
Trump Lawyers Attempt AGGRESSIVE Testimony Scheme In NY Criminal Trial #TDR


Trump Lawyers Attempt AGGRESSIVE Testimony Scheme In NY Criminal Trial #TDR

#Trump #Lawyers #Attempt #AGGRESSIVE #Testimony #Scheme #Criminal #Trial #TDR

Donald Trump’s legal team is seeking to block testimony from key witnesses in his New York hush money case, including Stormy Daniels, Micheal Cohen and more in an aggressive silencing move ahead of the criminal trial. John Iadarola and Danielle Moodie breaks it down on The Damage Report.

Read more here:

Trump seeks to block Stormy Daniels, Michael Cohen from testifying at NY hush money trial –

“Former President Trump’s lawyers in his hush-money case on Monday demanded a New York judge block key witnesses from testifying in Trump’s first criminal trial set to begin next month.

Trump attorney Todd Blanche moved to block testimony from Michael Cohen, Trump’s ex-fixer, and two women he paid to stay quiet about affairs they alleged with Trump: Porn actress Stormy Daniels and former Playboy model Karen McDougal.

Trump’s reimbursements to Cohen are the thrust of Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg’s (D) prosecution of Trump, who denies the affairs and pleaded not guilty to his 34 charges of falsifying business records.”


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criminal lawyer , Trump Lawyers Attempt AGGRESSIVE Testimony Scheme In NY Criminal Trial #TDR, breaking news,The Damage Report,TDR,John Iadarola,The Young Turks,tyt,progressive news,progressive media,progressives,donald trump,trump news,trump speech,trump twitter,truth social,trump latest news,trump trial news,trump lawyer,trump nyc,donald trump supporters,donald trump news today,2024 election,democrats,stormy daniels,trump hush money,trump stormy daniels,trump michael cohen,trump lies,danielle moodie,woke af,the new abnormal

43 thoughts on “Trump Lawyers Attempt AGGRESSIVE Testimony Scheme In NY Criminal Trial #TDR”

  1. Bringing Melania into the court 2 inquire abt 2 key issues:
    Prosecutor: Does "The Donald" have yeti pubes & a mushroom-shaped penis, Ms. Trump?🤔
    Melania: I honest here…me literally…don't recall🤫
    Prosecutor: So… since when have you not had sex with "The Donald"?🤔

    Melania: FIFTH!😶‍🌫

  2. Your honour, that guy, who's house I burgled should not be able to talk because he has a conflict of interest and is biased.

  3. Djt threatened "only one -day, he'd turn U.S.A. from our-' Constitution semicolon therefore, Donald dRumpf threatens our-' Democracy cheating -on it-s' Law; therefore, killing America.

  4. Utoobblokesfreespeechandthisisoneofmypostthatitblocks

    theres a man that rapes a woman and molest others… do you approve? $88mil and he wants give her more

    theres a man that engaged in a insurrection…. do you approve?

    what if a man keeps secret sensitive files in unsecured ways…. do you approve?

    what if a man cooks the books and steals from the people… do you approve? $463mil

    what if a man conspires to steal votes… do you approve? 4/19 plead guilty

    these are just 5 undisputed question is this the type of person you will support at the sake of losing your own respect.

    how much of your money are you prepared to give him last year he used $50000000 of your donations for his legal costs. you could always give him money for his appeals he now has a "go fund me" i am sure your pensions will strech a little further.

    the gop leading contender for president has just annouced that in the event that a delinquent nato country gets invade buy russia he "would encourage them to do whatever they like" article 5 has only been used once and that was after the eleventh of september attack on usa. is this the true "manchurin candidate" via the kremlin

    of all the 6 bankruptcy he had the contractors lost the most money except one and that was stormy daniels

    $1,800,000,000 for holiday shack under flight path wow what a real estate genius trump is how many planes were landing in that video

    Citizen drumpf seems to want to have it both ways with SCOTUS in that states should have the final decision over womens bodies in overturning roe v wade but when it comes to him as presidential candidate the federal courts should have the final say that he can be a candidate

  5. Yep. Evidence against The Donald is now seen as prejudicial and therefore can't be used. Genius! 🦘🦘🦘

  6. The underground puppet masters will see to it that DT will be elected president regaurdless of his absolute inability to be president. Its all apart of agenda 2025. Hands down.

  7. Err, have a trial but do not call any witnesses to the crime that you allege was committed in case they implicate me in the alleged crime.. WTF????

  8. Yeah… so… all those witnesses are going to incriminate me, so I'm gonna need you to stop them from testifying. Thanks.
    Cause I'm totally not guilty, ok?!?

  9. If every alleged criminal can block all the evidence against them, then there would be no one in prison.

  10. Falsifying documents and election interference is really what this is about and Glenn Kirschner said that essentially every single aspect of the case is being requested to not be allowed to be considered evidence or testimony and he’s said that there’s no way the judge will allow any of these motions and will just deny! I feel bad for the attorney but then again he decided to represent Trump so I guess he gets what he signed up for.

  11. Nah, Blanche may not be as overwhelmingly incompetent as Habba, but he's not much more successful with motions for the past few months…

  12. Just because Blanche isn't pretty doesn't mean he's a competent attorney.
    If they preclude Cohen's direct testimony, his public statements and previous testimony are not hearsay.

    No way judge is going to go for it – if Cohen was on the moon, most judges would ask when he's coming back.

  13. danielle and john, if you're going to talk about a topic you should know what you're talking about, the relevant information isn't hard to find. melania is trump's third wife and baron was about 3 months old when trump had his tryst with stormy daniels.

  14. 0:15: ⚖️ Trump's legal team attempting to limit testimonies and evidence in upcoming criminal trial.
    2:13: ⚖️ Trump's attorneys are attempting to manipulate testimony in a criminal trial in New York.
    4:10: ⚖️ Trump's lawyers aim to prevent key testimonies in NY criminal trial to sway election impact.
    6:27: 🤔 Trump's lawyers attempt to control perception in NY criminal trial regarding undisclosed relationships.
    8:24: ⚖️ Prosecution seeks to prevent Trump from falsely claiming persecution in NY criminal trial.

    Timestamps by Tammy AI

  15. John, Melania won’t leave him before the election, I guarantee it – it’ll be part of the new prenup! Now afterwards…. 🤔

  16. They asked for the same thing in pretrial and it took months, and all were allowed…what you said is true-why have a trial if ALL the witnesses are blocked?!?!?!!!💙🐾💙🐾👋🏼👋🏼🦤

  17. Can you imagine what goes on in Trumps strategy sessions for his court cases. They probably open the meeting reading the list of things that are a definite no- no; pull fire alarms every day before court, kid nap witnesses, eat chicken at table while judge is in the room, definitely no grabbing peoples private parts, and no rapping.

  18. Trump's wish list is hilarious! Since when does a defendant get to determine what evidence and witnesses will be allowed at his trial?

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