
Trump Lawyer Could Lose Plea Deal After Secret Twitter Account Revealed


Trump Lawyer Could Lose Plea Deal After Secret Twitter Account Revealed

#Trump #Lawyer #Lose #Plea #Deal #Secret #Twitter #Account #Revealed

Former Trump lawyer and indicted co-conspirator Kenneth Chesebro could be in serious trouble after a secret Twitter account from the lawyer was revealed. Chesebro had disclosed that he had the account, but told prosecutors he didn’t really ever use that. This was a lie, and that lie could not only cost him his plea deal in Georgia, but it could result in criminal charges against him in other states. Farron Cousins explains what’s happening.

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28 thoughts on “Trump Lawyer Could Lose Plea Deal After Secret Twitter Account Revealed”

  1. I've never understood why the prosecutors offer a deal to these scumbags in the first place. For sure their testimony would be helpful, but they are untrustworthy people and known liars …. nothing they say is reliable, so why be lenient with them.

  2. If he was read his Miranda Rights , and those rights re what he says (beit to the police, in court or public according to @FarronCousins re the Mango Mungrel of Maga-Lardo), then how does lying on Twitter (or X if you prefer) not apply?

  3. Yeah, Yeah, and you forgot that the plea. He had to play guilty 4 or 6 lesser charges And there's 4 major felonies over his head like the sword of damaged. And I just get a good sale jail about Four charge

  4. So are you speculating he will face prosecution or has this be factually determined? Sounds like you are speculating and not using the word “may” where you should.

  5. In other news water is wet. You heard it hear first!

    Couldn't help myself, Trump 8s allowed to roam free to keep people focused on it rather than demanding meaningful reforms. What reforms, glad you asked. No more stock trading and term limits for house and senate members. A good place to start. Oh and if we can put George Bush Jr in prision for starting a fake war to fatten his buddies pockets and tighten up loose strings in the family legacy that would be bonus points towards making sure that doesn't happen again. Again.

  6. 🌬🫨💥The spinning nonsensical egostical commercialized arrogance giftedness belittled Judas mindsets defenseless darksides syllables Cryptic membranes pettiness twister tricker Twitter critter fineesed fingers stikes again?!⁉️✍️😉🫴💥WTf's 😡💥😖💥🫣💥🫠💥yikes
    🫨💥oops 🤣

  7. I don’t get it, first you said they knew about it but he told them he didn’t use it.. then you said he lied to them about having the account.. which one was it 🫤

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