
Trump in the Dock: First Criminal Trial of a Former U.S. President Begins in NYC


Trump in the Dock: First Criminal Trial of a Former U.S. President Begins in NYC

#Trump #Dock #Criminal #Trial #U.S #President #Begins #NYC

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Donald Trump made history Monday in New York as the first former U.S. president to stand trial for criminal charges. Trump faces 34 criminal charges of falsifying business records as part of a scheme to hide hush money payments he made to adult film actor Stormy Daniels and others, just weeks before winning the 2016 election. He is accused of violating federal campaign finance laws for failing to disclose the payments and instead recording them as a “legal expense.” Each of the 34 counts carries a maximum sentence of four years in prison. “What Donald Trump is accused of is the type of crime that’s prosecuted in New York every single day … [a] garden-variety, ordinary grift,” says Ron Kuby, a longtime New York criminal defense and civil rights lawyer who is following the trial closely. Kuby explains what we can expect from the trial — the first of four different criminal cases Trump is currently embroiled in, but likely the only one he will stand for ahead of the 2024 election — in the coming days.

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criminal law , Trump in the Dock: First Criminal Trial of a Former U.S. President Begins in NYC, Democracy Now,Amy Goodman,News,Politics,democracynow,Independent Media,Breaking News,World News

32 thoughts on “Trump in the Dock: First Criminal Trial of a Former U.S. President Begins in NYC”

  1. Stoo saying if the JURY can be """"FAIR"""" this is REDICULOUS already
    Saying being fair is not to CONVICT trump
    Whether the jury is fair or not doesn't make a difference if the facts of the case is overwhelming against trump you have to CONVICT him

    Paul Teich©️12/16/2023
    I am not listening to you
    I don’t care what you’re saying
    I’m not going to remember what you’re saying
    I am the ruler
    Serve me a human being

    I don’t care if you’ve told me, you have something important to talk about
    Because this is what I’m thinking about
    This is how it affects me
    And this is what’s going on in my life

    Me me me
    Me myself and I
    Put me out I’m on fire
    I would be interested in what you have to say
    If I were not so important
    That you do not matter

    Maybe I’ll dust you away with my hand, like a bunch of gnats flying about my face
    Maybe I’ll continue to look into my phone and look something up and ignore you
    I’ll just submit what you’re saying as in consequential

    In the end, may I just say how terrific I am, and how terrible you are
    If you would listen to me more often, you would be right sometimes
    If you would just do what I tell you, I wouldn’t have to correct you so often

    No problem just because I have let you know how stupid and inadequate you are
    And I have hijacked your self-esteem
    But I can make it better
    By giving you currency for feeling better
    Which is doing my bidding

    I don’t have any empathy
    But you do, and the narcissist knows how to use it against you
    Kindness is weakness to the narcissist

  3. Top Republican Mob Boss first day of his criminal trial is underway.. Bets are down for how many toilet breaks are requested.

  4. They NEED to get this BASTARD off the ballot, so that both parties can start at least having alternatives to the complete lunacy on both sides.

  5. He's not immune from actions he took as a private citizen, but he is absolutely immune from actions he took as President. People we have a constitutional republic. The impeachment process is the key to stripping a President of their constitutional powers. Trump's survival of the Senate trial has brought those matters to rest. Jack Smith's case and DA Willis case must be thrown out. This case is fair game though.

  6. Americans can no longer trust the Justice system.Trump is evil and lies constantly.He is in the process ,along with his cult ,of destroying Democracy and introducing authoritarianism and he tells us everyday.Mainstream media has a lot to answer for.Thank goodness for Democracy Now and MeidasTouch and a few other programs who speak truth to power everyday.

  7. White people so blind the only reason why Trump even went off to be a president is to hide the fact that he has so much criminal charges against him and he knew it and once he's president they could not arrest him after his president they arrested him now he's trying to get back into the White House you see what's going on here

  8. I’m still in awe that a person can’t vote for a candidate to become president if that person has a felony, but a person with a felony can become president of the United States of America. Please make it make some sense!!!!😮

  9. It’s gotten real easy to tail. The people that have fallen in with the socialist democratic criminal organization party the American people know why oh of these charges coming against President Trump and he’s trying to put the notion in peoples head. Is it disco zone all the time President Trump is a crook, and they’re going to have to put him in jail, well I am for everyone judges, district attorneys, and everyone that follows along with the Cham trials they are enemy combatants. They have been betraying their country and siding with the evil organization that wishes to destroy this country they’ve been doing this since 2016 until they’re taken down they will continue. It will be my privilege my honor to watch this evil cabal get the punishment they must have don’t forget to vote TRUMP President United States, our America, 2024 and they said our nation back on track is a constitutional republic. Just remember these people have been over taxing stealing the peoples money and not telling us what they’re doing with it. Mostly they’re putting it in their pockets whatever they’re using the money for it is not being used for the American people, so now is the time to watch these people be punished and start a new brotherhood a great nation. God bless the United States our America. Well, I’ve heard enough from these two that are talking about this trial like it’s any other trial it’s not it’s election interference in the socialist criminals no when President Trump returns to the White House, their ass is grass and President Trump is the lawnmower. I don’t have time to go back and correct the spelling, but you’ll get the jest of what these people are good day.

  10. Tell us all, look into his eyes, hes spent, you can hunt coyotes and run them till they will literally stop, and you can walk up to it and shoot it. Donald is spent, the list of whats hes up against is daunting, its amazing, I listened to a comedian the other day and he read a list rather fast of the things Trump has done, it was over two pages, as he read them I recalled each one . They were true. And you sit back and go my God he must get up in the morning and think what illegal thing can i do today. Its a how could one man commit so much crime, break so many laws. A sexual predator!!!! Yes his goal is to screw the whole of the United States, I think he should go home to Russia, they would love it. Putins afraid to put on his underwear they might be poisoned, but honestly Trump should build him a home in Siberia. Right next to the gulag, and get used to drinking Vodka and looking at HAIRY old Russian women who chew leather. I hate the fact he's become part of the american history of presidents.

  11. So if he's convicted and sentenced to home-detainment, and then gets elected anyway, will he run the country from Mar-a-lago???

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