
Trump Case Jury Nullification!??!! #SHORTS #MAGA #TRUMP


Trump Case Jury Nullification!??!! #SHORTS #MAGA #TRUMP

#Trump #Case #Jury #Nullification #SHORTS #MAGA #TRUMP

Uncover the twists and turns in the gripping Alvin Brag hush money case, with Stormy Daniels, Michael Cohen, Donald Trump, and David Pecker at the center of it all. Delve into the legal analysis suggesting a shocking potential outcome: jury nullification. Could this seemingly absurd verdict be the ultimate resolution? Join the conversation and share your thoughts on this unprecedented legal saga.

#AlvinBrag #StormyDaniels #MichaelCohen #DonaldTrump #DavidPecker #HushMoneyCase #NewYorkCity #LegalAnalysis #JuryNullification #LegalSaga #DonaldTrumpCase #TrialDrama #LegalDilemma #LegalTwists #LegalTalk #TrialOutcome #LegalSystem #CaseDiscussion #LegalInsights #LegalMatters #LegalUpdate #CourtroomDrama #LegalDebate #LegalIssues
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29 thoughts on “Trump Case Jury Nullification!??!! #SHORTS #MAGA #TRUMP”

  1. Trump signed the cheques. If he just directly payed her cash there would not be a case. They were stupid and made this a business transaction that they then tried to use as a typical expense. That is fraud.

  2. Ha Ha Ha. Keep trying to use your brains. It's in there somewheres. Grab some more popcorn because you are seriously in for a rude awakening. Trump will be found guilty of his crimes and will be punished for them.

  3. HAHAHAHA yeah, I didn't realize Trump University was handing out law degrees now. Or did this come from PragerU aka PretendU? The depth that MAGAt cultists will go to delude themselves is truly impressive, but no, calling payoffs to porn stars a "legal expense" is a CRIME, and then to further use that money to cover up details from the American public is also a CRIME. And not for nothing, but b*nging porn stars while your wife is giving birth to YOUR son is a pretty damn sh*tty thing to do. Character matters and Diaper Donnie has a sh*tty one.

  4. Can you you imagine hearing recordings of Trump acknowledging what’s going on and his own people showing receipts, and yet still believe he’s innocent 😂

  5. Normalization of criminal acts by someone in the supposed "law and order" party perfectly explains how broken the republican party is. I'm ashamed of and for them.
    And before you call me a liberal I was raised by two Republicans in the Reagan era. He (Reagan) would hate ALL of this.

  6. You're delusional. He's going down. And Hicks is the one who has taken hom down. Straight connection he paid the hooked off to protect the election…..he'll only get a fine and maybe home arrest but he is going down.

  7. Must be watching a different trial. Hope Hicks just sunk his ship with her testimony. The evidence is overwhelming unless you’re pretending it doesn’t exist.

  8. The phone calls that were just released along with hope hicks testimony etc, yeah I’d say he knew what the deal was lmaoooooo

  9. I consider myself to be a conservative anti-Trumper and there's no question in my mind that if he was just an eccentric businessman this case would never be happening.

  10. Looks more and more like Cohen was cultivating scenarios where he could squeeze money out of Trump. How on Earth is he found credible enough to put on the stand in front of a jury. Weak ,weak sauce. Plain and simple rhis is election interference….soo obvious.

  11. He will be found guilty, 100.
    Its a conservative in a blue state.
    So much for justice…, set, match

  12. Im libertarian and inhad no intention of voting this year. The amount of nonsense and lies coming from the left and the media about all of these nonsense cases has me going Trump all the way just because they are doing all of these things.

  13. Getting costs back would be major win. It'll be tax money cause democraps leaches never face charges

  14. Not a bad point. I had to make sure I understood the process for jury nullification so I checked the process, and yeah I see your point.

    For me, this court case has always hinged on just how serious it will look after the prosecutors make their case. It's quite possible that it might look simply like some clumsy business procedure, and mostly an effort to keep it away from his wife. Avoiding embarrassment is something anybody can understand.

    I'm not convinced yet that's the way this will go. There's still some more evidence to come out but I do see your point. This could just end with a whimper.

  15. The crime is Election Interference! Committed by the entire procecution team and the higher ups that are pushing it.

  16. @Meidas Touch Trump's attorney LOOKS MISERABLE…🤣🤣🤣🤣 God he does, look at that look snd face he makes when Dumbo is speaking..😂😂😂 Actions soeak louder than words.. 😂😂😂😂… Even his own lawyer knows Trump full of Shit…😂😂😂

  17. The Looney Leftists are relentless when it comes to making up Phony crimes, they keep spewing their BS saying nobody should vote for someone with 97 Indictments like we don't know that this has been a political attack because Biden doesn't stand a chance in Hell in defeating Trump! The 2 Tier Justice System has been exposed along with the CIA, FBI and DOJ the corruption runs DEEP, from the Prosecutors, Judges and even the jury ( in New York) Trump couldn't get a FAIR trial, I read the profiles of the jurors and there is no way a couple of them can be fair and partial, the prosecutor run on saying she would destroy and ruin Trump, after everything Trump has done for New York and the money he brought to that city doesn't make sense why they hate him so much ( ever ask yourself why?)

  18. Uh, who would Cohen know who to pay unless he had names? 😂😂😂😂..1 thing is all it takes, the names of whom Trump fucked,.Key words, Trump fucked..🤣🤔🤣🤣🤣🤣.. you think the jury not gonna catch that, and not get the same..🤣🤣🤣🤣.. this whole shit is about Trump… DUH….. Trump knew….

  19. Anyone with 2 brain cells can see this “case” against Trump is held together by chewed up gum and clothesline pins.

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