
Trump ending first week of criminal trial in New York


Trump ending first week of criminal trial in New York

#Trump #week #criminal #trial #York

The trial is expected to last several weeks, and could be the only trial for Trump before the 2024 election.
criminal lawyer , Trump ending first week of criminal trial in New York, [ national,news ]

41 thoughts on “Trump ending first week of criminal trial in New York”

  1. In other countries if you imprison a political opponent america gives them a regime change !,america needs a regime change! Anyway possible

  2. All of these fraudulent trials all over the United States against Donald Trump it's obvious they're trying to make it so he cannot campaign. I personally think it's helping him because people are tired of the corruption from the Democrats

  3. The prosecution literally has yet to present the court with an actual crime. 😂😂😂🤡🤡🤡☠️☠️☠️

  4. Completely stupid what is going to happen if they get an eviction the other states will blame New York and will pray for worse consequences than 911. The governor should pardon him before the public can react.

  5. The criminals are, the PORN star she received what she wanted:MONEY! The judge, he's probably getting paid under the table. The criminal attorneys have exposure and MONEY! WHAT HAPPENED TO THE Statute of limitations. That Stormy (gross women) probably was or is involved with the judge and attorneys. Trump is the example of what the crooks will do to us next

  6. Ok America! The case against Trump in New York for alledged Election Interference, is ABSOLUTELY OVER!
    Simply put, Alvin Bragg's use of a New York statute only applies to State Elections. This alone ends the Case against President Trump but there are many many other unlawful acts committed by Bragg that Killed the Case. Ask yourselves why the Fake Legacy News Media hasn't said one Word about it? Wake Up America!!!

  7. Just look at what the Dems are putting this man through ! The Establishment is so fearful of how he can make them disappear! TRUMP 2024 !!

  8. Political persecution. Election interference. These ppl better be sued outta existence when this is all done. Disbarred disgraced and unable to find work.

  9. “I would like to thank the Academy, the Nobel committee, the Pulitzer committee for giving me this award, oh, it’s a criminal trial. Is there a prize?” – Trumpy

  10. Only in 3rd world judicial systems run by tyrannical despots do you see people defending themselves in court when there’s been no crime committed by said person. This is 100% politically motivated and absolutely election interference. Everyone involved will be indicted when this nonsense is over. They will be disbarred and serve prison sentences accordingly.

  11. Only a true NARCISSIST WOULD think going to court for criminal activity is the same as being at an award show…. Most people leave the court and say nothing. By the end of the trial he’s going to come out and sing “God bless the child that’s got it’s own “

  12. No fact just fat assed brag. The longer this liberal clown democrat BIG tent circus goes on the stupider the dems are

  13. The key word in this report is “alleged” but did Trump actually HAVE an affair with Stormy Daniels?

  14. it's unfair that all these witnesses are forced to tell the truth and Donald can't testify to save himself

  15. Trump= GUILTY! He knows he broke the law, even his shady lawyers knows he is guilty. This is the sad reality……………

  16. I love that thumbnail image of Trump standing, surrounded by bars. Yes, they're only half-height. But he's behind bars. That's likely his future.

  17. Donald Trump has to testify. Who else can tell his story better than he can I hope he has the guts to do it

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