
Trump SCREWED HIMSELF with Criminal Trial Dates


Trump SCREWED HIMSELF with Criminal Trial Dates

#Trump #SCREWED #Criminal #Trial #Dates

TRUMP thought he would get away with election interference in 2020, because until then, he’d gotten away with the 2016 election interference with the Stormy Daniels payoffFind out from NY trial lawyer. But Michael Popok explains that the NY criminal case against Trump is now bringing him to justice for election interference, and explores each of the ACTUAL CRIMINAL CHARGES against Trump that taken together, create a FELONY for federal and state election interference.

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criminal lawyer , Trump SCREWED HIMSELF with Criminal Trial Dates, meidastouch,meidas touch,politics,political videos,political advertising,breaking news,ben meiselas,midas touch,midastouch,donald trump,trump,joe biden,biden,president,elections,republicans,democrats,democratic party,republican party,trump indictments,legal news,michael popok,gop,current events,department of justice,justice department,political news,msnbc,cnn,cable news,independent media,united states,us news

35 thoughts on “Trump SCREWED HIMSELF with Criminal Trial Dates”

  1. I think many people will not understand the fact that this case is an election interference case. The connection is lost on many because the case is mainly sold as a pay-off for a pornstar. This may also be lost on the jury and they will not convict for a felony.

  2. His team will absolutely try to get this down to a misdemeanor and Trump will spin it as him “making a great deal” to get out of the “witch hunt”

  3. I agree, because of that cover up, Trump mislead the public, in other words he lie! 😮

  4. Trump, MAGA, and Republican Cult vs, Christian faith and democracy = spiritual warfare. Scary.

  5. Is this BETRAYAL or LYING? Neither. Trump did betray a commitment to his wife & family. Trump did lie about it. That doesn't violate the law, Melania reacting to it is another matter. This is an issue of hiding payments designed to cover-up the betrayal and lies, so he could run for election without the betrayal and lies tied to him. That's election interference to his own election.

  6. So……Cohen goes to jail for covering up Mr. T's crime and the Don stays quiet. Even continues to kick his loyal soldier while he was down. Now, Mr. T. wants to argue that there was "nothing wrong" with the crime that Cohen went to jail for. Isn't this just the height of all the flip flopping performed over the years. Only this time the stake is his butt in jail.

  7. Popak: Are you aware this post was interrupted by an ad with Trump asking for campaign money to fire Biden? He said we (non MAGA) are fascist, communists, etc. Have Youtube channels no control of ads popping up during their video posts? 😢

  8. Thank you, I appreciate you calling this NY trial Election Interference trial, they call it a hush money trial to play it down and make it about unimportant (to most people) private sexual stuff and it makes it just seemy stuff.

  9. If Trump is found guilty he should go from the courtroom to jail. If he appeals the courts decision he can do it from his cell like everyone else.
    How long are they going to let Bannon drag his appeal out before he goes to jail?

  10. I find it funny that this video was preceded by a youtube ad of trump asking me to donate. Talk about wasting your ad dollars 😂😂

  11. Every time you say “Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday” I can’t help but think of the line from the Godfather! Makes it even more appropriate that one of trumps new names is the Nodfather. 🤣🤣🤣

  12. Unrelated to what you're talking about they were claiming funny Willis and her lover it was a conflict of interest but how is it Clarence Thomas and his wife isn't a conflict of interest? He needs to be booted off the Supreme Court

  13. America needs a law of the land. Sod this state by state laws, then federal law, it's a mess. The law of the land is a United States of America. You are not United, you're the States of America, or to put it more succinctly, relating to your legal system, America in a right state! 😂

  14. Waiting impatiently for the week after week of Legal AF where we hear nothing of DJT because all his trials are concluded, and he's cooling his heels in prison.

  15. LOL, all this over the years, the main case of theft of US documents not happening and he can still get a pass! My God, American justice is shit. All bullshit, no balls!

  16. Can you just imagine what the other people in jail are thinking while this dump gets special treatment being free to say or do whatever he likes, disgusting behaviour by the judiciary and judges.

  17. A = criminal
    B = law
    C = crime commited
    D = law enforcement
    E = court
    F = judge with back bone
    F = have not found a single one yet
    F = no balls
    F = "big fines"
    F = courts bail out criminal and no balls judge
    F = means nothing
    F = useless
    F = yay justice

  18. With all the crimes committed by Trump, he should long be incarcerated! This disgraced man embarrasses the nation and humans.

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