
Trump’s Appeal LOSS has MAJOR IMPLICATIONS for Disqualification Case


Trump’s Appeal LOSS has MAJOR IMPLICATIONS for Disqualification Case

#Trumps #Appeal #LOSS #MAJOR #IMPLICATIONS #Disqualification #Case

Trump’s rejected “separation of powers” argument to put him above the criminal law and outside the reaches of federal court review, led to him losing his “immunity from criminal prosecution” argument. Michael Popok of Legal AF explains how this losing argument will burn Trump at the Supreme Court oral argument later this week in three 14th Amendment ballot banning case where he also argues that courts can’t review his criminal conduct.

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48 thoughts on “Trump’s Appeal LOSS has MAJOR IMPLICATIONS for Disqualification Case”

  1. As a senior manager/leader in global organisations I have always differentiated between Responsibility and Accountability; I could Order someone else to be Responsible for any given action BUT I would be Accountable for both the Order AND that Action. Therefore: the CEO of any concern, including the President of the United States, MUST be Accountable in every respect – the Buck Stops There! For Trump to assert that he is not accountable to the American people for the wrong-doings of executives in his business organisations and those he installed in the Executive Branch of the Federal Government of the US is absolutely ludicrous, specious and ultimately insulting to the American People. ALL, MUST BE ACCOUNTABLE UNDER THE LAW!

  2. If dump is allowed to be on the ballots, he will spend another 4 years, or what's left of his life, screaming that the election was stolen and spreading division in our country.

  3. I hope you're right about the ballot case, but the supremes aren't exactly free from corruption and bias.

  4. Germany went from a democracy to dictatorship in just
    6 months after Hitler was elected. Trump will do it day 1 if he gets in the White House again.

  5. This idiot doesn't understand plain English he simply lost .Remove him from all states and ballot .He is messing around with the American people and the world .Dump him in prison or send him to hell .He doesn't know he is citizen Trump .Not above the LAW. Hope there's not another Trump in the world . Every day we get new things and the criminal likes the delay .That's not good for America and the American people .The main thing this dictator is guilty no two ways about it

  6. I took the test at the end of this video, but I only got a 'D'. Gunna have to watch it again if I'm going to learn something about Constitutional Law… 😊

  7. Hilary Clinton warned Americans in 2015 when she referred to DJT and his MAGA followers as “deplorable”! This was an understatement! And, no-one listened!

  8. I'm sickened by the anticipation that SCOTUS is going to overturn Colorado and expand executive and their own authority while neutering the legislative branch.

  9. The concept that impeachment is a solution has been demonstrated to be worthless in the face of a cult. Trump was impeached TWICE on irrefutable charges, and both times (ex) Republican members of his cult broke their oaths to protect the Constitution to support him.

  10. Just except hes going to be president .stop being so salty .its sad how you pushed your trump deragement sydrome on your kid bless him he tried to be like his dad you even passed your mental health problems onyo the poor lad so sad

  11. TRUMP 2024 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸. RIGHT TO VOTE NOT THE RIGHT TO MANIPULATE THE VOTE.

  12. You need to release these sooner. The oral arguments already happened and based on how it went, it seems that all 9 justices lean towards keeping Donald Chump on the ballot

  13. Fani Willia is going to Jail. She just got slammed with campaign fraud. It's called Smurfing…..😮

  14. You have no idea just how sick and tired I am of all the flip-flopping. The slimey worm and his slimey ilk continue to wiggle, twist and turn…'s time to bring this whole S-hit Show to an end and convict the insurrectionist / rapist / mysogynist / peddler of national secrets / fascist-wanna-be-king DtF. Will someone, anyone, finally grow a serious pair and throw the book at him, toss the key??

    I appreciate the detailed explanations you provide at Legal AF. As we have been witnessing, there are MANY people out there (even in very high places) that could really, really benefit from your insights here. As an onlooker watching history unfold these past eight years, struggle to wrap my head around how the (former) Republican Party (i.e., the Jim Jordans, the Mitch McConnells, the Lindsey Grahams, the Jeff Sessions and Bill Barrs…..the list goes on and on) allowed the clown car to pull up to the Congress and then, on top of that, allowed for the clown show to be the only act. I don't get it. …but I'm drifting…. In essence, we have a greater problem here. The legal tightrope act and the variations on theme after theme after theme….we would never have gotten to this point if the former GOP (because the party of Lincoln they are no more) had not empowered, enabled and supported DtF.

  15. Colloquially it’s called “talking out of both sides of your mouth” when a person opportunistically makes opposing claims depending on the circumstances.

  16. The syphilis suspicion about Donald Trump must be clarified. The initial infection site disappears in a few weeks. The disease then lies “dormant” for decades, and re-emerges turning the victim’s brain into Swiss cheese. I do not believe Trumps claim that he produced a correct answer to ”4733 X 7 Divide 4 add 37.5 “without paper and pencil”. He needs to undergo a physical/mental assessment from a beyond suspicion assessor, who will put their name to the result.

  17. I love listening to Popok describe the details of these items in reference to the constitution. I remember hearing much of this in high school government class but it seemed abstract talking about stuff from the 1800s; these contemporary examples and explanations put everything I ever learned about our government into greater focus. Each episode exemplifies just how amazing the constitution and the design of our government is.

  18. Judge Pan left out, "The President first sends seal teams to kidnap the families of the Senators guaranteeing that he will NEVER be impeached."

    If SCOTUS decides that the President is above the law, then President Biden can save democracy by ordering Mr. Trump shot. Biden can then fire SCOTUS for corruption and ignoring the Constitution.

    But what does the King Donald case have to do with the Constitutional disqualification? It's all deflection by Trump's lawyers and the corrupt "justices".

  19. When will SCOTUS rule against Trump if they corruptly take the Total Immunity farce case? Trump is walking free since 12:01 am , Jan 7, 2021. Why is Trump above the Law and avoiding prison. Do a full podcast explaining WHY evil Trump is above law please.

  20. Love this channel… I know I can get accurate and factual information as I can on MSNBC unlike many other channels and news stations. Thank you for all you do.

  21. He vehemently stated that when he became President he would pass the law that no one was above the law. THAT INCLUDES HIM! Why doesn't the media start playing that little speech? He was stating it against Hillary because of her emails but he is worse than she was.


  23. Well I think Obama needs to get taken to court. I think bushes need to be taken to court. Clinton needs to take me to court Hillary and her husband for the things they did illegal bad while they were president

  24. Legal AF…Laura's addition. Trump is made of Teflon and he is going to skate all these charges. DC too cuz he is going to be reelected thanks to idiot Americans and corrupt Republicans with their voter subversion and suppression. Then he will dismiss DC case. Fani is getting eliminated. We knew they would find away from the beginning when they created the commission. Cannon will stretch it out and not give him prison if convicted. So Trump wins, America loses so find a new country to flee to

  25. Trump makes the sophomoric claim that no president can function without total power– almost as though he never read the US constitution.
    (Which is entiely possible.)

  26. Why doesn't a judge lock him up for contempt or breach of bail, there's plenty of options, and show him that he "can be touched". His freedom is over.

  27. Since 2015 I've seen/heard bloggers/ pundits / talking head say, "oh Donald Trump is in trouble now for what he said/did"…for those of us who grew up with him in Queens we know nothing will ever happen to him. The so called civil lawsuit from E. Jean Carroll is just like asking someone on the street for change to get on the bus or train

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