
Trump Lawyer IMPLODES With Stunning Legal Mistake On National TV


Trump Lawyer IMPLODES With Stunning Legal Mistake On National TV

#Trump #Lawyer #IMPLODES #Stunning #Legal #Mistake #National

Donald Trump’s lawyer, Alina Habba, sinks herself with an embarrassing legal claim over Trump’s presidential immunity in his upcoming hush money Stormy Daniels case during a Fox News interview. John Iadarola breaks it down on The Damage Report.

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Trump Lawyer Alina Habba’s Latest Spin Prompts The Same Mocking Question –

“Attorney Alina Habba had critics asking the same sarcastic question following her latest comment about her client, former President Donald Trump.

Habba was asked Wednesday on Fox News if she thought the Republican nominee’s upcoming trial in the Stormy Daniels hush money case would begin as scheduled on March 25.

“Well, really it shouldn’t,” Habba responded.

“We have an immunity defense that’s currently up on the Supreme Court,” she noted. “It’s going to be made a decision and should be stayed until all of those decisions are made […] and we’ll see what happens there.””


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criminal lawyer , Trump Lawyer IMPLODES With Stunning Legal Mistake On National TV, breaking news,The Damage Report,TDR,news,politics,John Iadarola,The Young Turks,tyt,progressive news,progressive media,progressives,trump,donald trump,trump lawyer,alina habba,trump lawyer fox news,trump immunity,trump news,trump speech,democrats,trump trial,trump latest news,election 2024,trump twitter,news about donald trump,fox news trump,fox news,trump trial news,donald trump supporters,trump interview,stormy daniels,trump hush money,fox

49 thoughts on “Trump Lawyer IMPLODES With Stunning Legal Mistake On National TV”

  1. Alina Habba is Trump's little toy, hope she is WELL rewarded for all the embarrasment she is going throuugh.

  2. With today's cosmetics it is easier to pass off looking more attractive than one actually is but you can't fake intelligence.

  3. " Democrats can't charge or prosecute President Trump while he is President, they should wait."
    " Democrats should not charge President Trump because he is no longer President."
    MAGATS 'reasoning'.

  4. Trump has used the courts and our flawed legal system to prey on others and destroy them, contractors and business rivals, today he continues to use the courts to destroy Democracy and free choice.

  5. I love that this loser is still around. She is awful 😅 I’m glad she works for him.
    Every time you see her you just think LOSER!!!!

  6. The hush money crime was committed when he was a candidate, with the aim of manipulating the electorate. Since he was not the POTUS at that time, he had no "presidential immunity." Therefore, according to the evidence, this will just be another mark against you on your resume, Ms. Habba Dabba Doo, but now with criminal charges at stake. Good luck with that since you turned a $5M problem…into a $500 economic disaster.

  7. Her comment that she would rather be pretty than smart because you can always fake being smart hasn't aged well

  8. John doesn't understand. Alina Habba was hired to promote the narrative that Trump is innocent and that the indictments and lawsuits are nothing but the deep state attacking him. That's her job. That's what she's been hired to do. And she does a great job.

  9. It's just a talking point for the clueless minions to recite, ike pretty much everything Trump claims.

  10. If MAGA world could prosecute Joe Biden over his shortcomings regarding border security – THEY WOULD DO SO IN A HEARTBEAT (and Alina Habba would be fully on board).

  11. all that trouble you all went to fighting the british and here we are just a few hundred years later, a significant percentage of you wants a king again, so sweet.

  12. If Trump gets presidential immunity for bribing Stormy Daniels in order to win the presidency, that sets a terrible precedent.

  13. So many of Trump's delay arguments and positions should be met with the same ruling with no delay by the Trial, Appeals, and Supreme Courts.
    The door's over there,
    Contempt of Court can happen outside of Court,
    Defendants who cannot control themselves earn a "timeout" in detention,
    Sanctions can will be applied where warranted.
    When you get through First Year Law School let me know.

  14. Those judges are on his side they are corrupt to the core there is no point in relying on them they are playing politics

  15. Presidential immunity doesn't apply with Stormy. He didn't screw her while in office, he didn't pay her off while in office. The fraudulent records were arranged before he was even elected.

  16. Yeah the trial in NY has nothing to do with Presidential immunity. Trump wasn't in office when he committed the crimes involving paying the hush money to Stormy Daniels. It was well before he ever even held office. God she is clueless. No surprise she never wins in court.

  17. He waived immunity as a defense maybe one year ago. (Habba is completely inept. A fool. An embarrassment to the legal profession.)


  19. No immunity on this one, but a 30 day delay do to DOJ turning over M. Cohan paperwork last week to trump that they request 9 months ago.

  20. This would not be a problem if he hadn’t been trying (and succeeded) to delaying as much as he can. Otherwise many of the lawsuits would have been over by now.

  21. Trump defrauded American voters by trying to keep it under wraps, had to come out during the election cycle. He probably would’ve been dead me.

  22. Note to self, never hire a lawyer who ditched their law school classes.
    Did this chick even pass the Bar?

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