
Trump Arrives in TOTAL PANIC to NY Criminal Trial


Trump Arrives in TOTAL PANIC to NY Criminal Trial

#Trump #Arrives #TOTAL #PANIC #Criminal #Trial

MeidasTouch host Ben Meiselas reports on Donald Trump’s arrival on Friday to the NY Criminal trial where he is falling apart.

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50 thoughts on “Trump Arrives in TOTAL PANIC to NY Criminal Trial”

  1. tRump "sleeping in a court" is just to show how disrespectful, arrogant, insolent, stupid and idiot as he is!

  2. He's revving up his army. Maybe he can send them to the Whitehouse this time. Just keep letting him spew the vicious lies he repeats EVERY day. Isn't he speaking?

  3. 😂 “if they take away my presidential immunity”….he never had it to begin with. Proof that he’s not fit for any public office

  4. Where is the heroine that followed Peter Navarro around everywhere he went, constantly calling out his shit? We need her, or people like her, that will do the same to Trump!!

  5. He will destroy our democracy and cause a great capitulation of all that we hold sacred and we will become disconnected from anything we've accomplished over the past 250 years. He will convince many millions that he is still our only hope through it all. Vote in '24

  6. Not one family member they’re in court to support him not any any of his side women either just remember when he paraded all the Bill Clinton’s ex-girlfriend’s during the debate with Hillary at that very moment he’s paying off of porn star

  7. Who cares what Trump says? Who cares what his weak little cult believes? Just lock the loony in prison and let's be done with him.

  8. If Trump has done NOTHING wrong, then why are there over 100 indictments against him, many being criminal indictments.

  9. What presidential immunity? Was he (trump) the first president to ever lead America? What does he need immunity for? Will an innocent man want immunity, maga?

  10. What you mean is, regarding the gas emissions Ben, is that he's performing as is his name! To trump in English English, is to fart! 🤣🤣🤣

  11. Wow…we just watched a thermal nuclear mind melt down….
    and doing it all with a diaper full of sh*t.

  12. Why isn't Biden in his whole family in jail why isn't anybody Prosecuting them corruption much Trump 2024

  13. Trump: "Judge has conflict, worse I've ever seen"
    Meaning: "Someone finally found a way to control me and I hate it
    Truth: "When I come out to speak, I want to be free to gaslight and brainwash my supporters"

  14. For the 32 articles that take his side, there are probably 5x that many that say he should be on trial

  15. Imagine going to the trial of the century and watching fights break out over who gets to go to the overflow room and who has to smell the trial in person.

  16. Did you guys hear Joe Biden’s uncle Bozi was eaten by cannibals ? No joke it really happened.

  17. Well, there's a bit of good news with regard to the House advancing the Ukraine bill by a sizeable bipartisan vote. Didn't Trump tell them to wait? Donnie's going to be upset.
    I also saw a reminder of the breakdown of parties (approx), Independents lead with 41%, Dems about 32%, & Republicans around 28%. The Republican Party's getting smaller. Lastly, Trump has always been pathetic, but lately, he looks & sounds even more pathetic….. & hearing Charlie Kirk sound the alarm a couple of days about the T campaign being in big trouble… is…music…to… my ears! But Im keeping my fingers crossed….

  18. A bit of slack organisation by the MR Trump legal team. They should have acquired some nasal filters. Could he be advised he may be committing a public nuisance. Smeared Diaper Alert!!!! ☣

  19. For someone who’s not allowed to speak, he’s doing a lot of talking. Is Trump even capable of telling the truth?

  20. IQ45 looked very happy there he stood with his little picture book that he thought praised him 😂

  21. Every other president that we've ever had for the past ~250 years or so has functioned just fine with the restrictions in place that we are holding Trump accountable for now, and somehow we've managed to survive just fine. He's so f**kin' stupid that it's embarrassing. Everyone that ever supported this man, however briefly, should be utterly embarrassed and ashamed of themselves.

  22. I was driving on the highway I had to pulled on over onto the shoulder had a good 😂😂😂😂when i was listening to Stinky Sleepy Don court room farting story!!!

  23. Stinky Trumpy! It's great to hear that his lawyers have to sit next to him and take the aroma in.

  24. The fact he gets to do a nonsense monologue without paying for the time is arguably a campaign contribution Trump should be reporting. Not one but of pushback from any journalists in the crowd.

  25. Trump's slapping at the water. Good.. As for the gag order, perfect term, cause we're all gagging every time he opens his mouth!

  26. Judge Merchon should take his laptop away from him to shut him up during the court proceedings and give it back to him at the end of each day. Trump also should be escorted straight into court each day and escorted straight out of court each day and have no access to the press to shut him up there as well. As for his ridiculous posts about presidential immunity, he has none, period!

  27. Hahahaha!!!🤣🤣🤣 not MTN nor any judge can put Trump in prison!!! Trump 2024!!🤣🤣🤣🤣Above the law!!!

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