
Trump sinks his own defense with bombshell admission


Trump sinks his own defense with bombshell admission

#Trump #sinks #defense #bombshell #admission

The Legal Breakdown episode 273: @GlennKirschner2 discusses Trump’s ruinous legal admission during his rally.

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Suit by JB Clothiers:
criminal lawyer , Trump sinks his own defense with bombshell admission, Brian Tyler Cohen,Trump,Republicans,Democrats,brian cohen,politics,news,trump rally,trump trial

37 thoughts on “Trump sinks his own defense with bombshell admission”

  1. Can't President Biden just sign a verdict, or whatever its called, to command the trials be continued?

    You know, these workarounds that the trump found out fast. The ones he always held up to the camera, like a preschool child: mommy, look, i can sign a paper!

  2. Ex President trump with tears in my eyes sir stfu the only person that ever shed a tear for you was your mom but in disappointment

  3. What are the implications? Nothing. Trump is winning that case. It is delayed. The SCOTUS has to actually think about whether a president is immune for his actions taken while president.

  4. Is there a penalty for attorneys who encourage clients to lie under oath? Just a question.

  5. So the guy always yelling, and trying to act super hardcore backed down from a simple "no"? 😂

  6. I don't think 'Admit' is the right word, because it implies he's telling the truth. 'Claims' might be more accurate.

  7. All this is like the worst cliffhanger to a TV show in the history of the world, or like a slow moving car/train crash that looks to be all but inevitable to occur ….I wonder if this is the way some people must have felt in the lead up to the second world war or the rise of Hitler it's all beyond terrifying!

  8. isn´t it by now still not obviouse that, whatever orange is saying, he will never ever be held accountable, because if really sombody wants to do that he would be in jail allready – there are mountains of crimes he committed beyond reasonable doubth. What you see in this court or what he is doing around are just sideshows to keep your attention away from the next coup he and his friends Putin, Xi and Kim are preparing.

  9. The SC of the United States are shielding a criminal and a traitor. They aren't even being subtle about it. The SC has become an enemy of the people. If Trump is found guilty of campaign finance laws, it means he cheated to become president and every judicial appointment he made, including to the SC, should be negated. How can their appointments be valid if Trump cheated to win the 2016 election?

  10. I've seen Trump talk about this before, and I recall him saying that he'd wanted to go to the Capitol, in order to try and stop the riot, but the Secret Service wouldn't let him do it because of the security situation.
    Is there actual evidence of him directly saying that he wanted to "join in" the riot, or something to that effect? Or do we only have him on tape saying that he wanted to go to the riot? Because there's a significant difference between "wanting to join in" and "wanted to tell the rioters to stop and go home".

  11. Trump is the Marge Schott of presidents; his views are hateful & he can't shut up. That's both funny & frightening. tavi.

  12. I cannot stand Trump, but how, from the rear seat of "The Beast" could he grab the drivers steering wheel?

  13. This idiot always gives himself away. He’s got diarrhea of the mouth. Of course, his followers will see this admission as “He’s a man of the people!” That’s the scary part.

  14. He no longer cares. This all a side show, Donald Trumps strategy is to win the election. By any means! If he is in the White House he becomes untouchable. God help you all!

  15. Supreme Court needs prayer. I thought they were suppose to be the smartest legal minds in world,not politicians.

  16. Our judicial system, via the U.S. Supreme Court has shown the average American that we have a 2-tier judicial system in the United States: one for the rich and one for all others. It is time to overhaul our entire judicial and congressional systems.

  17. A smart person who wanted to make a show out of something that he felt was ridiculous would had waited a year at least before talking about the trial he was in, not currently in.

    This man is an embarrassment and I blame his followers most of all. One of them should had shouted: "STOP IMPLICATING YOURSELF! WE WANT YOU TO WIN! YOU ARE MAKING THAT HARDER BY DOING THIS! I LOVE YOU, MAN! BUT COME ON! EVEN WE KNOW YOU ARE RUINING YOURSELF LIKE THIS!"

  18. A famous quote from a few good men seems fitting “You can’t handle the truth. You can’t handle the sad but historic reality.” I hope Donald Trump stands accountable for his actions

  19. After all that's happened trump is still tied with President Biden in the polls? Seriously WTF is going on? Why are educated human beings even considering voting for trump?

  20. id liek to ask ghlenn to stop compering dictators and kings. most modern monarchy like Norway the law aplaye even to royalty. and i find offencive that a man wuld compere donal T to a propper monarch.

  21. I dont see an update on Thursday's trial day as you promised, or do I miss something?

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