
Trump’s $355M Penalty: New York Lawyer Breaks Down the Impacts | WSJ


Trump’s $355M Penalty: New York Lawyer Breaks Down the Impacts | WSJ

#Trumps #355M #Penalty #York #Lawyer #Breaks #Impacts #WSJ

A New York judge ordered Donald Trump and his business to pay $355 million for misrepresenting his wealth for financial gain. Veteran New York trial and appellate lawyer Mark Zauderer explains what’s at stake for Trump’s business empire.

Photo Illustration: Annie Zhao

#DonaldTrump #NewYork #WSJ
criminal lawyer , Trump’s $355M Penalty: New York Lawyer Breaks Down the Impacts | WSJ, trump,trump news,trump civil fraud,trump indictments,donald trump,new york,new york news,trump civil fraud trial,trump penalty,trump civil fraud case,eric trump,politics,the trump organization,trump fraud,trump misrepresents wealth,financial gain,lawyer,lawyer explains,trump business,trump verdict,trump tower,trump shuttle,trump charges,president trump,trump legal issues,doanld trump payments,u.s. news,real estate,real estate empire,usnews

34 thoughts on “Trump’s $355M Penalty: New York Lawyer Breaks Down the Impacts | WSJ”

  1. Witch hunt, he was guilty before it started. All this is going to do is put wealthy people on notice and take tax dollars out of ny. All this with the increase immigration doesn’t look good for a already over populated city.

  2. It seems the Constitution measn nothing to the New York Bench… Lawfare has now been normalised. Now anyone can be charged with ficticious crimes and have all your assetts stolen by the state – Welcome to the Communist State of New York!

  3. Trump didn't even commit fraud. The bank sent their own appraiser to judge the value of the properties and they plan to continue doing business with him because he paid back the loans on time. Complete bs propaganda.

  4. Here is something most people forget. Trump ran a charity before. They were accused of raising money for kids with cancer and building statues of 45. As part of his settlement not to be prosecuted, 45 and none of his immediate family members with the exception of youngest son could run a charity or sit on a board of a charity for a number of years. There is a pattern of deciet with this man.

  5. 355M in 1 month , pay up in 1 month? w/ interest daily? That's ridiculous. It'll backfire with the judge.

    God bless.

  6. No respectful business will want to do anything NY most day to day loans or operational loans are made the same way as Trumps especially if you are long term customer. I can receive similar penalty if let say today the price of coffee is cheaper then what was two weeks ago. I applied for operational loan to pay wages based on the price from two weeks ago.
    The bank received the money back plus interest .What ,Where is the crime.
    If this case is allowed to stand no company or business person, domestic or international will want to do anything not just in NY but US as a whole. Anyone who have a little bit of knowledge of law is aware that court ruling are often are used in future cases and rulings. This will open a Pandora box and devastate every business in US.
    I have business in US and thanking my lucky stars that is based in Dallas…

  7. Neither one of them should be allowed to serve as a Judge or AG. They never allowed a jury trial. This will come back to bite them in the a__

  8. Private bank: I consent to give you a loan 👍

    Trump: I consent to pay it back with interests 👍

    Government: I don't! 😡

  9. This is stupid. How is this possible ? No victim, money was paid off and the banks still want to keep working with Trump. This is political. Funny how they haven’t prosecuted the people from the Epstein list.

  10. This is genuinely a scary time. They’re using the legal system to take out a political opponent. Whether it’s Trump or anyone this is just wrong.

  11. The bank values his property, gave him a loan which he paid off and said they would loan money to him again. If you agree with this case, it’s only for political reasons and you have to be honest with yourself, which is fine as long as when it’s coming back in the other direction you’re fine with it as well.

  12. Political assassination…the DA and judge are the frauds.

    We have become a third world republic.

    Democrats will lie about everything because they believe in NOTHING except power over the people.

  13. This is a partisan abuse of the justice system. When the governor comes out and says this won't happen to anyone else- that pretty much ties a bow on it.

  14. This is how you chased companies away to China and other countries and now standing to fight against those countries

  15. The decision on what should happen to DJ Trump and the fines imposed by the two gangsters who are holding the city of New York ransom should be left up to the Governor of New York to save, as it is her city that is going to feel the wrath of the trucking industry as it gradually has the whole city get bought to it's knees. She either shows some guts and saves what is soon to be left if her gangster lawmen play their games.

  16. How many years did he lie about his taxes…the number of years of fraudulent reporting is the reason for the huge amount of back taxes.

  17. Market analysts have valued his shares in truth social at $4 billion I don’t think you guys are fully understanding what wealth is. He’s a billionaire his income from rent will be in the range of of $100 million month. Just a guess but with 10 billion in property at 8 % pa that’s 800,000 million a year

  18. So now line up every individual with a net worth over 20 million & do the same… Everybody, in conjunction with the banks that are loaning the money artificially boost their assets value

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