
Trump Lawyers Tell Judge Cannon He’s Going To Use World’s Dumbest Defense Strategy


Trump Lawyers Tell Judge Cannon He’s Going To Use World’s Dumbest Defense Strategy

#Trump #Lawyers #Judge #Cannon #Hes #Worlds #Dumbest #Defense #Strategy

Donald Trump and his lawyers had a private, closed-door meeting with Judge Aileen Cannon on Monday, and they outlined their defense strategy to the judge (as they are required to do.) As expected, his lawyers are planning on using the dumbest arguments ever by telling the judge that the documents he stole and shared weren’t actually that important, and that some of the information he shared was actually already outdated by the time he was “waving around” the document. Farron Cousins explains this idioitic strategy.

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37 thoughts on “Trump Lawyers Tell Judge Cannon He’s Going To Use World’s Dumbest Defense Strategy”

  1. Remember when his defence was the FBI planted the evidence at his residence.
    Then when the mountain of evidence became known and that was ridiculous his excuse changed.
    He’s an idiot.

  2. Regardless of the decisions she makes, it is a complete miscarriage of justice to have a judge oversee a trial where the defendant is the person who appointed them. This should never have happened in the first place and shows that the American legal system has major problems that need to be addressed.

  3. Lawyers have BAD REPUTATION. If you catch your son stealing something, don’t try to correct him, leave him alone he might become a lawyer.😜😜😜😜

  4. I really don't understand, and perhaps someone can explain it to me… Why when it is so totally obvious, Judge Cannon is woefully under qualified to try a case of this magnitude, and it is also obvious that she is doing everything she possibly can to help Trump, and delay and delay the trial, why don't her bosses (she must report to someone) step in and say she must be removed when she is very far from impartial, or at the very least be saying to her that they have her under a microscope, and are checking every word that comes out of her mouth to make sure it doesn't help one side or the other unduly. I realize that everyone is entitled to a fair trial, but when the case against the defendant is SO strong and the mountain of evidence as large as it is, and also there is pretty much a confession from Trump… this trial SHOULD be a formality. Yet it feels like Judge Cannon, with the eyes of the whole world on her would smile and say "I know you did it, but Im going to let you go, as you have said you wouldn't do it again…. unless you wanted to, but that's ok too".

  5. It's not like we have come to expect brilliance from a numb skull. It's more like what's the next lie going to be.

  6. Even if it's old intel, it may contain info about how and by who the info was collected that may still be in position collecting more up to date information. Revealing the document may also reveal who collected the info and could expose informants still in enemy territory collecting more information.

  7. Cannon's incompetence and lack of experience should have been reason enough that this case wasn't placed under her supervision…. And she should most certainly have been removed from it the moment she was proven to be siding with the defendant….

  8. “Oh no Judge, the money from that bank was old it doesn’t matter that it did belonged to the clients of the bank. It was old money.”

  9. Old information HAS to be secured, as it gives your enemy a roadmap to your spycraft. Some information can only be attained one way. By showing your information, you WILL risk the life of operatives.

  10. It does not matter what the documents were. They were not his. He took them anyway. He repeatedly refused to return them.

  11. Greymail tactic aided and abetted by Cannon. If forced to un-redact the documents and place the secret information onto the public record, the prosecution may decline to proceed to protect national security. Trump and Cannon certainly don't appear to consider protecting national security important.

  12. Pretending he turned over all the documents and then finding 30 boxes after that is lying to federal officers. Obtruction of justice is the easiest charge to prove among all the felonies in all his cases. Should be a no-brainer.

  13. Wow I’m somewhat he didn’t ask for a delay since his trial for the documents case starts in may but then again the venues favors trump since it will be held in Florida in a trump district and a trump appointed judge will be over seeing the case a judge that has already done trump some favors in othercases we don’t hear trump attacking this judge calling her and her staff all kinds of names he doesn’t call her biased and say she should be removed no if course not because he sees her as in his corner and because the case is in a trump district in Florida with a trump appointed judge he feels he will win this case that is why he hasn’t tried to delay this one so if he is acquitted he will say see I told you I did nothing wrong I’m innocent this has all been a witch hunt and all the other cases should be dropped and he will still fight them from coming to trial

  14. How can it be possible for trump & his lawyers to have a closed door hearing with Cannon? My god, she’s suppose to be neutral.

  15. To be fair and balanced( so to speak) Trump's lawyers have nothing to work with. Remember the "Twinkie defense" where junk food allegedly caused the client's misbehavior? "Affluenca" was tried in another case arguing the priveleged upbringing of the client excused him of guilt. Initially the argument that MacDonald was negligent in serving coffee too hot and caused injury to a woman's lap won. The only problem I have with his defense is holding our nation's security hostage to free their client. Once again the legal profession proves there is no depth it will not sink.

  16. Actually the file cover, is just as classified as whats inside it. There is still documents from thee 40's during the war, that are still classified.

  17. It could be toilet paper for all I care he still stole them! He’s a theft. That’s the beginning. What he did steal can make a difference, or not, but he still stole in the 1st place

  18. if the documents were so unimportant, why did Trump refuse to return them? "Oh I uh like having unimportant stuff…"

  19. So the information per se, might be out of date, but it doesn’t mean someone on the other side couldn’t use it to work backwards to identify a potential American/Allied intelligence source…..who ends up becoming geography. If these clowns are actually criminal lawyers, the bar should be looking at their professional standards, and possibly reviewing their license to practice. Previous clients who were found guilty should consider a class action for poor representation if this is the level of their argument.

  20. If the documents are stamped Top Secret, Secret, or Confidential, then they're classified documents, and Donnyboy is in trouble.

  21. It's not that she would hurt the prosecution's case. It's that she would literally put AMERICA'S NATIONAL SECURITY in jeopardy for a fool-hardy liar. Oh…AND risk her own trial too if she's really not interested in the LAW. Which she doesn't seem to be since she's favoring one defendent over others. Shameful behavior from a judge of any caliber. She should be impeached with her egregious behavior.

  22. So now they’re admitting he was waving it around in front of Mar-A-Lardo members? Didn’t the Orange Oompa Loompa claim it was blank? 🙄

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