
Trump QUICKLY Devastated By Witness at Criminal Trial


Trump QUICKLY Devastated By Witness at Criminal Trial

#Trump #QUICKLY #Devastated #Witness #Criminal #Trial

Prosecutor Dave Aronberg AKA the Florida Law Man explains why the first witness, David Pecker, was the deadliest for the former President and his likeliest defense to these alleged crimes.

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34 thoughts on “Trump QUICKLY Devastated By Witness at Criminal Trial”

  1. Hope he gets his felony even if he doesn't go to jail because that wont help in other cases

  2. Lol @ Schultz reference.. "I know nuffink, nuffink!" Great Video and quite informative. about Peckers testimony being all hard and up in DJT's face and the fact that he just had to swallow the testimony and then be grateful…. Talk about a devastating thing for Trump to have to stomach. Still a shame 1/2 of SCOTUS can't be going down the tubes with him. But secrets and truth all come out eventually and the ugliness behind the scenes really destroy the evil historically. Sure after death there will be books and t-shirts and psycho followers like with Manson, but no gain for them and no love loss after they are gone except from the psycho's they created for greed and personal gain. No faith in the faithless 1/2. And if any of them are faithful.. .haha hell awaits, like w/DJT

  3. His lawyers weren't ready for Pecker, because of their client. They couldn't get the first witness list, because of their client. He wants to intimidate and threaten ppl, then guess what, work with what you have.

  4. The rest of the witnesses will tie Pecker's testimony up with a nice little bow. 🤟🏻💙

  5. That man doesn't give two shits about Melania or his family. It's about him, it always has been, he has 'Me Me Me Syndrome'. Lord I hate that man!!

  6. So if tRump were to be elected, and the Supremes said sure he should have full immunity, would Pecker be the first on tRump's hit list?

  7. 😂😂😂😂 When dumb donnie gets screwed, especially by a dude named Pecker….🤭😄😂🤣 You know it's a good day for the rest of the world! 😂🤣😂🤣

  8. Bill Maher is in on it he's one of the media people that have been influenced by Stephen Miller to keep it a two-horse race. Do not trust Bill Maher he's a sellout he's one of the f**** authoritarians.

  9. He's taken a point from Trump, he shouldn't be surprised it's what Trump does ALL THE TIME

  10. Corretion…Trump does owe Pecker money….the maggot doesn't pay his contractors…not rich people…regular hard working people making a living for their family

  11. These people don't have friends. They have useful idiots. There's no loyalty among these grifters. If you deal with criminals, don't be surprised when they cover their own asses.

  12. I don't care if Pecker says he considers Trump as his "friend". Pecker DOES have an axe to grind. Trump stiffed him for $150K in the Karen McDougall cover-up. Pecker paid McDougall and Trump never repaid him. There are no true friends in the murky fish tank these bottom feeders swim in.

  13. A Real friend would not ask his friend to commit Perjury on the Witness Stand for trump and risk going to the jail, just like trump's accountant is doing right now.

  14. I would not be able to sit on a jury where one of the witnesses name is pecker. Every time they said his name I'd be giggling and thrown out of court. I'd get a horrible case of the giggles and couldn't stop. That's just a funny name I don't care who you are!!💙🥰💙🥰💙🥰

  15. Donald, you have no friends, just cling on hoping for appointments. A TRUMP presidency will ruin the USA and is Allie’s.

  16. People who say "Pecker is only testifying so he can avoid prosecution," yeah that means there was a crime though lol

  17. I’m loving this! The former CEO of the National Enquirer has shown tRump that he can’t count on his “friends “ to want to go to prison for protecting his secrets!! And really,who can he call a “friend “ ?

  18. I love the Hogan's Heroes reference. I think that this guy will be the taking down of Trump. Can't wait to hear the guilty verdict.

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