
Trump Lawyers Go FULL PANIC With Consequential Supreme Court Trial Filing


Trump Lawyers Go FULL PANIC With Consequential Supreme Court Trial Filing

#Trump #Lawyers #FULL #PANIC #Consequential #Supreme #Court #Trial #Filing

Donald Trump’s legal team is clearly scrambling with last ditch effort to block his immunity ruling for his criminal trial with a Supreme Court block filing. John Iadarola breaks it down on The Damage Report.

Read more here:

Two Cases. Two Judges. One High-Stakes Week for Trump. –

“In two courthouses, two blocks apart, two New York judges could well ruin Donald J. Trump’s week.

On Thursday, one of the judges, Juan M. Merchan, may schedule the first criminal trial of a former American president for as early as next month — raising the specter that Mr. Trump might end up behind bars.

The following day, according to two people with knowledge of the matter, the second judge is expected to deliver a ruling that threatens not Mr. Trump’s freedom, but his family business. The judge, Arthur F. Engoron, oversaw the former president’s civil fraud trial and is weighing the New York attorney general’s request to penalize Mr. Trump hundreds of millions of dollars and sever him from the company he ran for decades.”


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criminal lawyer , Trump Lawyers Go FULL PANIC With Consequential Supreme Court Trial Filing, breaking news,The Damage Report,TDR,John Iadarola,The Young Turks,tyt,progressive news,progressive media,progressives,trump,donald trump,trump news,trump news today,trump speech,trump video,trump twitter,truth social,trump latest news,trump supreme court,trump court,trump trial,trump trial news,trump trial updates,trump immunity,trump ballot disqualification,trump election disqualification,supreme court new,trump lawyer,alina habba,trump biden

40 thoughts on “Trump Lawyers Go FULL PANIC With Consequential Supreme Court Trial Filing”

  1. Love your sense of humour Rendan.
    Saw this when I six, and remember crying in the theatre when we think ET has passed.

  2. trump didn't do this for the country or for other country. He did it for personnel use, voter fraud and a coup.

  3. trunt** wants to Win in order to resign and get the Pardons like Nixon did . . . . . . think.
    Waterboard trunt** on LIVE TV, TRE45ON**.
    Putin Owns trunt** and the GQP MAGAts.
    trunt** Must do Life in Prison, or a Dementia Plea Deal and House Arrest at Bedminster, NJ — single.

  4. Another option is to say he has immunity and then trump will say "since I was cheated out of overturning the election, I demand to be installed to the presidency." The court could then agree on that also and it would be a bloodless coup if enough justice dept people back it

  5. Politics is a complete corrupt bad joke. No wonder it attracts power trippers and never good people who just want to do good things for the citizens.

  6. are former presidents ALL committing prosecuteables in office, scotus? is it just me or are they really considering trump's bs in that way? if that's the case somebodies.have allowed a lot of criminality go on. kept other attemps to usurp elected presidents out of the press and public eye uninvestigated, indicted? who are they protecting from who?

    If it is good for the goose, it is good for the gander.

  8. I can totally see them taking the cowardly way out. Let him stay on the ballot and leave the other stuff for after the election so if he wins and pardons himself and shuts all the cases down, they can’t be blamed. And if he loses, the cars will go on in the power courts after the election and they won’t have to deal with them. Then of course see trump will again push the rigged election bit but maybe, at greater consequence this time.

  9. Shut the SOB down!! There is nothing special about him to the point that he deserves all this attention. His actions are threatening the very core of our country and why would anyone think he should have a second thought? Stop all this crap now and let us all get on with our lives. We, as a country, matter…tRump does not. He is a completely fictional character and deserves nothing from us. NOTHING!!

  10. You mentioned that the Supreme Court may reach a compromise. The problem with that is that most Americans already view the Supreme Court as a political front for the Republicans. It no longer dispenses justice blindly, but the Republican justices have lifted the blindfold just enough to be able to tilt the scales of justice in the Republican favor.

  11. Yeah, we Americans just have a long list of ex Presidents being prosecuted for crimes while in office! 😅😅😅

  12. Try, Convict, Sentence , Criminal TraitorTrump! Keep up the pressure! Take this serial psychopathic liar out of circulation. America is tired of being held hostage by his threats and terrorist tactics!

  13. Thank goodness your audio and video are back in sync! Its much easier to listen to your fascinating and educational programs.

  14. Delay, delay, delay for a 77 yr old whom claims hes innocent- we all seen their “peaceful “ protest 🪧 🪧🪧🪧🪧🪧, according to his lawyer it was a violent, terrible riot but not an insurrection 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

  15. Trump the criminal from court to court begging for help . How does he have time to spread j
    All his lies?

  16. It has not happened to previous presidents because they have not been criminally inclined, lying, megalomaniacs like Trump.

  17. There's nothing that says, "I'm as guilty as can be" than someone who repeatedly delays court proceedings.

  18. They are going to appeal everything to delay it until after end of the year. The only scenario I see is if Biden is somehow ends up with a serious medical problem and is unable to continue on. I hope after this year both parties are done with old men running for office just way too much risk Biden has a stroke or something. When people get over the age of 80 start to age very quickly just as we see with children who grow up so quickly from 10 years old to 18.

  19. Really good video. I appreciate the effort you put into this and there were many solid clear points, but there are a few things that are not actually correct. The problem is that you are not quite right about the appeal itself because you missed something the court of appeals did and it is very significant. When the appellate court 3 person panel unanimously decided to deny the appeal making it clear that there is no such thing as presidential immunity from CRIMINAL indictment, the court said that if Donald Trump did not appeal the case to the Supreme Court by Monday the 12, then the trial could start back up again. What makes this especially significant is that an appeal to the Supreme Court is NOT the typical next step if you want maximum delay. The appellate court knew that Trump was going to try to ask for what is called an En Banc review of the appeal. Up until this point a small sub group of court of appeals judges denied Trump's appeal. With an En Banc review, the ENTIRE appeals court is asked to decide on the appeal. So, the requirement the court put in place to make an appeal to the Supreme Court effectively said "if you try to do an En Banc review, the case will start up again during that review". This effectively forced Trump to skip that waste of time and go right to the Supreme Court.

    Now we get to Trump's appeal and this is where the video is not quire correct because Trumps lawyers actually (and unfortunately) did a good job and some maneuvering of their own. Instead of petitioning the Supreme Court to hear the case as they were directed to do if they wanted to keep the case on pause, Trump's lawyers petitioned the court to give them a stay (so the trial does not start again) WHILE THEY REQUESTED THE EN BANC REVIEW. So they are not asking for the case to be stayed for the Supreme Court ruling. They are asking to IGNORE THE REQUIREMENT OF THE COURT OF APPEALS TO GO TO THE SUPREME COURT IMMEDIATELY. This is once again the maximum delay strategy. So before any of the scenarios listed in the video, there is this first hurdle of will the Supreme Court allow Trump to take this back to the court of appeals without the trial starting again.

    With that out of the way there is one opinion I would like to share. I disagree with you on how the Supreme Court will handle this once they are forced to decide on hearing the appeal. In the case of keeping Trump off the ballot, the Supreme Court HAD to hear the case because it would impact every state and there were already states removing him and states blocking his removal. They effectively had no choice. I do think the analysis in this video about that case is 100% correct and that Trump will NOT be removed from the ballot because… reasons. Bad reasons, but reasons. Having said that, the absolute immunity case is VERY different. There is not a shred of law in the constitution, precedent or established trial law that supports presidential immunity against criminal indictment. So this is a nuisance waste of time that never should have been allowed to happen. Because the court of appeals ruling is so clear, definitive and obviously correct, it is VERY likely the Supreme Court will just refuse to hear the case when they are forced to decide. It is an easy way out and all it does is let Donald Trump's trial continue. It has no more far reaching effects than that as the argument that there will be a flood of political litigation in the future is obviously wrong from… all of history. This video did a great job of explaining that.

    Thanks to anyone who actually read this 😀

  20. If trump gets them to agree to presidential immunity, understanding he is Not the current president, seems President Biden would have some options in dealing with trump.
    This doesn’t seem like the win trump thinks it may be.
    So, the House and the Senate really wouldn’t have a purpose because the President could do whatever the hell without checks and balances.
    This isn’t good.
    I voted for President Biden but if he committed a crime(s) I would want accountability.
    That goes double for the orange corruptible unpatriotic stooge.

  21. Multiple psychics around the world have already predicted Biden’s win but more interestingly Trump’s death before the election from an apparent stroke this spring (between March and May) with his ultimate demise no later than October. Sounds like all those Trump 2024 signs should have RIP at the top. 💙💙🇺🇸🇺🇸

  22. I enjoy this channel, but this is the most ridiculous discussion I have heard on here. This is not about negotiating a settlement in a civil case for money damages, it is about interpreting the US Constitution and whether a criminal traitor is going to be allowed to remain on the ballot because there are a bunch of MAGAS on the Court. They didn’t even ask questions that one would expect if they were considering constitutional ramifications. They were discussing political ramifications, which should be irrelevant because the Supreme Court is supposed to be a non-political body. This “Supreme Court” has invalidated itself over and over.

  23. If Trump is not able to stand for election will you put up Mickey Mouse and show that you found a more intelligent candidate

  24. Forty five other presidents managed just fine (not perfectly but managed) without this 'absolute immunity'. Just shows Trump is not the same caliber as other presidents have been.

  25. What does history tell us regarding how the USA has always dealt with dangerous, despotic men threatening our country?

  26. a great overview!!………….clear and succinct!!……………more presenters need to learn how to do this!! 😂🙄🙄🤣

  27. agreed . if there's another traitor in the future charge them . thats rhe worst excuse they have ….

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