
Trump Declares Himself ‘Expert At Law’ After Losing Every Trial


Trump Declares Himself ‘Expert At Law’ After Losing Every Trial

#Trump #Declares #Expert #Law #Losing #Trial

Donald Trump had a terrible town hall event with Fox News this week, where he made a number of outrageous statements and completely false claims. But one of the weirdest things the former President said was that all of his experience with the criminal and civil trials he’s facing or has faced have made him an “expert at law.” The claim was so dumb that even the Biden campaign reposted the statement with a video clip on Twitter. Farron Cousins explains what Trump has become an “expert” at as a result of losing all these trials.

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37 thoughts on “Trump Declares Himself ‘Expert At Law’ After Losing Every Trial”

  1. He accidently admits that Navalny was treated badly by the government
    If he compares his situation and things it is unfair and bad and evil from the government how he is being treated

    What does it mean it means that he thinks Nevalny was treated badly by Putin


  2. Failed businesses: (counting Truth Social) – my list has 35 businesses.
    Court cases: (since Nov 2022). Record of 0 – 8.

  3. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Then why can’t you win even one littl case in the last three years??????
    The only part of law Drumpf is an expert is at breaking it. 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️

  4. Why does nobody ever mention that many of the grand jury investigations started BEFORE he even announced his candidacy for office in the 2024 election. How is that election interference?

  5. Donald Trump has spent more time in a courtroom as a defendant before he became president than any other billionaire in American history, so that definitely wasn't politically motivated. It works out to be more than one case for every week he has lived. Unfortunately, little Donny doesn't learn from his mistakes, just like his golf game has never improved even though when he was president, he spent more hours on the golf course than in the White House.

  6. You misheard him. It wasn’t “expert” it was “ex spurt” ex = has been, spurt = a drip under pressure.

  7. We know he is the expert in bankruptcies he got so many of them, luckily his dad bailed him out in 1970s lot of times.

  8. He also announced he is more He-Man of the Universe than
    He-Man of the Universe.. a kiddie Saturday morning 1980's Cartoon character, no less!!!

  9. You say that he should be studied in law school, and that might be so, but he also should be studied in psychiatric school. He is completely a psychopath and probably a couple of other things. If he gets his hands in the white house again we are done. End of statement I have no doubt about it I would bet all the money that I have left and it ain't much but it's all I got

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