
Trump held in CRIMINAL CONTEMPT, finally!


Trump held in CRIMINAL CONTEMPT, finally!

#Trump #held #CRIMINAL #CONTEMPT #finally

Judge Juan Merchan held Trump in contempt today for nine of ten charges in which the ex-president was in violation of the gag orders. Trump will be fined $9,000 in total and faces the threat of jail.

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39 thoughts on “Trump held in CRIMINAL CONTEMPT, finally!”

  1. With regards of whether Trump wants to be jailed or not, what is relevant is he took down the offending posts. Trump likes to push the boundaries and get away with crossing the line, but he does not like being held accountable. From his perspective someone like him would never go to jail. If he goes for an hour then he can go for life.

  2. fox news is already rehearsing their "indignation" lies … how can a judge imprison the frontrunner for the gop ….

  3. Apparently NONE of the judges have the intestinal fortitude to dispense justice. They will allow Trump to continue with only puny fines for "punishment ".

  4. id call that being completely let off not held to account. he waved his finger and said next time i will enforce the law… lol wouldnt be fair to enforce the law…im sure you or i would get such deference so thats ok…

  5. Thanks Harry!
    Interesting to see what will happen!
    Genevieve Forde
    Planet Earth

  6. A better headline might be, "Trump given nearly free pass in contempt hearing". $9K is chump change to a billionaire. Locking him in jail might have some effect.

  7. Chutkan should put him in jail. Trump is in breach of his bond conditions in all his criminal cases.

  8. Goldfish almost certainly WILL take up the offer to be jailed. It’ll be fun for the country to see.

  9. Trump will fined over and over again without consequences because he never uses his own money. Trump will never see the inside of a jail cell for one hour, one day, 30 days, or for the duration of the trial.

  10. THis is a joke. Any jail time Trump sees will be short lived and will only serve as a commerical for him, and justification for any atrocities and injustices he will commit if elected. More likely they will simply find some insignificant amount of money that maga nation fund raises every minute. There is no justice for the rich and powerful and never has that been more apparent as this ignoramous continues to enact crimes and carrnage on America democracy.

  11. Weak, jail is only way to shut him up, he has violated his bail from other judges, they need to revoke pretrial release

  12. It makes sense that it will be the next violation after the warning that can result in jail, no matter how frustrated many of us viewing are about it. 😏

  13. Lock him up already, even over lunch. Trump has to taste justice otherwise nobody facing a court in the future will respect it, then you are really in trouble.

  14. Judge Merchan hasn't said he WILL put Trump in jail if he violates the gag order again. He's said he'll think about it.
    That just doesn't cut it for me.

  15. There is concern that JAILING Trump for violating the gag order will delay the trial. Here is how it won't: jail trump overnight between court dates. Court is dismissed for the day: Trump is taken to jail cell (without his phone, of course). In the morning, he comes directly back to the courtroom. Repeat as necessary until he learns that he must behave with proper respect for the court proceedings.

  16. Is there any chance the judge orders a psych evaluation of Trump too? His poor self-control, self-destructive, erratic, and impulsive behavior can't be normal. He might be incarcerating a mentally unfit person.

  17. Since it’s criminal contempt, does this not violate his terms of release in other cases he’s involved with?

  18. You and me: criminal contempt of court = trial confinement.
    Trump: criminal contempt of court = a Stern talking to, and if he is unlucky $1000 fine

  19. did trump take down the posts on truth social for the future contempt hearing or are they still up?
    if those are still up couldn't there be an argument towards proceeding towards an incarceratory penalty?

  20. Judge sharp and not playing into defendant’s games; defendant KNOWS judge means it. Well Donnie?

  21. In your dreams. Trump is the Best thing that ever happened in this country. He is awesome. We need him to fix the mess we are in now.

  22. Jail him, is not going to happen. 9.000dollars is just penies for him. Because, the system is all ready a joke.

  23. He's got to manipulate Judge Merchan into throwing him jail but not much. Imagine how much money he will save. A judge throwing the GOP Nominee for President into jail….The ultimate display of ELECTION INTEREFERENCE!!!!

  24. Blah, blah, blah… and your pathetic weak justice system will do F***all! About Trumps behaviour… so basically, the world knows he's above the law…

  25. Donnie is a five-year-old, testing the limits. The most FU he can get for no real consequences. He might decide that triggering a brief incarceration is to his political benefit, but I bet he colors just inside the lines until he needs a PR boost/distraction.

  26. Isn't this a violation of every other condition of release he has? Remand until trial. Bet that would make him quit stalling.

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