
Trump’s CURRENT Lawyer THINKS IT’S OVER for Him


Trump’s CURRENT Lawyer THINKS IT’S OVER for Him

#Trumps #CURRENT #Lawyer #THINKS

Michael Popok reports on the alternate universe Trump occupies—in the real world his lead trial lawyer Todd Blanche is trying to obtain an acquittal of the criminal charges against him; while his colleague and “TV personality” Alina Habba tells the world that the NY jury WILL CONVICT Trump, after only 1.5 weeks of trial.

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26 thoughts on “Trump’s CURRENT Lawyer THINKS IT’S OVER for Him”

  1. It's like Trump wants to be in court longer than necessary, complaining about trial moving too fast.

  2. The entire purpose of Habba making the claim that Trump is likely to be convicted is so that if/when Trump is convicted Trump will hold a press conference and claim that it was a rigged trial. The jury was loaded with radical liberal democrats/ Trump haters and the judge was highly conflicted and a Trump hater. Trump will be looking to create violent riots against the justice system and the jurors as well as motivate his base.
    Laura Trump has already stated that the RNC is training people to go to the polls and intimidate voters as well as create chaos n the ballot counting. Trump and his sycophants are preparing to steal the 2024 election and no one is covering it.

  3. DJT: I can't win the trial because everyone in NY loves me!
    Also DJT: I'm going to win the election in NY because everyone there loves me!

  4. Habba is doing it to get Trumps followers motivated to come save him as well as tainting their views of the "majority Democrat" jurors.

  5. When it comes to the law , it doesn't matter if it's a red or blue state , if your a criminal and committed crimes then you need to be charged !!

    Putting it out as political issue, is bullshit ,just face the facts !!

  6. They see the writing on the wall how this wil turn out so they are coming up with Dis crediting the system Jury not doing the right thing becuase it is a blue state. Trump is from NY most of his life, if he cant get a fir trial in his hoem state, its his fault. They know who he is and how he operates. Why he left NY and went to FL

  7. It never looked good for Trump with people with standards of integrity and a critical faculty. People of course who need their prejudices masturbated by the Media suspended any mental faculties they may have had, if any , out a fascination for the weird, the crooked, the obsessive and the inane, which is the sinae quae non of Fascism

  8. This is the start of the projection phase, then Trump will say the trail needs to be stopped. He’s already suggested protesting but hinted that the security is high (therefore prepare accordingly). The pressure is building so fast that this has the potential to end very badly.

  9. It's false flag tactics to get a decision to go their way. Just like him saying he can't go to Barron's graduation even though it's not been ruled on yet. If he starts shouting about not being able to go it puts pressure on the judge to give him the decision he wants.

  10. Thank you for all the hard work you put in to keep us up to date. It is very much appreciated.

  11. Come on now you know it’s all part of the intimidation campaign. Alina is stirring the pot of violent rhetoric too incite violence.

  12. Why is when she says she hopes the jury doesn't do the right thing, and I say I hope the jury does the right thing we don't mean the same thing…..

  13. She says/thinks that it's because he can't get a fair trial in NY. She did not admit the proof will be what convicts him.

  14. It's funny how they blame the jury, democrats and the state of New York for "Diaper Donnie" being found guilty. Maybe he shouldn't have spent his life believing he's above the law and committing crimes. No one is to blame but himself. He's had no trouble letting others take the heat and go to prison that were his "yes" men, now it's his turn.

  15. Here on earth one we all know how to cut and eat an avocado, Alina! And you did not attend any of your other children’s graduations, orange blowfish, I think he would be relieved if you didn’t show up and cause a stinky stir

  16. Habba is so dumb! At least she’s pretty. The democrats didn’t engage in election interference. Did he win in 2016 or was it a rigged election?

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