
Trump’s conviction will be TERRIBLE for him


#Trumps #conviction #TERRIBLE

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lawyers near me , Trump’s conviction will be TERRIBLE for him


47 thoughts on “Trump’s conviction will be TERRIBLE for him”

  1. None of these people believe anything Donald Trump says nor do they care they only care that they need him to keep the base energized and to vote for him because Donald Trump is their mole he is their way to power that they've been trying to get 24 decades period frankly they can't stand them in and I don't think that he'll be in office very long if he does win the presidency because they will get him out after they get their power

  2. Would you want a criminal dealing with my life ..
    As your president… I don't think so .
    do you

    Vote for democracy, get Trump gone

  3. former failed president drunmpfPIG,

  4. The LORD puts the leaders in power ,,,why Obama and biden???because this Godless world deserves them!!

  5. Intelligent people have curiosity they search multiple outlets, a stupid person believes their only source.

  6. The funniest thing to me and the weirdest thing is why a bald-headed anti-American communist scumbag like you is still on a podcast

  7. They do believe that it's a good thing because they are presenting it as the Democrats are out to get him and his base is believing it. So it may very well help him a lot. But when he loses the election, the reality will hit Trump and he's going to lose his shit.

  8. The reason we are behind trump is because we all now biden cheated in 2020 and biden weapenized the justice system AGIANST TRUMP!! THE ONLY STUPID PEOPLE is the talking here thew his ass!!! Trump 2024

  9. How many felonies would trump have if the supreme Court had not delayed his trials in DC and Georgia. RICO charges, election interference, stolen documents shared with our enemies. Slam dunk charges that must be factored in the decision of the voter. They will land him in jail if he loses the election. Vote 🔵.

  10. we as citizen will have to see how real and serious is justice and the rule of law in this nation before any thing really change our lives in this nation😳🥱😩❤️🇺🇸❤️😎👍

  11. Let's move the stolen documents trial to Washington DC where they were stolen from. I want to see how getting convicted of violating the espionage act will benefit him. 🤣

  12. Only and only an idiot would/could think that’s going to help the buffoon. But in Stinky D’s “Alternative” reality world it will !!!! 🤣🤣🤣😎 in that world everything he says is true & everything he does is perfect. He’s the smartest Jenius ever & it’s so incredible 😂😂😂😂

  13. It might be cool to be a felon for some reasons in like Russia or China
    Fortunately the USA isn’t like that yet If Trump gets elected president the USA will be though 😏


  15. This is how the republicans use the cancel culture that they invented. This is how the propaganda works. 1. Say that the convictions are going to help Trump. 2. The public will rally for Trump. 3. The republicans publicly say that Trump is a strong powerful man and he survived the court. 4. The republicans try to make the people angry at the democrats for persecuting Trump. 5. The republicans post on social media & say on right-wing media that the conviction are helping Trump so Trump will win in November. Then the republicans believe that the people will believe this propaganda because this propaganda is publicized so it must be true.

  16. Trump is so unswmecure. He must be crying thats why they beed to sooothe his ego. Trump is going to the pokey. He has other court caases coming up.

  17. So we allowed a PSYCHOPATH in the U.S. Whitehouse, for 4 years, he lost the second 4 years ??? Who is responsible for this? He is slobbering over Putin, Kim Jong Un, and every other psychopath….STOP THIS INSANITY ASAP!

  18. It means nothing, we all know it was a kangaroo court led by the DOJ and the Whitehouse. He is going to win by a landslide

  19. The 1988 election news people were analyzing it: one aspect that was covered was a lady reporter who told how when she covered a Reagan rally several yrs earlier, that she was critical of that prez, but the film showed the GOP party people releasing thousands of red, white and blue ballons, creating a beautiful site! She thought the GOP would be critical of her for her criticism. Instead, they thanked her for the showing of the balloons. They informed her that w/ that wonderful scene would give them votes b/c the film coverage relayed such a positive affair. Basically, people can be deceived by indirect means,!

  20. He had over 3,000+ lawsuits in 2016 and elected, now 34 felonies. Supporters won't care until he cuts minimum wage, terminates the Constitution and makes new laws as Dictator on day one.

  21. There's a lot of ignorance in here! Unbelievable, Biden is destroying America and these idiots still back him. I've never seen so much ignorance.

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