




Ben Meiselas and Michael Popok on the Legal AF podcast, debate the impact of the live witness testimony presented by the prosecution against Trump in the NY Criminal election interference trial that is turning into week 3.

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criminal lawyer , Trump Defense CAUGHT OFF GUARD by TRIAL WITNESSES, meidastouch,meidas touch,politics,political videos,political advertising,breaking news,ben meiselas,midas touch,midastouch,donald trump,trump,joe biden,biden,president,elections,republicans,democrats,democratic party,republican party,trump indictments,legal news,michael popok,gop,current events,department of justice,justice department,political news,msnbc,cnn,cable news,independent media,united states,us news

21 thoughts on “Trump Defense CAUGHT OFF GUARD by TRIAL WITNESSES”

  1. Ben, I like the music metaphor — respectfully orchestral is pronounced “or-CHES-tral. Flutist here.❤

  2. I think dump personally needs a woman to act like she cares about him even if it's only in his own mind, and it doesn't seem to be his big M.

  3. Thank you guys for the legal mumbo jumbo.
    Reality bites donald trump.

  4. Hope Hicks showing emotions shows the jury that she's not vindictive or just wanting some kind of revenge. It shows that she's honest and factual. And that's a good thing for the prosecution. I think trump got his own backside handed to him there.

  5. Trump's defence on everything changes hourly, for Jan 6 it ranges from, there was no attempted insurrection, it was Antifa, it was the FBI; with the classified documents case there were no documents, the FBI planted them, they were Trump's personal property, he should be immune to prosecution; with the Stormy Daniel's payments, it never happened, Cohen was being paid for other services, such payments are common place.

    There should be no question that he is guilty as charged, Trump has himself more or less accepted that based on the evidence presented that he will be found guilty. The only question remaining is is there a Trump sycophant embedded in the jury, that despite all the evidence to the contrary, wants to find him not-guilty.

  6. The evidence is overwhelming especially the additional money that trump gave Michael to pay taxes on the 130,000. Trump is such a paper tiger, such an empty bag of shite. 💙💙💙💙💙💙💙Vote.

  7. love getting law lessons from popok,KFA and Ben

  8. stop talking about deails, it drowns the message. Trump is a new world dictator and if USA goes down the entire western world goes down

  9. Hicks bagged a Goldman sugar daddy 20 years her senior who had a wife and four kids and 100 million. Good old Republican family values.

  10. It is a web of conspiracy that is Daiper Donny he has lived a life of fraud and with conspirators who were willing to aid and abet him in every crime committed by the shitty assed liar

  11. BIG WARNING only Trumps truth is The fake news
    ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    This is why any Americans voting for him are looked at if They not in their right mind!

    Working in a mental ward, this is what we work with every day!
    Persons with megalomania like Trump ,
    As him, They believe They are the Master of Universe, the best dictator/Leader /President ( – and that May be why Trump never acceptet Biden did win ! )
    Bully everybody on his Way, go for cases i court , behaving also very dementia like,
    Cant cope informations, remember where he is , just as the sick people in their own mind belive They are Jesus or the President of USA, but They are safe, They all are under observation Medical observation!

    Medicated , get the best treatment possible , and cant hurt anybody !


    What US see in Trump, be aware, he is very very very mentally challenged, do not trust his movenents, his behavior, his speaches , his promises and anything coming out of his mouth!
    before a very smart doctor has him under control!

    He must never ever be able to go for beeing President again! This is the worst thing to let him do!

    He Will make sure people die, lots of Them, America Will be in War, and lots of hardworking men, soldiers and other persons Will die if he gets into the White House.
    He has no brain capacity to take a view of a situation and act like a man!
    Not in any Way possible in his very fragile and mental challenged condition!
    He cant do anything by himself, must always keep his advisors shoulder by shoulder to Lead where he is going. Stop him when he goes the wrong Way – excactly as very very mentally sick patients who Can’t be let alone !

    This is tremendeus important! Do not follow him, or even believe his promises.. he belive that he is a respected Cult Leader dictator, and DO brainwash The MAGA organisation who believe him!

    That is among the worst exsample of a very very sick person going for POWER in the World! Not to mention Hitler , Putin or Northkorea right now

    It Will, i am sure, end out in great danger for America , the politic the friendship with other countries.

    As last time he got in “very bad standing “ in Europe, NATO and Russia!
    He makes enemies wherever he goes, as his situation makes him have “no filter” for his outbursts !

    Yes he is for laugh 24/7 all over the most of World! Right now and since the 2016 campain!

    He is not respected , but looked at as “the crazy man of the village” who talk and talk, but are not able to take Care of his own body and mind, shits in the corners and potplants. Stinks when he goes to town to the grocery..
    That is pretty much how we in Europe se Trump!

    HE IS For laugh, not respected, Silly, ignorant, not “the fasteste car on the highway” , he is making himself and America for laugh all over. Nobody here Will ever respect him and how he has been acting!

    Thinking back! America has been very very highly respected from all Western countries since World War 2, a leading country wich is friends with most of Europe for the help during the War and after!

    A few days after Trumps last election he started to ruin it all , absolutely all respect for USA was gone from the respected Western World,/NATO/EUROPE/sCHENGEN COUNTRIES..

    He is not liked, not wanted or even seen at as person who Can negotiate on behalf of US , he is a very very dangerous man, nobody know wich button he hits with his absolutely Wild moving arms!

    He Got himself into very very situations namecalling Royals and Ministres of very respected countries in Europe!
    He did only Care if Donald was mentioned

    He had no ability to go for beeing a respected and a very honored President of US in the history books!
    Already he has been the worst , and look how everybody Worldwide have no respect for what he has done!

    Biden Administration had to rebuild all the Worlds respect towards US again , wich was there before Trump even was running for President! He works for TRUMP first not AMERICA!
    All his namecalling , his bad behavior in front of Royals and lack of good behavior, ignorance mixet with treating respected Ministers of State in Europe bad, while his pants was stinking so bad!

    This is not a person what so ever who are able mentally wisw to run for President!
    It Will end up in a disaster of Big dimensions, as he has no ability to understand what he is doing!

    Americans , you are respected as a country Now, in just a second Trump Can ruin your country if you deside to vote for him!

    Trump learned “get potty trained before you go for beeing a President “

  12. What a brilliant takedown. Thanks for your insight. I had to laugh at the compete pack of lies Trump is trying to sell.

  13. Please vote for Biden and save the United States. You don't want a dictator for your President.

  14. As the ex-wife of a serial cheater there's no way I would be anywhere near him during this! Why is everyone so shocked she's not there? It would be humiliating. Screw you Dumpy. You're on your own asshole.

  15. Hello from Essex, England where we watch and enjoy Meidastouch every day, job well done everyone. It is flabbergastingly frightening to think of trump in the Oval again. Please, please, vote BLUE whatever you do.

  16. if Michael Cohen and Donald Trump would have never got caught with that payment. And Donald Trump took Michael Cohen to the White House. I guess Michael Cohen would have been happy Which would have accelerated is Scumbaggery.


  17. journalists again and again makes the same error – they get too amused about their 2 minutes of fame. Trump is the deep digging plow and he keeps going, thats the danger. There is no fun in concentration camp, killing of political opponents in any decent system Trump would be in jail now

  18. Love you, Be the best story teller, make it catchy and fresh,

    for your repeated explanations, it is a waste of time for us, regular followers.

    we care for new and uniqu3 short perspective…

    Great Job. Best wishes.

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