
Trump “election integrity” lawyer charged with election crimes


Trump “election integrity” lawyer charged with election crimes

#Trump #election #integrity #lawyer #charged #election #crimes

— Christina Bobb, Donald Trump’s former “election integrity” lawyer, has been indicted for alleged election crimes

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Broadcast on April 29, 2024

#davidpakmanshow #trump #christinabobb
criminal lawyer , Trump “election integrity” lawyer charged with election crimes, trump election lawyer election crimes,Christina Bobb election crimes,Christina Bobb voter fraud,2024 election,trump 2024,biden 2024,trump,biden,trump vs biden,donald trump,joe biden,robert f kennedy kr,rfk jr,economy,immigration,inflation,abortion,crime,democracy,biden presidency,trump presidency,trump crimes,trump trial,ron desantis,nikki haley

37 thoughts on “Trump “election integrity” lawyer charged with election crimes”

  1. Isn't Trumps spreading lies about the results of the 2020 election, "Election Interference" because it makes people think the election was rigged?

  2. Christina Bob was the Trump lawyer who signed off that all the gov docs held at Mar A Lago had been returned when this was absolute nonsense, She then urged Congress to defund the FBI and suspend the head of the FBI because they did not take her word and raided and found a huge amount of stuff which resulted in the criminal indictment.

  3. Millions and millions of Americans are still convinced that the 2020 election was rigged and fraudulent. Someone ,sometime, needs to work out how this could possibly happen.

    Interestingly, the only example of election fraud was Gore/Bush. Republicans were involved up to their necks in falsifying the Florida returns and "somehow" got SCOTUS to block a proper recount. I was actually glad they did at the time but have since had second thoughts. The current GOP is a disgrace and have completely lost the plot, The new name Crazy Looney Party is spot on.

  4. Is anyone who has been following the GOP shit show surprised?
    Of course, it was never about ''election security'' but how to screw over the sector of the voting public that are more likely to vote for Democrat candidates.

  5. boy, there sure are a whole lot of corrupt lawyers ruining life for Americans these days… kind of out of control, wouldn't a sane person claim?

  6. When RNC holds convention, perhaps when room is full, a prison bus, or buses, could be loaded right at the front door for short trip to a max security

  7. You are a massive liar. I've notice people on your Facebook feed call you out way more than the youtube channel. You are a clown.

  8. Please 🙏 do an episode listing allllllll of trumps lawyers, cabinet, close allies etc who have been charged with crimes or disbarred, allies that have testified against him, etc. The list is so crazy long I can't come close to listing it. Please David, put together a comprehensive list for us.

  9. DEMOCRATS DESPERATELY need to get aggressive in exposing and prosecuting obvious and blatant crimes.

  10. Trump is already trying to cheat! How many laws trump and his friends broke? Trying to over throw the election! Now faceing the music!

  11. And that's the problem David in your country you don't do lock them up lock them up, and I understand if it was a 50/50 chance that they may be not guilty but for crying out loud we know these people are guilt the writing is on the wall it in black and white it's there we can see what they are being doing we can hear what they have been doing we can see what they have been doing I don't know what more evidence American needs to say lock these people lock pending trial, it's weakness that is put in your country in this position you do not have to be weak to be a democracy you can show strength sometimes Donald J trump should have been locked up on January 6th I even go as far as to say he should have been locked up in 1987 when he made his first flight to Moscow facing bankruptcy, 3 days after landing back in America he paid £100,000 to put a full page spread in the wall Street journal seeing how NATO was going to start world war III and all the other crap that is spelt now, bear this in mind trump was facing bankruptcy yet he paid £100,000 for the page spread in the wall Street journal the score was to try and destroy NATO or put in the minds of the American people that NATO was not needed I'm not America should leave NATO, what gets me is all this information is out there yet he could still run for president America has Shown so much weakness that they look weak on the world stage now, their partners want trust them because the likes of Marjorie Taylor Greene is getting military information classified military information, all short film is being given classified information again after giving Russia classified information on Israel then Israel were attacked by hamas and we know that Russia was funding hamas, he also sold nuclear secrets to Australian billionaire, Andy stole x amounts of classified military information that a lot hasn't been returned still to this day, so you tell me please when is it time to say lock them up how bad do they have to be for America to show strength and just say look these people need reminding they're telling us not just wear hearing it on the grapevine what they are going to do in 2025, and what they have done we have all the evidence for to not remind these people in custody including Tucker Carlson every last one of them involved in the election denying and the plot to steal elections because by promoting it all over the airwaves is in my eyes a joint enterprise build a jail and put all the sickles in one place together if you're worried about them not being protected which is wrong because the average person that has issues with people in prison does not get any other protection if they've committed crimes done the prison can offer and it should be the same for any politician, they built the nest they can lay in it vote blue 💙

  12. David your passion for the cause gives me hope for our country. Thank you thank you

  13. Their can be no more surprises when it comes to Trump the Nazi and his cohort of accomplices, America you have been warned

  14. It's crazy how much these guys do what they accuse others of it's almost every single thing so far.

  15. We need to stop giving trump the spot light. He loves to be noticed. We stop and we see him disappear.

  16. Giuliani is lying about being in the hospital. We all know he had that lobotomy done back in 2015.

  17. "The deep state is persecuting her because she was getting too close to the truth"

    A magamoron

  18. Couldn't happen to a better CROOK! Cheers! YaY,Now,please lock up dumps=trumps,cabal of crooks.Powell,Ghouliani,Ellis=damn fanni get on the damn job.

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