


#Trumps #LAWYER #Throws #BUS #LIVE

MeidasTouch host Ben Meiselas reports on Donald Trump’s former lawyer Joe Tacopina going on MSNBC and calling out Donald Trump, his FORMER CLIENT, for his lies about the felony conviction.

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lawyers near me , Trump’s FORMER LAWYER Throws him UNDER THE BUS on LIVE TV


44 thoughts on “Trump’s FORMER LAWYER Throws him UNDER THE BUS on LIVE TV”

  1. Notice how all of these Trump supporters, lawyers and experts were all highly respected people, by their peers and the public until they decided to have anything to do with Trump?!? Wow! Just, wow! Perspective really is EVERYTHING!🥴

  2. If you tell the Maga people that Tacapina was on MSNBC,they would say, oh you mean MSDNC. They are so unhinged, they will not listen to you!

  3. I'm glad that Tacapina spoke up, but he was vigriously defending Trump, which was his job at the time. And he now makes common sense statments saying that Biden had nothing to do with any of this. The Republicans are crying foul, but it was our Justice system treating him just like anybody else. Trump is not special, he is not above the law! 🤔

  4. Pubs who try to suck trump are disgusting. Uncle Tim and Lady G are incredibly ironic considering they are closeted and thus probably really actually have that eventual intention.

  5. Todd Blanche admits right there that you don't just go into a trial filling in the holes for the prosecution. So he is admitting that was more evidence against Trump and that obviously his client did what they're accusing him of.

  6. A lot of people breathed a sigh of relief when drumpf, who appointed Bill Barr as head of the DOJ, figuring he would be the 'adult in the room' that would keep drumpf from doing stupid things! Instead, barr came under drumpf's spell and weopanized the DOJ to do drumpf's bidding!! Look at the number of lawyers that supposedly had good reputations pre-drumpf that have now lowered themselves to drumpf's mouthpieces after taking him on as a client!!! Then there's the turncoats in the House and Senate who at one point had it right about drumpf only to flip and now can't do enough for him!! There's nothing drumpf could do that would stop his followers from drinking the kool-aid except one… the vaccine!! We all know how drumpf loves taking credit for things he's done, like reversing Roe v Wade. He also likes taking credit for things others have done, like the stock market hitting all-time highs under Biden's watch. (He claims that it's because they're getting ready for him to get back in office.) A while back, during an interview, drumpf came out with being responsible for getting the covid vaccine out, his Operation Warp Speed! The blowback from his maga base was fierce! He hasn't mentioned the vaccine since and never will unless he wants to lose his followers!! I'd like to see a reporter ask drumpf about Operation Warp Speed! It'd be interesting to hear how he'd answer that! It'd probably be along the same lines as when he was confronted with him calling for Hillary Clinton to be locked up. ("I didn't say that… others did!" Forget it, drumpf! There's receipts proving you started it!) VOTE BLUE!! 💙

  7. Donald Trump does nothing but call people terrible names! He is so unprofessional! Nothing but a big baby bully, cannot deal with the fact that he’s not getting his way!

  8. Joe Tacopina is a grifter and while I am glad he is coming forward to challenge this bizarre claim by the Right, he is doing this for his own selfish, self-serving purposes.

  9. Trump is a lowlife who cheated on his wife at her most vulnerable, then lied to her. He then went onto pay stormy to keep it quiet so that it would affect his chances at the presidency…..Smfh. Now, he is mad at the court for finding him guilty for lying? Who does this?

  10. Problem Is Most Of MAGA Republicans Have The Education Of A 5 Year Old. They Understand Nothing

  11. I can’t believe the Republican party let Trump bring them down so low, and allowed a hostile take over by the Trump Crime Family.
    I use to agree with some of the Republicans points on less government in our lives. Until they cane after women’s health care rights. They’re even going after contraception, what is this The HandMaids Tale?? It’s unbeliveable!!! For the first time, I’m not proud to be an American. I feel ashamed of us.

  12. I was thinking that exactly, Ben. Tacopina looks like an entirely different person. He doesn't look tormented any longer.

  13. The SLOAT actually sounded like he was being a lil sarcastic and ridiculing trump for THINKING he new "better" how to defend this Case

  14. Rowe v wade overturned n legislatiin against contraceptives opens doors to rapists. Period. It would make sense that Trump, Gaetz and those MARALAGO attendees favor banning abortion, pills, and next will be condoms. If you would convict a woman for murder, how do you convict a rapist?
    Trump trump trump trump! 😂😂😂

  15. Wow!! You are SO RIGHT! J. Tacopina looked HORRIBLE, miserable, and — physically SICK when represented Trump!! He looked like he was CLOSE to death!! And NOW — he looks like a NEW MAN!! Like he's been "revived"!! Representing Trump must be like representing a "demon" or the devil — or a vampire! Joe Tacopina LOOKED like he was having the "life" SUCKED right out him…

  16. Thank God for the whistleblowers who once were inside the Trump administrative circle

    Thank God for the brave prosecutors who stand up to this Evil man.

    Thank God for the few brave Republicans who have left the MAGA party (Liz Cheney, Adam Kinzinger)

    Thank God for the honest journalists and reporters who do their best to educate those who had the brains to NOT become indoctrinated

    Thank God for the Meidas Network, Glenn Kirshner, George Conway, Brian Tyler Cohen, Tim Miller and others.

    There can be no Democracy without Truth! Too many people living under dangerous illusions is a Cancer to this nation's soul.

  17. Jesus Christ was also thrown out of his own City! Under the Bus ! Rejected! Despised by many but he is still our best! Our loving saviour!! Men will always turn against you for whatever pleasure!! Money! Fame? God never forsakes his beloved!!

  18. They censured Adam Schiff for searching for the truth. Far far less than what bullshit these idiots are saying, have said.

  19. Crappy McNappy didn't testify because he can't tell the truth. He wouldn't know the truth if it bit his nose off. He would go off the rails and make it a political persecution. How anyone can support this orange-lying garbage can is beyond comprehension.
    The GOP has become a wet excrement stain on the Party, America, Americans, and Democracy. They should be ashamed for repeating the countless lies.

  20. I have to say, I got some respect back for Joe Tacopina for speaking out. More of his ex-lawyers need to come out and tell the truth about Crappy McNappy.

  21. Ppl use passionate curse words towards Trump & co. We don’t threaten violence like Trump’s deplorable base that would rather buy guns than feed their children.

  22. This is stupid. Trump was convicted, end of story. No polls on how much of our country will accept living under Trump Jong Un. Utter BS I don’t need a lawyer to reaffirm my feelings.

  23. Why does he look like a little boy lying and making up a story. Trump was the "puppet master" and he doesn't want to admit it. Trump's defense failed because there is no defense for what was done. The evidence was abundant. Trumplican's spin it like always.

  24. Someone needs to explain that to people on the Right. It was "The People of New York" against Trump in a State trial. The government has nothing to do with it. I wish someone would please correct people when they tell you any different. I like Joe coming forward and explaining to these close minded MAGA the truth but obviously they aren't going to listen.

  25. Sounds like dump has finally paid his bill to tacopinada so that he can now be honest about the failings of dump, and uncle tim is and has always been a magat idiot.

  26. Even if Trump weren't barred from other countries he still is not capable of doing anything he didn't do his job the first time around he made promises he didn't keep and he's a terrible business man, a horrible person nobody wants him in their country we don't want him in America!!!

  27. Trump went after Biden, his son, Hillary Clinton..his campaign cry was LOCK HER UP. How dare you "Letter of the Law" Trumpettes now cry that this system is un-American.

  28. The turn around of Joe Tacopina is comparable to the change in Howard Stern! Both have had a 'come to Jesus' moment that has resulted in a more human form of themselves.

  29. Yet you sat next to him defending his criminal activities knowing full well who he is. What happened was you didn't get paid!!!😅😅😂😂

  30. Tim Scott, there is a black mayor elect in Alabama that cannot get into his office, because the white city council says this town ain't ready for a black mayor. So who do you represent?🇺🇸💙🇺🇸

  31. Perry Mason always told his clients that he would walk away from them if they lied to him. Tacopina seems to believe in the same set of values. Trump lies all the time and Tacopina gets caught in the middle of the melee.
    Smart lawyer….stupid defendent.

  32. Those that support Donald Trump and tries so hard to defend him are those who talked out of the side of their necks

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