
Trump Is Immune


#Trump #Immune

This is one of the worst SCOTUS decisions ever. 📰 Get 40% off of Ground News: ⚖️⚖️⚖️ Do you need a great lawyer? I can help!

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44 thoughts on “Trump Is Immune”

  1. There's so much about this decision that makes me angry, but there's one thing in particular I have to point out.

    At 9:50, the highlighted line talks about we can't criminalize a president for an act if it would cause the courts to intrude on the authority of the executive branch. THAT IS LITERALLY WHAT IT'S SUPPOSED TO DO! That's how the whole separation of powers thing works! Each branch checks the other and keeps them from ruling unilaterally. It's the whole point of you existing! What is wrong with these people?! Didn't we all agree as a nation a LONG time ago that 'tyranny is bad, actually?'

    We need to keep Trump out of office. For a start. So many times in the past I've heard people talking about 'we're going to lose our country' and heard it as hyperbole, but this…this may really be it.

  2. Did the Justices consider a president could seal team 6 one or more of the Justices??? This is proof being a conservative MAKES you dumber.

  3. Trump has been underestimated since he hit the political stage and now he has changed the US, the Presidency, and some might say the Constitution. For someone that has been laughed at for years, he seem to always come out on top. What does that say about us and our country? Have we been gaslighting ourselves?

  4. It's interesting how the republican SCOTUS justices seemingly made this ruling to get Trump out of at least SOME of his court troubles so he can run again in 2024 (without being in jail)… and yet it seems that they don't realize they literally opened the door for Biden (or any future democratic president) to have them all hunted down so he can load the courts with Democratic justices.

    It boggles my mind that anyone… ANYONE would think this is a good, smart, sensible ruling AT ALL.

  5. They say that the presidents needs legal immunity to do their job. But they also say "Since the founding, no President have ever faced criminal charges". So what is the problem they are trying to fix. Seams like not leaving proof of committing crimes have been sufficient to avoid criminal charges, for literally hundreds of years. They are willing to throw away democracy to fix a problem that never existed.

  6. So does this mean that Biden can order SEAL team six to assassinate the SC justices and Trump?

  7. Ok. Ever since G.W. Bush I've been thinking that a constitutional amendment defining the limits of the Presidents power might be wise. I never dreamed that the SCOTUS would do this though, it is like a bad joke. All of a sudden my hypothetical amendment has a whole new paragraph one.

  8. Biden should remove the conservative judges, using the military if necessary, as an official act to save the country. He should then propose a constitutional amendment that would make all future presidents not immune. Any congressman or senator that votes against it, he should remove, using the military if necessary, as another official act.

  9. I think every lawyer in this country should start pursuing a refund on their law degree.

  10. Who said the Supreme(ly lame) Court, coudn't have term limits like other offices? COME ON PEOPLE, STOP THE KING!

    Also Biden now can fix this now that he is now a "king" of the divided states of america… if he doens't act, it is as good as letting Trump have his crown back!

  11. I really wish you would have explained this allot slower and explained the impact of all this in a simpler way, because it’s all so very important.

  12. Times like these I have to pinch myself to remind myself that thankfully I don't live in the hellscape that is America

  13. Wtf…. There needs to be some ammendments made to block this!!!!! We need a president that will back and push this to be an amendment!!!!!!

  14. It's not that big a deal,: they simply extended to the US the same impunity your presidency has always enjoyed in Latin America, the African continent, the Arabic peninsula and southeast Asia.
    Unfortunately you eventually get used to it. I mean we all did, it's your time now. I don't think you'll get the full version with the death squads and all anyway, but never say never.

  15. So what you're saying is that Biden can legally have Trump killed now by the military, right?

  16. But Julius Caeser is actually a really good dude who only reluctantly assumes the role we all know he must take for the good of the republic to fully drain the swamp. Trust me, bro!

  17. This is why this election is important to everyone
    He has utterly tainted everything
    Theres no ifs or buts
    We elected presidents, not kings

  18. Gods. I wish this could be used to counteract the coming damage in advance, like forcing a civil rights law or demilitarisation but… no.

  19. I remember when this channel was primarily about the law itself rather than politics. Now it's devolved into a click bait soap box, complete with clickbait titles and cringe reaction faces. The law isn't even in effect yet and you're using present tense in the title of the video. Truly sad to see.

  20. I love it when a bunch of fossils on death’s door decided before dropping dead said “hey, remember that George Orwell book? Hear me out” and did not elaborate further 😊

  21. Goodbye USA democracy, its been nice knowing you. and as an Australian, yes, the rest of the world is laughing at you. though terrifying the USA has now legalised crime by its government.

  22. You have just witnessed the end of the United States… forget Democrat or Republican difference. Buckle up world, here we come!

  23. Technically, because of the Heritage Foundation and Supreme Court, no one is actually voting for any one ever again. Just pathetically playing a game that they can no longer consider winnable under these people's sick, twisted version of the rules.
    Are you going to do as the Kevin Robert's, president of the Heritage foundation said: "The revolution will be bloodless if the left allows it to be." ? Are you going to allow it to be bloodless?
    That means voting. It's what they count on: that we will not resist other than through the system they have utterly corrupted and bought.
    Are you? You will not have another chance after this.

  24. So, question. Would President Biden be immune if he wanted to, say, "remove" his political rivals on the Supreme Court? I mean, they wrote it, so they wouldn't mind if the sitting President exercised his new-found powers on them, yes? Just sayin'…

  25. I love how so many people are worried about trump, yet love to overlook the fact of all the crimes and tyranny they've suffered under sleepy Joe.

  26. 5:14 So a president needs immunity from prosecution for illegal acts in order to “take care that laws are faithfully executed”… makes sense

  27. I can think of a few dark fixes for this issue, but they are unlikely to come to fruition.

  28. That ruling was truly the most terrifying thing I've ever heard. Watched this for the perspective of someone who knows more about law than me. Unfortunately, it did not help.

  29. its so much worse, because any lawyer can argue that anything a President does is covered under "Core Functions" he could use the military to over throw the fkn government! This is the most slippery slope that has ever been! There is no document that covers or certifies what is a "Core Function"! ….. If this was a Movie this would be called Fore Shadowing!

  30. Biden should use military force to arrest all the justices that voted this in without due cause to hold them indefinitely and then assign new justices in their places so that those justices can strike down this act.

  31. I normally like your commentary. This is not an analysis of the law, it is a biased opinion with no consideration of facts. The president is subject to impeachment. Though of course Biden is an object lesson in the inability to remove a criminal from office. But so was Clinton. If you can't be removed from office for effectively statuatory rape, murder cannot be far behind. If you are going to give legal opinions, at least give honest ones.

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