
Trump attorney predicts Kavanaugh will ‘step up’ to help former president


Trump attorney predicts Kavanaugh will ‘step up’ to help former president

#Trump #attorney #predicts #Kavanaugh #step #president

Donald Trump’s attorney, Alina Habba, said on Fox News that she thinks the former president’s appeal to the US Supreme Court to overturn his removal from Colorado’s 2024 ballot will be a “slam dunk” because Brett Kavanaugh will “step up.” #CNN #News
criminal lawyer , Trump attorney predicts Kavanaugh will ‘step up’ to help former president, latest news,Happening Now,CNN,Phil Mattingly,Audie Cornish,CNN This Morning,Alina Habba,Justice Brett Kvanaugh,US Supreme Court,SCOTUS,Donald Trump,Colorado Supreme Court Ruling,Colorado Ballot,Maine Ballot,Donald Trump Supreme Court Appeal,Election 2024,Election 2020,January 6,US Capitol Riot,Trump Legal Troubles,President Joe Biden,Biden Campaign

28 thoughts on “Trump attorney predicts Kavanaugh will ‘step up’ to help former president”

  1. Horrible woman will go down in history for her lies and defending a traitor to this country.
    If Kavanaugh "steps up" it will be a HUGE step down for the country and justice.
    He should not be on the ballot ANYWHERE!!!

  2. Haha lovely presentation but you left out we are going to win for a reason we could see a rare 9-0 decision and you guys would look pretty silly

  3. SCOTUS a bunch of grifters and bootlickers, few independent. 0 respect for this pompous circle. Just my humble opinion.

  4. The white house belong to American people who pay taxed to maintained operational and congressional stafe salaries etc.the American people is the owner of the white house & government body fund by tax payer including President. They allowed to inspect the house & break in if tenants refused to let you in. Imagine you lease your house tenants don't pay rent or you suspicious they do something to right. You have full right to enter & inspect that exactly Jan 6 2020 is all about.

  5. Wow!!!!!! CNN telling you it wasn't an inside job? Like their biased opinion matters? For four pluse years they spread lies & disinformation about PRESIDENT TRUMP, Russian hoax, they knew Killary paid for!!!! Business's burnt citys destroyed people killed & policeman attached with demoRATs pushing false evidence!! Adam Shits lying about evidence he Never had.

  6. George Carlin said that America was stolen from the Indians and Mexicans and turned into a large shopping mall.

  7. Haha, serves Kavanaugh right, elevated to office by a fool and now he is screwed. If he agrees with Trump he will look like a toady, if he doesn't, Trump will be all over him like a fat kid on a donut.

  8. Congressman Clay Higgins sat down for an interview with Tucker Carlson.

    Tucker said Higgins, a former police officer, provided the “best informed account of what actually happened on January 6, 2021.”

    Recall that in 2022 Rep. Higgins asked the FBI if they had confidential human sources (CHS) dressed as Trump supporters embedded within the January 6 protesters.

    FBI Director Chris Wray obfuscated and told Higgins that FBI’s confidential human sources did not instigate or orchestrate January 6.

    Rep. Higgins told Tucker government officials – feds, military etc – LURED Trump supporters into the Capitol on January 6, 2021.

    Higgins said of the feds: “They were sort of testing the waters to see who amongst that group would begin acknowledging, ‘Maybe we should do that, maybe we should plan for an occupation like that.'”

    “On the inside, you had FBI assets dressed as Trump supporters who knew their way around the Capitol before the doors open. Or else how are you going to get around the Capitol?” Higgins said.

    “You’ve been there many times, you need a guide,” Higgins said explaining it’s a maze inside the Capitol. So there’s no way Americans, most of which have never been to the Capitol, there’s no way they could come in some random door that gets opened and then get their way directly to the statuary or the House Chamber or the Senate Chamber. It’s just not possible.”

    Higgins estimates that at least 200 FBI assets were operating in the crowd of Trump supporters at the Capitol on January 6.

    The Gateway Pundit has reported numerous times on suspected federal agents (Ray Epps?) who infiltrated the January 6 crowd.

    Michael Waller, a senior analyst for strategy at the Center for Security Policy specializing in propaganda, political warfare, psychological warfare, and subversion, said he was at the Capitol on January 6 and witnessed:

    Plainclothes militants. Militant, aggressive men in Donald Trump and MAGA gear at a front police line at the base of the temporary presidential inaugural platform;

    Agents-provocateurs. Scattered groups of men exhorting the marchers to gather closely and tightly toward the center of the outside of the Capitol building and prevent them from leaving;

    Fake Trump protesters. A few young men wearing Trump or MAGA hats backward and who did not fit in with the rest of the crowd in terms of their actions and demeanor, whom I presumed to be Antifa or other leftist agitators; and

    Disciplined, uniformed column of attackers. A column of organized, disciplined men, wearing similar but not identical camouflage uniforms and black gear, some with helmets and GoPro cameras or wearing subdued Punisher skull patches.

    Antifa terrorists also infiltrated the Capitol protest.

    Trump supporters were blamed for all of the violence and chaos at the Capitol on January 6, but according to a former FBI agent, Antifa terrorists infiltrated the Trump rally.

    Via investigative reporter Paul Sperry: Former FBI agent on the ground at the U.S. Capitol just texted me and confirmed that at least 1 “busload” of Antifa thugs infiltrated peaceful Trump demonstrators as part of a false Trump flag ops.

  9. Julie Kelly: Investigate the Four Celebrity J6 Cops – Haul Them in to Testify and Force Them Under Oath to Explain Their Lies! The first batch of video was released Friday afternoon.

    Of course, Democrats and Liz Cheney lost their minds! They know they are about to be exposed.During their discussion, Julie Kelly called for a new Congressional investigation into the events on January 6.

    Julie Kelly, called for an investigation of Pelosi’s January 6 Committee. Kelly insists investigators will find “brazen criminality” committed by the committee members in their sham investigation and fraudulent report.

    Julie Kelly: I want all of those four celebrity January 6 cops, Mike Fanone, Dan Hodges, Aquilino Ganell, and Harry Dunn. They not only lied under oath to Congress in that hearing, they have lied under oath in court testimony and victim impact statements that have prompted longer prison sentences because they’ve all lied about what they endured on January 6, what they saw, allegations of racism. Michael Fanone was almost killed. We also have footage that totally contradicts that. Those four need to be put back on the stand under oath and explain their lies.

  10. Our Judicial system is designed to be manipulated by Mafia-like inducements from white male conmen. Particularly when the judges are Republicans—A political party molded by Ayn Rand's morality-free philosophy that is the backbone of the GOP.

  11. Listen to Biden. He's not fooling anybody. Biden's inaction to provide the United States with a defense against foreign invasion caused loss of life of tens of thousands of Americans. Bidens inaction is aiding an enemy. That's Treason!

  12. Well, this is a similar pressure that Trump put on Mike Pence and Pence did the right thing, regardless. There actually are public servants that take their oaths as a moral imperative.

  13. We cant operate on fear, we cant be afraid to tell the truth, that's when you know tyranny has won. I don't know who miss blondie is here, but thinking like her is dangerous. Biden is finally calling out Trump and that is a good thing. Even some of his Republicans are calling him out. Even though some Republicans truly don't care if democracy dies. I think there are going to be some Republicans that secretly vote for him, if for no other reason than they are not ready to give up democracy. What Is More Important???!!!!

  14. it won't surprise me, I expect nothing good to ever come from this guy, Kav……no spine or emotional maturity or intelligence… he's .trump's kind of man!

  15. It will be 9-0 in favor of Trump. This is a partisan smear, notice the states involved? Notice the partisan votes in Colorado?
    This will backfire on Dems down the road, trust me! SCOTUS must correct, no choice.


  17. Alina Habba said the Unspoken Part of how the Orange Crime Boss actually feel about getting a Favorable Rulings from the Majority Republican Supreme Court Of The United States (SCOTUS), however she and he are in for a Rude Awakening because the SCOTUS has to use the Rule Of Law not Political Favors to resolve the Orange One's SCOTUS Appeals.

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