
Trump lawyer: Assassination of enemies covered under presidential immunity


Trump lawyer: Assassination of enemies covered under presidential immunity

#Trump #lawyer #Assassination #enemies #covered #presidential #immunity

“So the official position of Donald Trump is that as long as he or any president can hold onto 35 votes in the Senate to avoid impeachment conviction…there can be no criminal accountability for anything he does, no matter how violent or evil, ” says Chris Hayes of Trump’s lawyer’s arguments over the claim of presidential immunity. 

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#Trump #Immunity #Appeals
criminal lawyer , Trump lawyer: Assassination of enemies covered under presidential immunity, Chris Hayes,presidential immunity,trump lawyer,donald trump

49 thoughts on “Trump lawyer: Assassination of enemies covered under presidential immunity”

  1. I'd make it a clearer argument for the 3 Justices. Can a president order the assassination of a judge that he doesn't agree with and not be charged.??!

  2. Grandpa Tre45on, the Dictator, has a Presidential immunity claim that just went up in smoke because it is inconceivable that a sitting President has authority to arbitrarily employ the military to murder a political rival. Trump's argument is that if either Congress or the Senate is good with the murder then the President gets away with murder. There is no way that the Founding Fathers would ever have imagined such a perverted interpretation of the Constitution. It's in direct conflict with the 14th Amendment too because such an interpretation of Presidential Powers means that any citizen may be arbitrarily murdered by the President without Due Process so long as either the House or the Senate implicitly approves by not impeaching and convicting the President of the murder. If this becomes the Law of the Land by Supreme Court decree, then President Biden could hypothetically consider utilizing the military while he is still in office to resolve the Trump problem.

  3. So if tRump is right and a sitting president has complete immunity he might want to leave the country because Biden is the current President, what's good for one is good for the other….. Just saying

  4. What kind of a question is this? Biden is the worst for attacking his political rivals with all these indictments simply aimed at taking Trump off the ballot.

  5. Even the most extreme MAGA members of the Supreme Court know that if a President is totally immune, the Court's power and authority evaporates.
    And imagine putting this asinine position to the framers of the Constitution!

  6. The 45th wants to be a wannabe-Agent 47 with his dark coat and red tie. He is a "loser", who will allege peddle a lie — that Biden stuttered the word "Democracy" — but will clearly enunciate "Loser". That should give everyone an idea of his priorities.

  7. Dark Brandon nods slowly, a terrible smirk emerging in the shadows. Hahahaha his whisper drifts across the bad parts of town

  8. I can comprehend everything the judges say, but rarely can understand the lawyer,'s circular word salad. It's insane.

  9. I still dont get why Trump is essentially advocating that Biden assassinate him. All jokes aside- Trump is the first president to try to be a dictator…glad hes gone and he aint ever coming back because if we have to we'll do the right thing at the polls.

  10. Is Trump's lawyer Sauer speaking through a voice box? Lay of the cigs man. It doesn't help your speaking voice.

  11. So, Trump can have his political rivals killed, and he can't be prosecuted unless he is impeached.
    But if the House started an impeachment inquiry, wouldn't the House members who are starting the impeachment then themselves become political rivals and risk being killed as well?
    Where would it end?
    This entire premise put forth by Trump's legal team is preposterous.

  12. He did assassinate a general iranien. Should he show up to an iranian court ? No president or king have to show up in court.

  13. I wish someone can just make Trump understand that The USA does not belong to him and he has 0 right to rule the country with his criminal bacground.. which is finally coming out and I love that there are many ongoing cases which he most likely will lose because he clearly is not a leader anyone needs.

  14. If Trump thinks the President has absolute immunity and could do anything with no criminal accountability then why is he complaining about Biden supposedly weaponising the DOJ against him when the current President could do anything as well?

  15. 2:55 On the note related to impeachment, if you can get the jury at your criminal trial to vote to find you not guilty, then you can literally get away with any crime, including murder! And you don't even have to be a president! Absolutely anybody is able to take advantage of this "loophole". And once you've been acquitted by the jury, double jeopardy applies, therefore you cannot be tried for the same crime ever again, even if bullet-proof evidence against you were to become available.

  16. The judge should have stated the question this way: "So if President Biden ordered the assassination of Humpty Trumpty, he would be immune from criminal prosecution, since he probably wouldn't be convicted in a majority Democratic Senate?"

  17. If it's not OK for Trump to assassinate foreign enemies, then surely it's not OK for the current president (Biden) to try to liquidate his main political opponent (Trump).

  18. Impeachment isn't much of a threat to a President that can bump off anyone brave enough to vote to convict him.

  19. Don't tell anybody you're a Democrat . Classifies you as a Liar, Thief, Cheat, Dishonest, Forged Doc, Fake app. Judges & Sold Gov. Secrets….
    The Death of the Democrats, there Ship is going Down & to Jail. LOOK AT ALL the Forged Doc's, Fake Specialists and Lies NOW . ALL from the Biden's and Democrate Party . Embarrassing to Tell Anybody YOUR Democrat Now … Democrats have Ruined or Democracy Now !!!! That's Communism….

  20. If trump is right isn't that a Government with no controls and absolute power beyond the law. The NRA must be very conflicted with this.

  21. I have my doubts that Trump will ever be held accountable for his many crimes. He is a "rich" white republican male. The U.S. has and will most likely always have a two tiered justice system. If Trump was a person of color than he would already be in prison.

  22. I think the President does have some immunity as long as its in the scope of his job for example if a President orders troops to do a breach or strike in a war and a few troops get killed doing it he wouldn't be held accountable

  23. Can Biden be charged for violating Article 4 Section 4 of the Bill Of Rights, and aiding and abetting the invasion?

  24. Can Biden be charged with the murder of seven Afghani children by a drone attack in retaliation for the deaths of thirteen Americans because of Biden's feckless evacuation?

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