
Trump’s Lawyer Hangs Him Out To Dry In Courthouse Betrayal


#Trumps #Lawyer #Hangs #Dry #Courthouse #Betrayal

Donald Trump’s lead lawyer from his hush money criminal trial, Todd Blanche, trolls Trump and exposes his behind-the-scenes unhealthy courthouse eating habits during an interview where he claims he ended up losing weight during trial. John Iadarola and Sharon Reed break it down on The Damage Report.

Read more here:

Trial Lawyer Lost 8 Lbs Skipping Trump’s McDonald’s Courthouse Lunches –

“Donald Trump’s lead lawyer says the former president’s seven-week criminal trial in New York took a physical toll—but he still managed to lose weight by skipping Trump’s notoriously unhealthy meals.

Todd Blanche appeared on a podcast, For The Defense, hosted by the attorney David Oscar Markus.

“Was it McDonald’s for lunch every single day, or did you get something else?” Markus asked.

“Oh, no-no-no,” Blanche said. “Well, first of all, I didn’t have lunch one day. I ate in the morning and at night.””


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35 thoughts on “Trump’s Lawyer Hangs Him Out To Dry In Courthouse Betrayal”

  1. Well he is called FATTY SHACK for a reason. The Adderall must be helping burn most of the cellulitis away.

  2. "non-healthy alternatives to McDonald's"
    As opposed to the non-healthy options that is McDonald's?

  3. Coldest take:
    Snowballs are lower on the totem pole of super Shitty, pay with a handful of grimy coins, gas station-ass trash, than even Moon Pies are

  4. According to McDonald's published nutrition information, that "go-to" meal is almost 2500 calories.

  5. I am 6 – 4 and 233lbs I don't eat McDonald's garbage food I live on protein powder almond milk and chicken I walk 5 Mi a day Donald Trump is a f**** liar that mother f*** has to weigh clothes to 300 lb

  6. You know if you have chronic diarrhea as Trump does, you will need to eat a lot so as not to waste away. He’s not absorbing any calories. This is truly sad and worrying about this man’s health.

  7. Blanche might have realised that he needs to find work after he's finished with tRump 😂

  8. Trumps reported weight holds true with the rumour his head is completely hollow… empty… a vacuum…!

  9. drumpf 3 times this year he has been ajudicated as sex offender, company fraudster and now 34 class e felony charges with upto 4 years in jail for falsefying records so as to cover up his inferdelities prior to the 2016 elections that may have changed the result of who would be president of united states of america!!!!!!!! so much for election integrity.

    drumpf will recieve 1 less vote in the state of florida his own, convicted felon are not allowed to vote

    there is a man in new york that tried to hide his past before a election … do you approve? convicted on 34 counts

    theres a man that rapes a woman and molest others… do you approve? ajudicated $92mil

    what if a man keeps secret sensitive files in unsecured ways…. do you approve? and his judge delays indefinately

    what if a man conspires to steal votes… do you approve? 4/19 plead guilty

    what if a man cooks the books and steals from the people… do you approve? ajudicated $463mil

    theres a man that engaged in a insurrection…. do you approve? and SCOTUS delays

    these are just 6 undisputed question is this the type of person you will support at the sake of losing your own respect

    2016 election campaign 5 drumpf staff were found guilty of crimes that were used to help drumpf become president only to have drumpf pardon them.

    2020 election campaign 5 of drumpf staff have pleaded guilty to their part in trying to illegally to change the outcome of the election and there is nearly 55 more indicted in 5 states for their part in trying to overturn the election with the fake electors.

    in business his personal lawyer found guilty of crimes to do with 2016 election. cfo of trump co. found guilty of financial crimes in the company name and has been to prison twice due to these

    the gop contender for president has annouced that in the event that a delinquent nato country gets invade by russia he "would encourage them to do whatever they like" article 5 has only been used once and that was after the eleventh of september attack on usa. is this the true "manchurian candidate" via the kremlin

    FAKE NEWS has found it's father mr pecker of the "national enquirer" and donald drumpf is it's GODFATHER

    i wonder what daddy and granddaddy would say about there prodigy turning there name into a term that will go down in history as rich people begging, lets call it "TRUMPING FOR MONEY"

    05/23/24 US Inflation Rate is at 3.36%, compared to 3.48% last month and 4.93% last year. Real gross domestic product (GDP) increased at an annual rate of 1.6 percent in the first quarter of 2024, jan 2020 2.5. The U.S. job market expanded in April for the 40th consecutive month, but at a slower pace. 175,000 new jobs were added in April unemployment rate 3.7%, may 272,000 nearly 100,000 over expectation, jan 2020 2.5%. The Dow posted its all-time high during trading on May 16, 2024, reaching a peak of 40,051.05 points making 401k higher, under trump on jan 2020 28,600. this took me less than 5mins to find, the reason you feel poor is that drumpf and lara at the gop keep asking for your last dollar.

  10. Looking at Blanche standing next to Diaper Donnie at the after trial tirades, one could be forgiven thinking Blanche is incapable of smiling.

  11. Todd Blanche always looks happier when he is away from Trump. I have seen his sour face standing behind Trump whenever Trump gives a press statement outside court.

  12. The MAGA mob rocked up on Jan 6 2021 without thinking there would be any consequences.
    As dumb as the average MAGAT is. They have seen nearly 2000 of their "mates" jailed. So the "word" has got out "be a prick and there will be consequences".
    Simples! Just like MAGATs.

  13. Donald Trump does not weigh 230lbs no way no how…275lbs is more like it especially if he really is 6'2" which he most likely isnt either….

  14. DJT should change his name to McDonalds Trump and score himself a nice little endorsement earner.

  15. Hostess snowballs are disgusting! It's the coconut and that strange, generic "red" flavor. Ugh! Oh, and I concur about the purple hair, simply does not work. Leave that to the teens and 20-somethings, and women only. For some reason, women can get away with it where us dudes really can't. Women can look really cute with colored hair but sadly, not us; on us dudes, it just looks silly.

  16. trump is the epitome of what NOT to eat
    how he made it to 77 yo is a mystery wrapped up in a riddle……
    perhaps he has a shyteload of ivermectin in his pockets

  17. What is up with the purple hair! It is not working, I am a big fan, you are great but not a purple hair guy…sorry.

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