
Trump Faces POWERFUL MANHATTAN JURY in Criminal Trial


Trump Faces POWERFUL MANHATTAN JURY in Criminal Trial

#Trump #Faces #POWERFUL #MANHATTAN #JURY #Criminal #Trial

Trial lawyer and jury selection expert Michael Popok reviews the biographies of the 12 jurors “in the box” in the Trump NY criminal trial, and explains how their backgrounds may impact the jury decision-making process as they reach a verdict for or against Trump.

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23 thoughts on “Trump Faces POWERFUL MANHATTAN JURY in Criminal Trial”

  1. This was a great breakdown of the jury psychology. Michael, you really explained the makeup of the jury very well in terms of the variables of human nature. Your explanation makes it very clear what the general factors are while outlining the bonding process that the shared experience yields. In my one jury experience, which ended literally minutes before I was sworn due to a scheduling conflict that the proposed trial duration would have caused due to an unexpected scheduling shift that arose, the judge was exactly like you described. The judge was relatively inexperienced, and one of the justices of the state Supreme Court (Vermont is a very small state) was sitting as an ad hoc side judge. He sat with the prospective jury for almost 30 minutes going over the process and explaining his presence as a mentor in the trial and going to great lengths to emphasize the authority of this new judge over him, even though he was a sitting Supreme Court justice. Ironically, he was a long time trial lawyer, like you, before being selected for the Supreme Court. The actual judge also spent time with the prospective jury doing a general orientation because the case was not expected to be long and the judge didn't want to squander valuable courtroom time on general education so she took the 30 minutes prior to the case being called to meet with us and provide the education, nothing about the case specifics, just court procedures. Court personnel and Sheriff's bailiffs were extremely attentive to our needs, just like you described. I mention all this to reinforce from my experience how spot on your comments were. I could not count the number of times we were thanked for our service, before and during the whole process of jury selection.

  2. 👍👍👍Good afternoon Michael. I myself have sat on a jury in London I was one of 12 and you are right. I am a woman, you are definitely right we did bonded after a few days we all took a role extremely seriously my trial last for almost two weeks. 
    At first we could not reach a verdict, we informed the Judge and he ask all 12 to go and try again eventually after a few more days we managed to come to a consensus. 
    When we entered the court everyone stood up for the jury and the Judge. We were instructed not to look at this case on local news or the internet NOT to talk about the case not even with our family and would never do that. We the Jury never did. 
    I also must tell MTN we had a tv program recently it was a scientist experiment there was two jury we the public saw it but both jury came back with a different verdict it was very interesting, how two set of 12 who never new the were one of two jurey until the end when they then saw each 12 . apologies for the long comment. No smoke or sunshine. ☀

  3. Thank you for the jury review. I find the process of law very fascinating but confusing. I liked the point you brought up about male and female jurors, and they seem to be a diverse group of people. The court and lawyers did a good job. Now, on with the trial at last.

  4. Hey, Popok! I’m not on the jury, but when people ask for my news source, it’s always Meidas Touch❣️. Throwing some love out to you diligent and very intelligent people who teach me while entertaining me. Score!!

  5. Both sides have a say, so to say anything about the jurors is crap. If trumps team didn’t want to Jurko, they had a say. So now it’s a fair trial.

  6. Sorry, Popok. I was going to listen, but I don't want to hear any details about the jury. Anonymous should be anonymous. Too many details are being revealed.

  7. Need more news updates on his malodorous presence in the court room. Could the courtroom sketch artist please capture the faces of his laywers, fighting to breathe & not vomit in response to his flatulence?

  8. Jury Duty is now hazardous to their lives, thanks to the defendant and his magats. I'm not sure describing personal details is Safe for Them, anymore.

  9. This jury ain't fair at all. This jury is majority men, who are hesitant in finding anyone guilty, in spite of any& all evidence& evidences, especially ex-presidents, people in power+ people running for &/ in any political office ‼️🤬📣 Men just cannot believe in spite of any& all evidence &/ evidences presented that they would ever be dumb enough to commit the allegations+ that they have people surrounding them who are supposed to be smart enough to stop them from committing the allegations and unfortunately no one can ever convince any man &/ men that they are wrong, for them to stop being stubborn because they are wrong and for them to vote to convict 🤬📣

  10. If the jury finds Donald Trump guilty, I think we'll see an avalanche of insults against the jury. "These morons aren't fit to….." This is his well established pattern.

  11. DT's cult base is desperate. They KNOW that they are backing a losing and wrong person, but they cannot admit that they are wrong, so they just keep whipping up chaos to try to hide the fact that they ARE WRONG. They can't face HOW wrong they ARE.

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