




What sentence will the oft-attacked NY trial judge Merchan give Trump if the jury convicts him on all or any of the 34 felony business fraud charges? Will it be 20 years or probation or something in between? Michael Popok using his NY trial court experience, examines the likelihood of Trump serving jail time, what factors the judge will use including crediting witness testimony and evidence at trial, and what jail Trump could end up in even if he finds a way to return to the White House.

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  1. Michael, on behalf of a confused Aussie who is enjoying this RomCom show, could you do a take on the role of the Secret Service and their Trumpian powers

  2. “Donald Trump is a coward because he doesn’t want to go to Rikers Island” Well I think that make you, me and everyone watching this a coward by your definition.

  3. Just to be clear, you’re saying that a business accounts record keeping misdemeanor can be turned into a felony whether or not the felony is proven? Does that seem right? Can I find a misdemeanor on you, find some plausible possibility of a felony on you and felony convict you of misdemeanor?

  4. We now live in a communist country. Dictatorship will sheat to win and put competition in jail. Judges, DA's and lawyers sell their soul but the bible says judgement comes to the evil one of 2 ways when they die or when they are alive.
    Psalm 2
    Why do the heathen rage, and the people imagine a vain thing?
    2The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the LORD, and against his anointed, saying,
    3Let us break their bands asunder, and cast away their cords from us.

    4 He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh: the Lord shall have them in derision.
    5Then shall he speak unto them in his wrath, and vex them in his sore displeasure.
    6Yet have I set my king upon my holy hill of Zion.
    7 I will declare the decree: the LORD hath said unto me, Thou art my Son; this day have I begotten thee.
    8Ask of me, and I shall give thee the heathen for thine inheritance, and the uttermost parts of the earth for thy possession.
    9Thou shalt break them with a rod of iron; thou shalt dash them in pieces like a potter's vessel.
    10 Be wise now therefore, O ye kings: be instructed, ye judges of the earth.

    11Serve the LORD with fear, and rejoice with trembling.
    12Kiss the Son, lest he be angry, and ye perish from the way, when his wrath is kindled but a little. Blessed are all they that put their trust in him.

  5. Will Stinky Donny be wearing his Depends in prison? Is that gonna be a problem for Bubba and his buddies? 🧼🧼🧼🧼

  6. How could you stretch this to 17 minutes?!?! It is good content, but please, you are starting the sentence to give the info everyone is looking for and interrupt yourself 9 times to throw some fill in info no one cares.

  7. I don’t mean to be skeptical, but let’s not get ahead of ourselves here. Let’s wait until the trials over. It’s still up to the jury and unless it’s 1212, he’s walking away so I think that this is too soon especially considering what Trump has gotten away with the past I think we need to air on the side of caution.

  8. He will be found guilty on zero counts. Stop pretending it will be anything else. There is a 0% chance of consequences.

  9. He already won folks. Its been over since 2016. Trump has lost NOTHING and its pathetic we call it a justice system its a fucking joke, nothing will come from any of this. There will be ZERO consequences. Pay attention.

  10. Yes, absolutely! He's a COWARD.
    He's also NOT 215 lbs. and 6 foot 3 inches.
    More like 325 lbs. and 6 foot even. (Oh, and he wears stinky adult diapers.)

  11. God's! If Trump is sent to prison, but is still seen as President then his cabinet evokes the 25th, and if Taylor Greene is vispresident….??? The thought she becomes President…is just too scarey to imagine…!😱

  12. A certain karma if he's convicted of election interference after accusing everyone else of doing just that.

  13. If they lock trump up there will be war in the streets that's facts and it will not and can't be stopped so the government is starting a war and it's all on there hands Biden started all of this and he's done way worse than trump ever had and nothing going to be done for his criminal doings sailing out are country time for charges to be put on Biden ASAP or the people's needs to stand up and take over and shutdown the government and take matters in their own hands it's bull shit

  14. Vote 💙 A democratic Congress can enact laws that will prevent another criminal, incompetent candidate for President!

  15. I know you have to pay for the vids…., but I "really" hate the ads. They ALWAYS sound as false as 💩. Surely with your YouTube hits and subscriptions you don't need to sell these ads like a used car salesman. 😢

  16. They won't lock him up for this, I imagine. They'll not have the guts. At most it will be a probationary sentence.

  17. If he goes to prison, gotta be LEAVENWORTH. Why?

    It’s the big house for military personnel regardless of branch or rank. Those inside are the very worst of the worst.

    Or because of Secret Service, he could be placed into house arrest. It would be a safer option.

  18. Trump will only go to jail if Trump is convicted of a FELONY. A conviction of a MISDEMEANOR will result in a fine. The imprisonment could be either in prison or home arrest. If he goes to prison, his Secret Service guard detail agents should be the ones with him on J6 that deleted their text messages. If it's home arrest, he must not have access to any internet or phones. He must be kept away from any media and ability to further corrupt our airwaves with his voice or writings!!!

  19. Trump DID say back in 2017 that it was not his voice. You can Goggle it.

    This was before people really knew about deep fakes. No one believed him, though.

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