takes a heavy blow. If Biden gets re-elected , its just more of the same….Old guy who shakes hands with flags , and who forgets where he is…..! I realize people in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. Yes, our Prime Minister is a total lowlife loser. True– Dough is due to be voted out its just a matter of time. And we Canadians realize compared to the U.S. our reputation abroad is nowhere near the United States'. But you guys have farther to fall , metaphorically speaking. North America needs NEW LEADERSHIP ! With all of the bloody problems facing North Americans…Inflation, TOO MANY immigrants ( legal or not).,the environment, etc etc. Either way….should be an interesting few years coming up for BOTH countries…..!!?

  14. Saturday – maga supporter trying to drive thru NY court
    Sunday – Supreme Court maga Justice Thomas trying with his home bus
    Monday – Trump handcuff himself at home

  15. Saturday – maga supporter trying ti drive thru NY court
    Sunday – Supreme Court Justice Thomas trying to drive thru with his home bus
    Monday – Trump handcuff himself at home

  16. Willing to bet that Trump will fire his lawyers just before the trial to delay it. News lawyers stated this is his only option. Thanks for giving him that possibility.

  17. Trump is a grifter. A conman. Delay delay delay!!!!! Everyone involved with Trump is dishonest! Trumps relentless abuse and attacks on American law, the Constitution and courts is appalling. Everything associated with Trump and the Trump crime family revolves around fraud and corruption. At some point in time someone will make Donald Trump accountable for his relentless abuse of power. Trump is a delusional, ignorant, narcissistic psychopath. Trump is Americas worst businessman. Trump is a serious danger to America and democracy!

  18. Presidential immunity would be awesome. Biden could order the assination of Trump and then resign from office and be immune from prosecution!

  19. Rich criminals shouldn't be able to appeal unlimited times. Rich criminals should face the same justice system as the rest of Americans

  20. This crime happened before trump was president so how the hell can he claim presidential immunity.

  21. Trump is a fraud. This can be seen in his lifestyle, tax evasion, deceiving his voters with impossible promises. He looks like Putin – a liar with low intelligence, but a great thirst for power. The danger of Trump is like the danger of Putin, who came through democratic means, as was the case with Hitler. Then both started wars and ruined their countries. AND THEN, AFTER 10 YEARS, “TRUMP’S WALL” MAY BE A WALL THAT PREVENTS AMERICANS FROM ESCAPE FROM THE FASCIST USA.

  22. There giving Trump every Opportunity to skip around and dodge the law , this guy is a basic criminal and American is allowing him to dance around the law with out a concern .

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