
Trump Has MASSIVE TANTRUM over Criminal Trial


Trump Has MASSIVE TANTRUM over Criminal Trial

#Trump #MASSIVE #TANTRUM #Criminal #Trial

MeidasTouch host Ben Meiselas reports on Donald Trump losing his mind even more at the criminal trial as the prosecutions first witness is testifying.

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45 thoughts on “Trump Has MASSIVE TANTRUM over Criminal Trial”

  1. Hi Ben, I woke up earlier this morning, so I'm catching up on the videos that you did yesterday. Very good video!! Good going that Michael nailed it, by showing all of your subscribers that of course Trump was lying. No surprise there!! How pathetic that he would put that lie out about why his supporters weren't outside protesting for him!! Michael easily showed that this wasn't and isn't the case!! Great job reporting Michael!! Calling nasty names to everyone that he perceives to be his enemy, is sad and pathetic 😔. Maggie Haberman has been on other UTube cable channels. I watch her every now and then. I find her, so far, to be fair and balanced, when she reports on Trump. She apparently knew him very well in the past. I think that she's very bothered about all of these stories that are coming to light about him. She's just doing her job and is a very good reporter.Look forward to your videos today!! Take care. KC from TX 🤠

  2. I am one of the persons outside America who is watching Orange 🍊 Trumpy; it is coming clear to me that you Trump are a conman and are the disgrace to your country. I can’t understand who want the vote for a misleading smelly Trump and represent their country. I would be ashamed.

  3. But i can't read this….😂😂😂…yeah we know! Even this fabricated articles are a struggle for him…he doesn't read…and we can see that every single day! Just go away please!

  4. Just wondering, did DJT ever repay AMI for the money they laid out to crush unflattering stories (there were lots of them, I'm sure).

  5. Our country needs to move forward to convict the Supreme Court judges next. Too much corruption in America 🇺🇸

  6. Trump is truly guilty without even going to court. Everything is extremely obvious. They need to get on with it!

  7. The great city of New York needs to bill Trump for the very large number of Police positioned to protect the Court. These costs are a direct consequence of the harm caused by Trump with all his untruthful allegations and demands that his minions come to support his court activities.

  8. If no one in his own family will show up, why would anyone else? Finally a level of sleeze and disgust that is just too much for everyone.

  9. Supported starting to get hip.
    They are paying attention. I fear a cardiac event if he keeps it up. Constant name calling an indication of something. Thanks for reading it. His voice give goose pimples with the lies.

  10. Does truth even exist in American Law ? Why can’t Trump be held to account for his falsehoods re non existent MAGA supporters outside the courthouse!

  11. 😂😂 Truly happy, dt supporters are awakening up. 😂😂 Awesome, keep it up, true Americans.
    Kia kaha, Maori for , Be Strong. Aotearoa ❤❤❤

  12. I wonder why the MAGA'S weren't at the courthouse protesting in numbers like they were at the White House?? Are they now facing embarrassment 😳

  13. Trump is ENRAGED because he is at last having to face consequences for his actions. I, on the other hand, am DELIGHTED.

  14. New Yorkers don't give a big shi. About Trump, I don't remember when Trump gave a shi. about our issues

  15. Is Trump knows he's going to prison, so he's trying to lose as much money as possible so nobody else has anything to take while he's in prison, that's probably what he's doing, piss off as many people as he can and see how many people Sue him, then his kids get nothing

  16. Donald Trump is up to his eyeballs in s***, and the septic truck is about to dump another load on him

  17. The trumpets tell me the reason they are not showing up is because they dont want to get "taken hostage" and that the system is rigged against them.

  18. He can't believe his bullshite isn't working! PT Barnum said you can fool all the people Some of the time and Some of the people All of the Time; But you Can't Fool All of the people All of the time . The Fact that trump's time has come, he's facing it completely alone no wife, no sons no daughters just Lawyers . Trump being held to account for the first time in his life…..PRICELESS

  19. He's close to throwing himself on the ground, pounding it with his fists & heels, and threatening to hold his breath until he turns blue. Turn the country BLUE! 💙

  20. 😮😮 I can't help but wonder how high his blood pressure is these days????? The stress has to be really getting to him!

  21. Not even his family!!!! That should tell the world 🌎 all we need to know period 😠😤🤬😤😠

  22. What a loozer this man-baby is….the forever whinger.
    If only the media world could just ignore him, yes, keep an eye on him but ignore him, no photos, no stories, no posts, no news reports….he would fade away just like a bad smell.

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