
Trump SLAMS Criminal Trial As Political Persecution, FIRST Presidential Criminal Case BEGINS TODAY


Trump SLAMS Criminal Trial As Political Persecution, FIRST Presidential Criminal Case BEGINS TODAY

#Trump #SLAMS #Criminal #Trial #Political #Persecution #Presidential #Criminal #Case #BEGINS #TODAY

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Trump SLAMS Criminal Trial As Political Persecution, FIRST Presidential Criminal Case BEGINS TODAY
criminal law , Trump SLAMS Criminal Trial As Political Persecution, FIRST Presidential Criminal Case BEGINS TODAY, tim pool,timpool,timcast,timcastnews,timcast news,trump,stormy daniels,trump criminal case,trump criminal trial,hush money trial

32 thoughts on “Trump SLAMS Criminal Trial As Political Persecution, FIRST Presidential Criminal Case BEGINS TODAY”

  1. Its a vital precedent to set, as now Trump can pursue criminal action through his office to go after his enemies after the election. Hoist them by their own petard, as it were.

  2. Elon is right to warn of the dangers of Artificial Intelligence! He has stated many many times we should form a regulatory agency to oversee it years ago to make sure humanity is safe! And still to this day no such organizations exist or are even being talked about yet!? I believe AI will fall into the wrong hands soon if we don't do something fast!

  3. Trump's only hope the appeals court. The prosecutor and people of NY would convict him for the mean tweets if they could. How about when Trump ate McDonalds? The stuff wasn't healthy when he was in office. He threatened the life of a US president by eating poorly when he was POTUS. I shouldn't give these swamp dwellers ideas, but it illustrates a point, don't it?

  4. This is such a waste of time, tax payers money and all involved should have their heads examined. Trump 2024

  5. Free ads for Trump. Anyone else claim I cannot get a fair trial and get it thrown out. They keep bringing these political attacks and getting away with it

  6. And they aren't trying him for the actual awful things he did?
    The Ukrainian aid scandal where his son made millions, the millions taken in bribes from the CCP, the deleted emails, the fake reports about a political rival, the required minimum wage increase that has an exception applying to one of his largest campaign donors, or the call for supporters to harass political opponents.
    Oh wait, that was Joe, Hillary, Gavin, and Maxine Waters. Sorry to get that confused, sometimes when someone does such a good job it's easy to get them confused with awful folks.

  7. How is it up to the judge to recuse himself? If one party disputes the judge can't be impartial, there should be a higher power remove the judge, the judge shouldn't have the power to just be like nah

  8. They have recordings that they are using to prove it. Not sure if they are accurate or not. But the ones i heard don't sound good. It's so stupid though.

  9. "This would normally be a campaign finance violation."

    Let me stop you right there. No, it normally wouldnt be and we have precedent to prove it. A democrat presidential candidate back during Obamas first run for president did the exact same thing. John Edwards i think, though not sure in specific.

    The Obama DOJ tried him for campaign finance violations, and it was deemed it wasnt, because such hush money payments would reasonably be made irrespective of a political campaign occurring.

    Also because of the atrocious ramifications such a ruling would have. That a financial expenditure having a negligible and unquantifiable effect on a campaign counts as what would otherwise be held as a legitimate campaign expenditure.

    To put it another way, a political candidate could then buy fancy sports cars and a house with campaign funds; put them inna campaign commercial, and because they had some sort of arguable unquantifiable effect on the campaign; that now counts as a legitimate expenditure.

    See the absurdity in that? Im sure most people paying attention to these videos do, sadly, lefties are too many lightbulbs short of a full pack to really get the ramifications such a ruling would create.

  10. I'm old enough to remember when they impeached Trump for a phone call inquiring into the corrupt activities of the Biden family. They called it "abuse of power" for "investigating" your political opponents. How is this any different? Where'e the feckless GOP on the issue. Oh, that's right, the GOP hates Trump almost as much as the Left and the GOP is likely as corrupt as they are.

  11. Watch Alan Deshowitz's analysis of ALL of the Trump court cases. He says ALL of them are bogus from a legal standpoint. Note: Dershowitz HATES Trump.

  12. In reality, the accounting firm that did Trumps accounting did that, and the CPA's that fill out all of the paperwork are responsible for their accuracy. On top of that Daniel's has written a letter verifying that there never was anything between her and Trump and that is was just a nuisance suit.

  13. Wait, how is it "fraudulently labeled legal expense" if it's settlement money. Isn't settlement a legal thing? If someone sues, you chose to settle instead of going to court, that's a legal move, no?

  14. So what happens if they railroad him into a 10 year prison sentence??? What then? Even further. What if he has a sudden heart attack? Or a fatal dose of c 19? Or jumps out of a skyscraper window? What if they just JFK him??? Will ANYTHING happen??

  15. Do citizens of NYC only receive news from the mainstream due to their massive presence and ignorance due to their fast-paced lifestyle?
    I don't mean that as negative criticism, but I was raised in DC, delivered the Washington Post as a teen, and believed it was reliable as Walter Cronkite.
    I believed MSM until I realized that influenced my opinion about Ben Nighthorse Campbell. He was the Senator of Colorado where I was moving to. Because he changed parties they wrote negatively about someone they admired before. I started to believe them until a wiser friend pointed it out.
    Anyway, other than construction workers who were on his jobs and people who have and still work for him, do other citizens realize what he has done for their city and economy there even when things were bad? Or do they just believe the MSM reports of today?
    I just want to know why he can't get a fair jury there when he's done so much for them.

  16. If this election is'nt by the book, the Democrats will either monopolize control, or regret the shit storm coast to coast they pravoked. It is truly scary, 1939 scary.

  17. lawyers have flipped on trump before, whos to say cohen doesnt testify and provide something to incriminate trump?

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