
Trump Gets ENGULFED by Criminal Case, PANIC SETS IN


Trump Gets ENGULFED by Criminal Case, PANIC SETS IN

#Trump #ENGULFED #Criminal #Case #PANIC #SETS

In a special “all 3 Anchors” edition of Legal AF, Trial lawyers Ben Meiselas and Michael Popok and former Manhattan DA prosecutor Karen Friedman Agnifilo, debate the impact on the other criminal cases of the “first to indict, first to trial” Manhattan DA’s criminal case concerning the hush money payments made to Stormy Daniels and the business record fraud against Trump.

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22 thoughts on “Trump Gets ENGULFED by Criminal Case, PANIC SETS IN”

  1. He's so tiring and so damm immature. I can't believe a portion of this country thinks he's so amazing and strong. He's weak and childish!

  2. People shouldn't be saying "that at his age, it could be a life sentence". That is irrelevant. If you are about to die and get a month in jail, that is not a life sentence. That is a month in jail.
    In other words, whatever Trump gets as a jail sentence, that is what he should get irrespectively to his age. Anyone can go to jail and have a heart attack the next day. Dying in jail or not is irrelevant. It is not part of the punishment. It is God's will.

  3. Vote 💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙

  4. So why bother with the Manhatten criminal case if Trump won't likely be serving any time, but anyone else in the same position would get the maximum sentence…aren't you then suggesting that there is clearly a 2-tier Justice System because the criminal's name is Trump?

  5. Put trump in jail where he belongs. No one else would get away with all the things trump has done including Jan blue for democracy

  6. You guys are great!! Thanks for the analysis and keeping us up-to-date. Vote 💙. Trump and MAGA should never be in positions of power.


  8. Incredible that what is publicly known is enough to convict Trump in all 4 criminal trials and the prosecutors always know more than the public. Yet were he to be convicted there is still nothing to stop him from being re-elected while somebody that maybe at some low point in their life was convicted of a crime and can't even vote for him if they wanted because of it in most states. People convicted in the insurrection are running for congress, there is something insanely wrong with this whole picture. Look back to Watergate and there is already a blueprint to incarcerate Trump whether after conviction or pretrial to stop his threats and incitements. Stars of music, athletics, actors, hell doctors who have surgeries scheduled told sorry but those patients will have to find another doctor (I've actually seen this with a doctor once in court) are regularly told that has no bearing on this criminal trial and denied delays. What makes Trump running for office any different or more important than any of those people?

  9. That was informative AF. Thank you Ms. Friedman Agnifilo, and Messrs. Popok and Meiselas for your expertise and perspective!

  10. Frump has to be delusional to think he will win any election. He would far more save face by serving time, than the big ego crush of losing a desperate election effort.

  11. Hat's off to "Legal AF – After Dark" for bringing the apparent truth to light: Donald Trump uses his Secret Service detail as a cloak against criminal intent.

  12. Donald Trump stumbles into crimes. Donald is unable to assess his criminal activity.
    The Don merely: does.
    Don expects.

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