
Trump defense attacks former lawyer for Stormy Daniels in hush money trial


Trump defense attacks former lawyer for Stormy Daniels in hush money trial

#Trump #defense #attacks #lawyer #Stormy #Daniels #hush #money #trial

As former President Donald Trump’s trial resumed in New York, the defense tried to discredit the lawyer who arranged payments to two women. The judge is considering more potential contempt of court violations by Mr. Trump for his comments about the case. NBC News’ Laura Jarrett reports.

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#Trump #Trial #Court
criminal lawyer , Trump defense attacks former lawyer for Stormy Daniels in hush money trial, Health,International News,Lester Holt,Making A Difference,NBC Nightly News,National News,News,Nightly News,U.S. News,breaking news,evening news,politics,world news

41 thoughts on “Trump defense attacks former lawyer for Stormy Daniels in hush money trial”

  1. Last I checked you need a foreign agent badge to set up energy companies in foreign countries not a foreign disinformation task force

  2. In context, 75% of the terrorists taking over American educational institutions are not students at the school.

    The organizers and active recruiters that probably entered the country illegally are faculty members.

    When will the legal tactics used in the January 6th protests be implemented?

  3. Meanwhile the Biden administration has cocaine parties in the White House and Hunter Biden continues to embezzle money 🙄

  4. Just a distraction 😮.. the bidens and trump/ Clintons and Trump are not only friends, but they are selected by the same overlords that run the USA. Look at Trump trial fiasco while billions are sent overseas the get washed and sent back to those that actually run the country. You're all being played 😂

  5. Hey NBC…I hope you cover Trump’s Campaign tour as record number crowds come out to support him, as much as you cover his trials that you hope will eliminate him as our GOP nominee!! Just saying!!

  6. Are you allergic to bees or buns or onions ? Ban Marijuana . You got others that way . Look, bee stung your neck, you haveing problems breathing, and try without a bee kit, just like for those on medication and inhalers . Then you see why others are mad . Ban Marijuana. You get the same treatment as everyone else even if your diabetes dont take the shot.then you you find out how others feel like with these things you think its funny about it now you know inside the United States's Satan cults of 666.

  7. Love the headline. It could read NBC attacks former president Donald Trump in bid to interfere in his campaign!


  9. First it was the Civil Rights Movement and the Democrats were against the Civil Rights Bill. Then it was the Fair Housing Bill and the Democrats were against that
    Trump was elected President and the Democrats were against Trump. Next on the Democrats agenda is the reduction or elimination of the BLACK Population in the United States and the Democrats support that elimination via allowing illegal aliens to enter the United States illegally. Then the Democrats will start the elimination of the Caucasian people in the United States via Population reduction.
    If the Democrats can suppress the rights of a former president, then exactly what would the Democrats do to the rest of the American Citizens?

    We must elect Trump in 2024 to save the Republic of the United States of America.

  10. He didn't care about the constitution when his magats were attacking the Capitol…did he??
    He only talks about the constitution when it suits his needs..
    The same way the devil in Merchant of Venice used the Bible…
    Which Trump also does…

  11. Ukraine and Russia have lost half millions of soldiers and civilians in a fight to hoist their flags on their claimed territory.

    However, Joe Biden has allowed illegal immigrants who hate the USA to freely come into this country to throw the USA flag down to the ground and hoist their flag on the US campus!

  12. Yet ANOTHER violation. Lets HOPE the Hon. Merchan, throw his as in prison now! I mean, look at his attorney to the right. The look of disgust on his face!

  13. “MR. TRUMP” Once a President they always get addressed as one. Is it so hard to say? lol 😂

  14. Comments on articles for POS Biden get shut off but not for Trump? Why? Becaiuse you are gake news!

  15. What a loser. The GOP has dug itself into such a deep hole over the last 7-8 years and they just keep digging. My former party is unsavable at this point, and it will take at least a generation to overcome. Quite possibly two generations.

  16. Ah, the liberal outrage machine strikes again! Trump calls out their pornstar prodigy as a liar, and suddenly it's like the sky is falling. Well, forgive me for not shedding tears over the hurt feelings of adult entertainers. But hey, in the land of make-believe politics, I suppose we're all just characters in a poorly written drama. So, while they're busy clutching their pearls, maybe they should focus on something more substantial, like, I don't know, actual policy? Just a thought.

  17. The president Trump has been trying to destroy his first amendment rights and if he does then we the people will lose our first amendment rights!

  18. Sorry to all the comedy writers you dont have to write a thing anymore with trump fox tv and republicans like moscow marge and eddie munster m gaetz so sic

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