




MeidasTouch host Ben Meiselas reports on Donald Trump exiting his criminal trial after a disastrous day for him with David Pecker’s testimony.

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criminal lawyer , Trump Looks SHELL-SHOCKED after Leaving CRIMINAL TRIAL, meidastouch,meidas touch,politics,political videos,political advertising,breaking news,ben meiselas,midas touch,midastouch,donald trump,trump,joe biden,biden,president,elections,republicans,democrats,democratic party,republican party,trump indictments,legal news,michael popok,gop,current events,department of justice,justice department,political news,msnbc,cnn,cable news,independent media,united states,us news

47 thoughts on “Trump Looks SHELL-SHOCKED after Leaving CRIMINAL TRIAL”

  1. Deluded Don Snoreleone likely believed that things would not get this far. It is possible that he thought that the Maganuts would rise up in protest or that the partisan Supreme Court would rule quickly to stop the trials. His faith in his base may be shaken even though they have not turned up to support him. He may even stop violating his gag order but then again, we are talking about a very stupid creature who has demonstrated that he is unable to learn.

  2. He's a president that should Never have happened he's poison to this country. Trumpty will NEVER be back in the Whitehouse. Prison is the only place for him for the rest of his miserable life.

  3. What do you expect with his hair he is the comb over king.
    How can someone be so vein that they comb over.
    I'm British and we laugh at anyone doing this I myself have the Jason statham look which for British woman ( according to a study) is far more attractive.

  4. First of all:
    The orange man is an idiot.
    You don't need to understand or hear a single word he talks – you still know, it's all bullshit and lies.

    But… what is wrong with his lawyer? In each court house Interview he is standing beside his client and looking grumpy. No reaction to anything Trump or somebody else says. Just standing awkwardly there and looking grumpy. A cardboard display wouldn't be much more useless.😂

  5. I don't think dump's fart strategy is working for him. He should have listened to Howard Stern's recalling his experience playing "Fartman".

  6. This is a case that should never have happened, this is a case that should never have been filed. So please tell the entire planet why is it strangely suspicious that you use the exact same bullshit with all the cases you have been on. Yet you have lost every single case. You can not loose a case if the prosecution has no evidence, banks records, witness testimony, emails, phone calls or even what you yourself said.
    So honesty may be a new concept for you Mr Trump, but unfortunately it is the only stuff courts allow. Which is why you delay the crap out of every case against you. Because lies do not work in court rooms. Threats do not work, and playing the victim. All useless in a courtroom. Facts, truth, honesty and Justice. You have zero of those qualities working for you.
    So Mr Trump it is called being a man and owning the shit you have done.

  7. So if Trump gets immunity then Biden would have it too. So Biden can call in an order against Trump.

  8. If a president has immunity, could JB just jail DT on a whim, the boot would be on another foot!

  9. *Arab spring
    *Clinton on Qaddafi: "We came, we saw, he died"
    *Benghazi death of ambassador Stevens
    *Clinton email invistagation
    *Bill Clinton meets on Loretta Lynch on tarmac
    *FBI director Comey "To be clear, this is not to suggest that in similar circumstances, a person who engaged in this activity would face no consequences. To the contrary, those individuals are often subject to security or administrative sanctions. But that is not what we are deciding now."
    *Huma Abedin Anthony Weiner and Awan brothers
    *Isis attack on Syria trying to remove al-Assad

    *Obama Redline in the sand Al-Assad using chemical weapons
    *Presidential Primary
    *Hillary calling Tolsi Galbard a Russian operative
    *DNC kicking Bernie Sanders from democratic nominee
    *Seth Rich WikiLeaks Clinton emails Jerome Corsi *Roger Stone contact with Julian Asange
    *Trump wins Presidentcy

    *ADAM Schiff text secretary "need to remove Trump By any means necessary." Ties with Fusion GPS
    *Steel Dossier 'Trump has Russian prostitute pee on him"
    *FBI director Comey starts investigation
    *Alexander Chalupa

    *Paul Manifort arrested for dealings in Mercury a foreign lobbyist company. Tony Podesta doesn't face prosecution.

    *General Flynn kicked out of Trumps Cabinet for Russian payment from RT when he said that "Clinton state department was arming ISIS"

    *Russia helps Syria fight ISIS using drones.
    *A Chemical gas ISIS terrorist attack goes off in Syria media blames Pres. Assad wants Trump to send Troops in Syria. Trump bombs airfield end of escalation.
    *George Soros funds immigration of Syrians and arabs to Europe. Soros also involved funding Ukraine protests with Victoria Nuland
    Cloward–Piven strategy using immigration has a form of cultural and economic warfare. Inline with democratic Saul Alinsky tatics.

    * Trump fires Comey media says that is a sign of corruption of the president.

    *Robert Mueller takes over investigation
    Two year witch hunt.
    *Bill Burr and Devin Nunez ends investigation finding no Coalition.
    *Roger Stone arrested for witness tampering and lying to the FBI on dates about WikiLeaks
    * MeToo movement designed to go after Republicans for midterm elections 2018 backfires taking out more Dem Congressman then Rep and Harvy Weinstein.
    *Borat tampers midterm
    *Whitelash BLM- Antifa Free speech zones and safe spaces
    *Hunter Biden laptop
    *Rudy Giuliani Biden Burisma 11 million dollar bribe
    * Borat sting on Rudy
    *Jan 6
    *Rick Gates, George Papadopoulos, Allen Weiselberg, Paul Manafort, Michael Cohen, Roger Stone, Steve Bannon, Ellot Brady Rudy Gouliani, Sidney Powell X Jail X

  10. He is on trial NOT the country, don't blend his crimes with the country!
    Fake news 🗞️ by Trump!

  11. I suppose hes bringing up charlottesville because hes signalling to his far right extremists, to feel enmeshed with him and fight on his behalf, because if theyre treating trump like this, then they will treat the extremists like this…and they need to defend their country/trump etc etc

  12. I suspect the reason Trump did not want Melania to fond out about Stormy or McDonald affairs is because Melania was probably already telling her lawyer renegotiate her presumpt. for more money for her to act like they were happily married. Can you imagine how much more she would have demanded if those two affairs were breaking news?

  13. So Biden, use your Presidential Powers and "absolute Presidential immunity" and order Seal Team Six into action. According to Donald Trump and his lawyers, you've every right "in your official capacity" to eliminate, by any means available, the non indictable right to take out your political rivals. I think Trump fits the bill well. What say you, Supreme Court? Your decision could have unimaginable consequences. Trump himself said it, "If I don't win, it'll be a blood bath", possibly at '666' Wall Street in Manhattan.

  14. He thinks he sounds so intelligent with all those big words and waving his hands all around. Breath taking… just breath taking

  15. Watching involuntary, temporary detox happening in real time.

    But hey, he managed to get a doctor to sign on and say he's unable to go to Viet Na… I mean, and say he's in perfect health to be the POTUSA!

  16. An – ugly – hairpiece/ combover that is being stressed beyond its meteorological limitations.

  17. "So this is that 'accountability' thing I heard about but always avoided because I'm a spoiled rich baby."


  19. Donald Trump is right about one thing we can't let this happen to this country let's vote him out he need to go to jail

  20. Narcissistic injury…he is being exsposed and it will take its toll,this isnt happening to the country,it is all happening to Trump.

  21. 'So remember, Presdential Immunity is very important! Otherwise, you don't have a President!'
    So, according to Trump, for over 200 years, we didn't have real Presidents, because they didn't have immunity…
    Seems like they did just fine without it.

  22. Woah, wait a 2nd — did Trump’s attorney, John Sauer actively & knowingly *LIE*(!!!) to the Supreme Court Justices by saying that President Obama attempted, but failed, to assassinate a political opponent?!?!
    Someone’s in TROUBLE … 😳 (& for once, it’s not Trump)!

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