
Trump Lawyers Accidentally EXPOSE how WEAK Defense Is on LIVE TV


Trump Lawyers Accidentally EXPOSE how WEAK Defense Is on LIVE TV

#Trump #Lawyers #Accidentally #EXPOSE #WEAK #Defense #LIVE

MeidasTouch host Ben Meiselas reports on Donald Trump’s lawyers recent television appearances where their defense of Donald Trump is so weak it seems as if they are almost admissions.

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38 thoughts on “Trump Lawyers Accidentally EXPOSE how WEAK Defense Is on LIVE TV”

  1. If trump didn't take the oath as he claims then Trump isn't entitled to immunity. I'm no constitutional scholar but I'm pretty sure one doesn't apply without the other.

  2. I recently watched a presentation by the Meidas Touch about trump lawyer alina habba.
    In one segment, dressed in clothes that surely must have come from the closet of kyrsten sinema, she answered the soft ball questions asked by men. The question was whether it was more important to be pretty or to be smart.
    Smirking and growling, she endorsed beauty over understanding the law and being able to reason.
    Wow! What a deep person! Not!
    Consider her ethnic heritage. Google people of her heritage. She doesn't look like them. I wondered if she had plastic surgery. Rhinoplasty? Cheek augmentation?
    Ben, one of the hosts of the Meidas Touch, read a complaint by the other trump lawyers about Ms. Habba's lack of skill. Apparently, trump did not follow their request to fire her, which, if I remember correctly, was two years old.
    She said if she didn't look the way she does, she would not be where she is.
    But, where she sits is more than a bit tawdry.
    She then said she wasn't a feminist; that she goes home to a husband she loves, and that she loves to cook.
    She might as well have said feminists do not love their husbands* and no feminist can cook anything more complicated than a grilled Velveeta and Wonder Bread sanny.
    * What happened to her first husband? Did she stop loving him or was the divorce his idea?
    And, if she is not a feminist, why doesn't she use her husband's surname?
    The men repeated their question. "Is being pretty or being smart more important?"
    She answered that being pretty is. "I can pretend to be smart."
    Well, you can't pretend to be smart, particularly after you have demonstrated that you can not fill in a form placed in your hands.
    And, when the other trump lawyers don't want to deal with you, you are not only not intelligent, but, you're no better an actress than you are an attorney.

  3. I find it interesting that Trump's lawyer can still get a rise out of the maga crowd with a Hillary Clinton rant. As if they haven't looked into Hillary Clinton time and again and have found absolutely nothing. But it's obviously a part of their political strategy as they have no other evidence of any wrongdoing by Hillary or Joe Biden.

  4. Enough is enough. Watching from Australia, i can't believe what's happening in your country. Stop Trump, or he'll destroy your democracy. 🇦🇺 😊

  5. More nonsense from these Republicans. Trump is no victim here. A felon can't vote, but a traitorous felon can be president? What has this country come to?

  6. The majority of the nation did decide with 2020 elections who they want for president, but the loosers do not accept that


  8. ? Where did she ‘reveal’ anything? Trump wasn’t found guilty of anything, yes a nation should appoint a president

  9. I wonder who will be the boogeyman after Soros dies. He's been the boogeyman my entire adult life, and I'm old.

  10. I just think these people that suppose to be running our country had stood up and told this idiot that he couldn’t do anything he wanted because he thinks like a child and maybe needed to be told he was wrong .

  11. And, I state it again- why is she still a lawyer? She should be in a rubber room she is totally insane!

  12. If Trump’s lawyers spent more time on their duties to represent their client in court trials, and less time trying to try their case in the media, they might fare a little bit better , but only a little bit as their client is constantly undermining his own legal case(s). The guy is his own worst enemy.

  13. I enjoy watching trumpty dumpty's attorneys humiliate themselves. All they can do is flail around helplessly. He will not be able to avoid trial by this summer. I doubt that he has the stamina to survive mandatory daily attendance at a criminal trial without physical or mental collapse.

  14. And as I have been saying since word got out about the appeal to the SCOTUS, presidential immunity would shut down a case against Trump. If SCOTUS ruled in Trump's favor, (which it won't if it is following the law) the case would end. Why is Trump crowing that the ruling not to expedite the decision is a win for them? A delay means he can still be prosecuted. A ruling for presidential immunity would shut down the case. I think Alina Habba doesn't know the meaning of immunity. And as for the statement that "some of the amendments are still in place" comment (paraphrasing of course) all amendments that haven't been repealed are valid amendments. For example, the 18th amendment was a prohibition to ban alcohol. It was repealed 13 years later. I'm a History undergrad with less law experience than Alina Habba and even I know those facts.

  15. habba and bob are in a race to prove who's the worst lawyer. Frankly, it amazes me that either of them hasn't had their licenses pulled by now.. maybe the state boards are letting them finish out the cases they're working on before doing that…

  16. The higher courts asked her the wrong case question if habba, with regards to the law… It should have been should a client be charged for two parking spaces if he crosses the stall lines ⚖️!?

  17. The MAJORITY do believe he's guilty of insurrection as it is stated in the same CONSTITUTION trump wants to gut..
    Wonder why THAT is?🙄

  18. Can Haba go to jail for being a bad actor in all this I really want these maggots to pay for there treason !!

  19. If the nation should decide the president then trump shouldn't have won in '16. The wealthy class minion electoral college did.

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