
Trump was found in contempt for violating his gag order


Trump was found in contempt for violating his gag order

#Trump #contempt #violating #gag #order

The judge in Donald Trump’s N.Y. hush money trial found the former president in contempt for his critical public statements as proceedings entered their third week. #Trump #NewYork #gagorder #StormyDaniels #MicahelCohen Read more: Subscribe to The Washington Post on YouTube:

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23 thoughts on “Trump was found in contempt for violating his gag order”

  1. Lock Him Up! Nobody in America is above the law. Freedom of speech should be cherished, not abused. Shut up Trump. You are a criminal defendent and not a tv personality at this moment in history.

  2. I love how clips like this make it sound like Trump is just harrassing some poor daughter of the judge like she is a young child. she is a middle aged adult liberal who is paid directly by harris and other democrats in washington like chuck shumer, and she make tens of millions for her company by undermining Trumps campaign and her X profile pic is trump behind bars. And the judge is a financial supporter of Biden. The judge pulled this out of his arse and is so far past conflicted but since he refuses to recuse himself, the judge is undermining our judicial system and our democracy. this is the most biased trial, they 100% know that no matter the outcome Trump would win in appeals in a heart beat. But they don't care because it is keeping him from campaigning and costing him money. and they hope if he is convicted he might lose voters they think, so far that is back firing thank god. The known liar "star" witness, the judges daughter and many others are allowed to say whatever they want in public, so Trump should be able to response. the gag order is not specific and the judge is winging it, even counting a retweet as violating the gag order. gimme a break. we just gotta hope these liberal morons don't get us into WW3 or bring in Hamas refugees before we fire Biden and company and get Trump back in the white house. Who can't wait to vote Trump 2024? lets gooooo.. to big to rig!

  3. As if the judical system is to be held in High esteem, lobbyed/bribed judges from top to bottom. Spoiler alert.

  4. Imagine being a democrat and thinking it is okay to remove the freedom of speech of a person. Getting straight Nazi vibes from dems these days. Let me guess yall call yourselves the National Socialist Party . Sounds familiar

  5. 'Bout frackin time Trump is held to account. He can dish it out but he can't take it. You'd think MAGA would be sick of this whiny snowflake.

  6. The gag order is illegal. This democratic weaponized judicial system is ridiculous. People screaming death to America on school campuses. Obiden administration is the worst administration period.

  7. They are silencing a person running for public office, do you seriously think this stops with trump? Coming to a city near you!

  8. What the judge actually said was…Trump cannot comment or disparage or intimidate witnesses, clerks of the court or other personnel who are employed by the court. He is free to comment on his defense or the prosecuting attorneys, the judge, President Biden or other candidates etc. etc. Trump is free to say whatever he wishes so long as he doesn’t speak on a very narrow range of topics outlined by the judge…just like in mafia or other criminal cases where defendants are not allowed to comment on witnesses or jurors. Try actually reading more bubbas…It’s just that simple!

  9. Trump undermining legal system is not new. Judging by the lunacy of the comments under this video like “he is getting jailed for just speaking”, Trump is relying on people intent on dismantling law and order in this country to vote for him. And they will succeed because they have spent the past decades stacking the Supreme Court with judges who are inconsistently applying precedence to get their way, not enforcing anti-gerrymandering decisions, and slow walking any cases harmful to Trump till he is president. So he can pardon himself. The more interesting question is why the Washington Post and other news outlets have been making it harder for the clearly better alternative (Biden)to make the public aware of the good they have done as President. There seems to be hardly any reporting on that despite remarkable gains that we have had to go to hear from niche YouTube channels.

  10. "Attacking", nice loaded choice of words.
    Let's be clear, no one was harmed or injured during the exercise of Trump's free speech rights.

  11. Don't have to worry about Trump undermining the judicial system. Democrats have already done that.

  12. Trump is playing Merchan like a fiddle, and no doubt Merchan is in someway aware that 1) Trump has promised a far more aggressive DoJ and 2) according to a new CNN poll Trump is leading Biden by 6 points nationally and in a five way race he’s leading him by a staggering 9 points. Merchan best tred lightly. Allowing Alvin Bragg’s fascistic case into his court room was the stupidest thing this leftist nutbag judge could have ever done.

  13. Failing to hush in a hush money trial.. I'll give it to Trump he wins the Guinness world record for the loudest hush money.

  14. The Judge might as well throw Trump in jail now because he refused to keep his big mouth shut. He will constantly violet his gag orders because he thinks he's above the law, and he thinks that because he was a president at one time.

  15. What a joke. Trump will never face accountability or justice and everyone knows it. He's already won all of these cases by default because HE'S the one in control of these courtrooms, not these pathetic judges. Fine a billionaire 9k? WHAT A FARCE!

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