
Trump Lawyer Ashleigh Merchant Details CRIMINAL Activity of Fani Willis! She Scammed Fulton County


#Trump #Lawyer #Ashleigh #Merchant #Details #CRIMINAL #Activity #Fani #Willis #Scammed #Fulton #County

Detailed Reading of Ashleigh Merchant Lawsuit Against Fani Willis for Open Records Request:

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lawyers near me , Trump Lawyer Ashleigh Merchant Details CRIMINAL Activity of Fani Willis! She Scammed Fulton County


42 thoughts on “Trump Lawyer Ashleigh Merchant Details CRIMINAL Activity of Fani Willis! She Scammed Fulton County”

  1. I am so pi$&ed off that all of these people are Black. It’s already difficult for us to be taken serious in these spaces and then they go and do this. I’m from Baltimore and the Mayor and DA have been charged with corruption as well. It’s always the democrats in the black community that does this mess.

  2. The RICO Act applies to Atlanta, GA. these democrats are criminals even judges and DAs

  3. Pretty standard behavior for most DAs & in Jefferson County. Tx. No oversight & if any attorneys challenge them then they & their clients who are prosecuted by DAs just lie & target them.

  4. Thank you for connecting the dots for those of us who don’t have the time and knowledge to focus on this evolving story.

  5. Do not forget the fact that these people Willis and Wade and the Fulton County District Attorney’s whole
    Operation , used the system and the Illegally appropriated funds, in and with the help, aided, knowledge
    And cooperation of the White House and DOJ to prosecute Trump.

  6. It's not that politicians can be be bought that's the problem. It's that they can be bought so cheap! And to be fair to the citizens of Fulton county, it's not just Fulton, it's every major city in the US. If you pull back the curtain, the level of corruption is breath taking.

  7. Mrs Merchant is NOT TRUMP’s lawyer. That would be mr. Sadow. Reported you for misinformation

  8. This is what happens when you , either don't read the bill, or you don't have time to read it before the vote. So sad.

  9. So was Donald Trump being prosecuted with money that was not there. Did they actually run out of money for prosecutions they borrowed that was for swag and whatnot ultimately was part of the money that got used to prosecute Donald trump.

  10. It's easy. Just go back and look at fanni's bank account when she started her job and look at it now. If there's a difference from her normal pay then she's taking tax payers money.

  11. My question is did they ever prosecute the guy that was there before Fanni? Because if these people just get n kind of get caught but really they just get voted out and kind of go back to civilian life

  12. Georgia is a beautiful state. Their motto is: Come for vacation. Leave on probation. Return on revocation. 💵💵🤦‍♀️

  13. I figured that’s how it was always done I knew it wasn’t new with Fani 😂we know why y’all care tho

  14. Is there anyone working in the Atlanta Justice System who’s not a Criminal, Liar, or Crook? Seriously these MF’ers know no limits to breaking laws….. They are literally running a Criminal Cabal down there…. And the crazy part is,,,, None of them are being Prosecuted or Nor Going To Jail!!!!!!

  15. Can someone explain to me where we are with all this shit? I mean I feel like we have been seeing the same hearings about this prosecution for months and there has been no other hearings with the actual defendants ???

  16. 🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️. That’s all I’ve got anymore.

  17. People can't afford to pay mortgages, but the state of Georgia's corruption keeps digging into the cookie jar and robbing the taxpayers' money .

  18. Go to Fulton County, GA and get in the DA office………MO MONEY…MO MONEY…MO MONEY! Historic Mismanagement …. thanks Fanni.

  19. No hard to believe, corruption runs rampant within Georgia, specially Fulton county DA, ADA's, judges, etc, and we the tax paying people always end-up footing the life style of the corrupt politicians

  20. The committee member is asking all the correct questions to make sure all the issues are clear and the corruption and deception has been exposed.

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  22. …. This corruption probably goes all the way up to the GOVERNOR'S OFFICE, the STATE ATTORNEY GENERAL'S OFFICE, and the DOJ.

  23. All those people Ashleigh Merchant is providing testimony to are all in on it. They all know it’s been going on, and this is why they will never do anything real about it. Look at them, no emotion. … Just completely deadpan. They’re not outraged. … The reason there is no outrage from that panel is because they already know all these things. They’re hoping Ashleigh Merchant says something in her testimony that they could use to shut her down.

    That is the only reason why they’re listening to her.

    They are investigating Ashleigh Merchant instead of the corrupt Fulton County officials.

    This corruption probably goes all the way up to the GOVERNOR'S OFFICE!!


  24. Has anybody gone back to the two other attorneys on the Trump conspiracy case? We all know that ambulance chaser received about six times more than what they were paid. Has Fani given them hush money?

  25. PsyOp against Blacks: DNC calls White People RACIST.
    And IF African-Americans BELIEVE That,
    They WON'T look WITHIN, To Any-One of Their Own…
    And THAT'S how DNC Cities become
    HIGH CRIME 3rd Worlds:
    Cities in Oregon
    N.Y., N.Y.

    LEARN to SEE Color, Yes, but ALSO Actions.
    You'll KNOW Them by Their FRUITS, not just Words nor Appearance.

  26. "Public Service" is for the LOVE of One's FELLOW American?
    Naw. Some got into PUBLIC SERVICE to FLEECE We The People…
    Take Vacays…
    "Catch Oneself a Lover" by PROMISING a LUCRATIVE Salary IF "Contracted Out".

  27. This is not just happening in Fulton County. This is happening ALL OVER our Country. My guess probably at least half of the counties in our country has this form of corruption, or another.

    Our entire nation is filled with nothing but corruption. We are governed by evil, wicked men & women.

  28. Bullskit County is full of criminals, starting with Big Fani Willis to the rest of them, but yet they are trying to put President Trump in prison, Shameful but true
    President Trump 2024

  29. Atlanta better get her out the office and her team ! Before y’all be broke.

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