
Trump Lawyer CLAIMS He CAN’T MAKE IT to Court


Trump Lawyer CLAIMS He CAN’T MAKE IT to Court

#Trump #Lawyer #CLAIMS #Court

MeidasTouch host Ben Meiselas reposts on the court filing by Donald Trump’s lawyer who claims he is no longer free for two weeks.

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46 thoughts on “Trump Lawyer CLAIMS He CAN’T MAKE IT to Court”

  1. He lies, steals, and gets away with it. The reincarnated Geesus has loose Cannon on their side, she will except the lie and grand her Messiah a leave of absence.

  2. needs to hold a hearing about when it was scheduled, and how urgent the surgery is… wtaf
    They're pulling a new delay stunt. Fuggin losers have no case, they're just trying to get the case delayed until after November. Godsdammit this makes me so angry. 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬

  3. Yeah, it sounds like Trump's classic MO, but, in this case, it's his attorney engaging in this nonsense: Delay, Deny and Distract. How pathetic!!!


  5. The judge and Trump's council are in collusion. This is absolutely disgusting! When is this woman going to get the boot?! This is why she didn't change the court date on her calendar. 😡 Vote blue 💙

  6. Fine then, Mr. Trump you will be detained until such time that your attorney can be present, in court.

  7. i love the excuses to delay, but i believe the judge is smarter than that , so trump get ready to represent yourself ,what a joke

  8. But your honor, I can't live without this teeth whitening! I never mentioned it before because I just finished making the appointment, my bad.

  9. There many “bombs” of criminality targeting Trump-and ain’t no way his “ non golfer ass” will be able to dodge them

  10. His flagrant disrespect for our classified documents is appalling and inexcusable! How could a judge defend his behavior or let him get away with it?!! Shame on judge Cannon (small j because she isn't really a judge!), but a fraud just like Trump.

  11. You would think a case dealing with the security of our Country was if anything a reason to speed up the trial not delay or let the defendant run it.

  12. Too f—-ing bad! If a judge set a date for me, I have to be there!
    So, get another lawyer, have someone in this guy’s office take his place – WHATEVER!!!

  13. OMG , DNC working OT .
    Truth will get you in the end !
    Hoping Pres Trump will return the animosity two fold to the constant defamation while he's illegally gagged in NY corrupt judge !

  14. I couldn't even get into a Dermatologist for a year!! After being diagnosed with skin cancer!!!

  15. Poor Mr. Kyse probably has bone spurs that urgently need to be removed from his feet… This excuse has worked for Trump before.

  16. That’s ok… just let don jon speak for himself… no more whining about gagging, he can pace the front of the courtroom instead of dozing in his rolling chair… that oughta work even better than one of those ‘I bought my law degree online’ (allegedly) “lawyers” he hires, fires, humiliates (if that’s even possible) and leaves on the side of the road to await disbarment

  17. I just can't anymore with this shit………………………………………………………………..

  18. Let's all make sure America does not return as the laughing stock of the world by NOT re-electing Donald J. Trump to ANY public office.

  19. Everything we hear about Trump goes to reinforce that everything Trump does or did, or will ever do, is to serve his own personal interest, ego, or power.

  20. If it’s not an emergency surgery then elective surgery is almost always scheduled weeks in advance (I used to schedule surgeries for Kaiser Permanente). What effing else?

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